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Writers Journal #9

My first source for this project is going to be the easiest one for me so that i can get that one
out of the way beginning with the source that I will be able to reach without the most difficulty,
my father who works in construction. He works on a daily basis managing building that are
being built and constantly managed all over and I feel that as of right now he has the ability to
be the devil's advocate because without this construction there wouldn't be as mayb jobs. My
first sources purpose is simply to continue providing for a family and doing the job he was given
to the best of his ability. He is constantly working which shows the amount of dedication that it
takes to have a job like this one and that it doesn't come easy. I feel at the moment this source
may be a good way for me to find somebody maybe higher up in a company that is affecting my
town and see what it looks like from the inside or maybe get another perspective helping me
see different angles from which to tackle this problem.

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