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In this image I see a concert, it’s obvious, there’s a bunch of people

screaming, dancing, some others have their hands up or have neon bracelets.
There’s even a girl up in the shoulders of a guy, just in the center.
The concert must be pop, rock, or electronic, because the people is very
excited, wich you don’t see often in a philarnonic or an opera.Also, the public
is mainly young folks.
It’s a mix concert, I can see boys and girls. The first thing that comes in the
eyes is the girl, I can tell that she is pretty, or at least I think so, and she is
having fun. She’s wearing a blue tank top and shorts, in the right arm, she
haves one of those neon bracelets that you always get in concerts.
We can see buffy guy with glasses, a very good looking young guy, skinny
girls, crazy girls, shy-looking boys and girls, and more variety wich leads me to
thinks that the concert in the pic is very diverse.
The background of the pic is kinda blurry, but you can tell that even beyond
the reaches of it there’s still a lot of people.
I can´t see a lot of cameras or Ipads, wich is weird considering the time we
are living, but it must be between 2013-2016, because of the selfie stick in
the right corner of the photo.
I think that the photo belongs to the category “leisure and work”, because a
concert is often a way to have fun.
If we look for deeper meanings, we can say that the picture expresses the big
difference between the entertaiment now and before. The way we throw
ourselves in big crowds, full of strangers, exposed to human fluids, robbery,
and abuses just to see a band or an artist stills seems bizarre to me. The
explosions of color and no limits fun, it’s a very accurate way to representate
to youth of the XXI century.

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