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My friend Nancy

I have a friend with a beautiful name Nancy. She is a short person

but really cute , brown-eyed and black-browed. She has glowing
face with barely visible freckles. She has big brown eyes are like
bright stars on a clear night sky and a pair of lovely glasses and
long fluffy eyelashes. She always grins with her amazing smile.
When she laughs, her little nose wrinkles so funnily. She is very
tidy. Her dresses are always ironed and she has a really good
dressing sense. Nancy is a sincere friend. Between us, there are
never secrets. Together we read books, go for fishing, prepare for
exams, and go for road trips. Whenever I was sick, she always
comes to me after classes, talks about college and about her
adventures. But the most interesting thing is that she cooks
delicious dishes for me. I can sit all day listening to her never-
ending talks. I want to listen to her every day, listen without end.
Nancy loves to work and she is a very active person. She always
helps me out when there is no one to help me. I love my friend
for her sensitivity, kindness and spiritual purity.

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