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Japanese Myth :

Creation :
At the beginning the universe was immersed in a beaten and shapeless kind of matter
(chaos), sunk in silence. Later there were sounds indicating the movement of particles.
With this movement, the light and the lightest particles rose but the particles were not as
fast as the light and could not go higher. Thus, the light was at the top of the Universe,
and below it, the particles formed first the clouds and then Heaven, which was to be called
Takamagahara(高天原?, "High Plain of Heaven"). The rest of the particles that had not
risen formed a huge mass, dense and dark, to be called Earth.
When Takamagahara was formed, the first three gods of Japanese mythology appeared:
Amenominakanushi (天之御中主神?) – Central master
Taka-mi-musuhi-no-kami (高御産巣日神?) – High creator and
Kami-musuhi-no-kami ( 神産巣日神?) – Divine creator.
Subsequently two gods emerged in Takamagahara from an object similar to a reed-shoot:
Umashi-ashi-kabi-hikoji-no-kami (宇摩志阿斯訶備比古遅神?) – Energy and
Ame-no-toko-tachi-no-kami ( 天之常立神?) - Heaven
These five deities are known as Kotoamatsukami (Distinguished heavenly gods) appeared
spontaneously, did not have a definite sex, did not have a partner (hitorigami) and went
into hiding after their emergence. These gods are not mentioned in the rest of the

After the formation of the Heaven and the Earth, the Kamiyonanayo (神世七代?, lit.
"Seven Generations of the Age of the Gods) emerged. The first two generations were
hitorigami while the five that followed came into being as male-female pairs of kami: male
deities and sisters that were at the same time married couples. In total the Kamiyonanayo
consist of 12 deities in this chronicle. They are :
U-hiji-ni and Su-hiji-ni
Tsunu-guhi and Iku-guhi
O-to-no-ji and O-to-no-be
Omo-daru and Aya-kashiko-ne
Izanagi and Izanami
The last generation formed by Izanagi and Izanami were the couple that would be
responsible for the creation of the Japanese Archipelagi(Kuniumi) and would engender
other deities (Kamiumi).

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