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Blog #2 :

Today, June 25, 2019, the second day of my internship!! I was supposed to start at 7:30
am but I decided that I wanted to try to get to Maui Waena on my own without the GPS
but… that didn’t work out. I ended up getting lost and somehow made my way all the
way over by the trampoline park. So then I decided to turn on and use my GPS, and I
found my way to the school. Once I got to Maui Waena I went and checked in at the front
office, then made my way to Mrs. Austin’s portable. When I got to the portable, both Mrs.
Austin and Ms. Directo updated me on everything we were going to be doing today,
which was finish their summaries, finish “who am I?” Poem, do an activity with the poem,
and watch a video. Most of the students had already finished their summaries so we got
straight into the poems.

Some Things I learned/observed today:

- You may get some students who may be faster or slower than others, if so get
another activity going or have them finish it up at home
- When I told Mrs. Austin that if I were to be a teacher I would want to teach
Science and she found that to be really interesting and she told me that she liked
my answer. She said that when she asks her students that question, majority of
them respond with wanting to teach History, she assumes it’s because it seems
so easy.
- One student didn’t want to do the work so Mrs. Austin gave him the option to
make a comic, which is good because he can still practice writing and creating
the structures of sentences.
- They used when writing their poems
- I found out that we in fact are still teaching/working with students whose first
language isn’t English.

Mrs. Austin had also given me another homework assignment for me to complete by the
end of the week. The assignment is the answer the question of, “why do we go to

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