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Audio - Quran mp3 audio

Image - Quran arabic image in gif format
Translate - primary Quran translation text (English - Abdullah Yusuf Ali)
Translate2 - secondary Quran translation text (Bahasa Malaysia)
Script - script files for Quran Reciter

Al-Quran - ebook Quran (Terjemahan Indonesia)

Pdf - supplementary Easy Dictionary of the Quran
SurahIntro - supplementary Surah Introduction by Syed Abul A'la Maududi
Islamasoft - freeware The Noble Qur'an Ver 2.0 & The Hadith Software Ver 1.0 by
Islamasoft Solutions

Shorcuts - files used by CopyToHardDisk.bat


QReciter.exe - Quran Reciter program

QReciter.lst - script files listing used by QReciter.exe
QReadme.chm - Quran Reciter readme (chm format)
QReadme.txt - Quran Reciter readme (txt format)

QDictionary.htm - front-end for supplementary Easy Dictionary of the Quran

SurahIntro.htm - front-end for supplementary Surah Introduction
SurahList.txt - list of surah names in the Quran as supplementary

Autorun.inf - CD autorun file

CopyToHardDisk.bat - batch file for copying QReciter files to harddisk
MsgBox.exe - used by CopyToHardDisk.bat

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