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1) Double-click on the DVDlogo.rar file
- it will be opened in Winrar
2) Select the <DVDlogo> folder in Winrar
3) Click on [Extract To] icon
4) Select C: drive and click [OK]

Same way:
extract 8202R.rar file to C: drive
Extract Desktop.rar file to Desktop.
Extract Gccl2.rar file to D: drive

1) Make a bmp file sized 352x288 pixels
2) Copy the bmp file to <DVDLogo> folder
3) Select [Start] menu and select [Run]
4) Type CMD and press Enter
- the Command Prompt window is opened.
5) You may use the following commands in DOS prompt:

cd\dvdlogo <Enter>
makempg logo.bmp 10 <Enter>
dvd <Enter>
exit <Enter>

makempg = command for converting bmp file to mpg format.
logo.bmp = replace the logo.bmp with actual name of bmp file
10 = Compression size can be used between 0 - 31 to
adjust size of dvd.mpg
Keep the dvd.mpg size below 18000 bytes for 8200/8202d boards
dvd = command for converting dvd.mpg to logo.c
exit = command for closing command prompt

Open <8202R_Setup> folder in Desktop for all operations

Edit Panel Keys

1) Write PanelcodeMaster in a CD and upgrade the DVD
2) Collect Panel butten codes
3) Open "Panel" file in Wordpad and edit panel COMMANDS
4) Save and close the file

Select Panel Display

1) Open "Setting" file in Wordpad
2) Goto panel list and select any particular panel
3) Save and close the file

Update Logo
1) Run Updatelogo.exe to update the logo
- the logo.c file will be copied to the target folder

Run Compiler
1) Run Compile.exe to run compiler.
- If there is no error the file will be successfully compiled.
otherwise failed message will be displayed

Update DVDROM file

1) Run UpdateDVDROM.exe update the DVDROM.BIN file to the current folder

Update DVD
1) Write the DVDROM.BIN file to a CD and update your DVD.
2) Eject the CD as soon as the updation is completed.

Please contact us for any help you need.


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