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The Advertising Media: Broadcasting

Radio Advertising

With the presence of competition within the industry, Radio Advertising rate increases have
been the lowest among the media.

Radio – is a significant medium for advertisers appealing to the mass market and housewives.

Lack of a visual element makes radio unacceptable for some advertisers and less than ideal for
others, over the years advertisers have developed creative techniques to compensate for this missing
visual appeal.

Signal – refers to the electrical impulses by a radio station.

Radio Waves – called when all signals are transmitted by electromagnetic waves.

Frequency – the number of waves that pass a given point in a given period of time.

Amplitude – Height of all electromagnetic waves

Amplitude Modulation (AM) – principle has variations in sound wave, while frequency remains constant.

Frequency Modulation (FM) – principle sound waves varies with a corresponding variations in its

The Negotiated Cost of time depends on classifications such as;

1. Drive time Rate – is an advertisement delivered at the discretion of the announcer

2. Run-of-station (ROS) rate

2. Special Features – are delivered just in time with a traffic update, news report, or time report

Radio advertisements may be delivered;

a. LIVE commercial – is delivered in person by the station announcer, disc jockey, newscaster, or station

Most radio stations accept these maximum word lengths for live commercial scripts;

10seconds=25 words 20seconds=45 words 30seconds=65words 60seconds=125 words

b. Pre-recorded commercial – are those produced by an agency, which had gone through talent
selection, musical scoring, sound track and voices recording, with a master tape for reproduction and
distribution to radio programs

Elements in recording radio advertisement

a. words b. sound - 3 basic sources (manual sounds, recorded and electronic)

Practical Steps in producing radio advertisements

1. The advertiser selects a producer or agency

2. The producer or agency prepares bill of materials or cost estimates

3. The producer or agency selects a recording studio

4. The producer or agency selects talents

5. The producer or agency selects a musical director and background music

6. A rehearsal is scheduled

7. The studio records music and sound separately

8. The studio combines musical scoring and sound track with voices

9. The producer or agency prepares several copies taken from master tape for distribution to radio
stations or programs

10. The advertisement is now ready on the air!

Common Techniques in Radio Advertisement Production

1. Straight-announcer technique 2. Two-announcer technique 3. Announcer-actor technique

4. Slice-of-life technique 5. Jingle-announcer technique 6. Customer interview technique

Qualities that make Radio Advertisement more Effective

1. Simplicity 2. Coherence 3. Rapport 4. Believability

5. Interest 6. Distinctiveness 7. Compulsion

Television Advertising

- The most expensive

- In the past, most agencies maintain in-house production facilities. Now, they would rather sub-
contract some of the services to cut on costs.
Script Development
Storyboard – called for script for television and advertisement
2 Parts
1. Audio - includes the spoken words, the sound effects, and music
2. Video – includes camera action and scenes
Visual Techniques for Television Commercial
1. Spokesperson 2. Testimonial 3. Demonstration 4. Close-ups 5. Story-line
6. Slice-of-life 7. Customer Interview 8. Vignettes and Situations 9. Animation
10. Stop motion 11. Rotoscope
Elements of Production
1. Pre-production phase – work prior to the actual day of filming
2. Production – actual shooting of the advertisement which can be very long and tedious
3. Post production - where the commercial is actually put together
Buying Television Time
- The advertisers determine;
a. available programs and rates b. evaluate programs ratings c. negotiate for the price
d. determine reach and frequency e. sign the contracts
f. review the affidavits of performance to be sure the commercials ran as agreed
*Assistance for the buying services can be given by advertising agencies or media-buying agencies, who
can negotiate for desirable time slots at reduced rates.
*Availability of programs can be determined by media buyers thru the sales representative for the
stations they are considering for placement of the advertisement
Avails – include all the data requested based on the latest ratings.
- called for list of data provided by media buyer to sales representative about;
a. advertiser’s media objectives b. target audience
c. request for the list of available time slots along with the prices and program ratings
*In determining which programs to place the advertisement, the media buyer must select the most
efficient ones in terms of target audience through computation of CPP and CPT.
(CPP) Cost per Rating Point = Cost (CPT) Cost per Thousand= Cost
Rating Thousands

Supposing the TV program has a rating of 5, reaches 400,000 people in the audiences, and costs
Php30,000 for a 30-second spot on Channel 2.
Then: Cost per Rating Point = Php 30,000 = Php 6,000
Cost per Thousand = Php 30,000 = Php 75.00

* The buyer may negotiate lower rates by working out a package deal, may take advantage of;

a. pre-emptive rates b. run-of-schedule positioning

Affidavit of performance – an evidence that the commercials were aired as paid for.

*Media planners define television station’s audience, and efficiency in various ways.

TV households (TVHH) – the number of households that own television sets

Households using television (HUTV) – the percentage of homes in a given area that have one or more TV
sets turned on at any particular time

Program Rating – the percentage of TV household in an area turned on to a specific program or the
share of audience

*Such that, if there are 1,000 households with television and 500 are turned on,

HUTV = (500/1,000) = 50%

*From the 500, 80 are turned on to Channel X

Program Rating = (80/500) = 16%

Fundamentals of Advertising by Ruby F. Alminar-Mutya, DBA 2017

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