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Full Circle

The Author: Sue Grafton

 American Writer and Novelist

 Born April 14, 1940
Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.
 Died December 28, 2017 (Aged 77)

Writing Career

 Period 1964 – 2017 ( First Published Novel : 1967 )

 Genre – Mystery

Notable works

 Kinsey Millhone Alphabet Series

 Caroline – A girl who died
 Kinsey – Detective who tries to figure out who was responsible for the crime
 Terry – Murder
 Dolan – Lieutenant

A private investigator witnesses a horrific car accident in which a girl was killed. Later,
however, she discovers that the killing was not an accident but a murder. The woman
was shot through her window before the crash occurred. Being a witness, the
investigator almost felt an obligation to solve the crime after being asked to look into
the murder by the girl's mother. After much investigation and research the investigator
figured out that the murderer was the ex-boyfriend of the victim who did not want to
break up in the first place. He was angry. The investigator ended up in a high speed
pursuit with this man and the irony was that he crashed and died in the same place
where he had murdered his ex-girlfriend.

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