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Venancio Tucurú, was a modest mason who makes fudge inside the General
Cemetery of Guatemala City. The wife controlled him because otherwise he
arrived well drunk and without money to the house. He had almost never
achieved a good job, that is, seriously and where he earned a little more, but
happily that day he arrived, Don Leandro Jiménez, hired him to maintain the
family mausoleum. This was a practically abandoned tomb on the banks of the
ravine of the western sector of the general cemetery of Guatemala City.
That tomb was far from the passage of people who reach the necropolis. It was
a mausoleum with its niches full, very vaguely some lyre and musical scales
were seen as an ornament. The tombstones were already damaged, some had
The works were almost finished Venancio, when he fell at noon and after
lunch, he fell asleep under a bush that led to the front of the mausoleum.
Suddenly Venancio, heard in the distance, the sound of a violin that with his
notes made the moment more solemn, Venancio stood listening to that
sublime sound, which came from inside the mausoleum he repaired. Well for
a moment he thought it was a distant radius and that the wind had brought
those notes. The next day the matter was more noticeable, Venancio worked
on the arrangement of the vases when he clearly heard the notes of a piano
that emerged from the inside of the mausoleum, just from the little chapel.
This mausoleum had a vault, which was lowered by an iron staircase, had the
courage to go down some steps and at that moment everything was silent .....
deep silence, when he left, he felt a little afraid to hear the piano notes again.
For a moment, Venancio thought he was going crazy listening to more of the
account but the sounds were a reality.
Talking to another of the masons, he asked if he, Venancio had a radio, because
he had heard music and the sound was real, of course. Venancio corroborated,
indeed that of music had been heard in several meters around. But the young
mason knew that the music emanated from the mausoleum. The days passed
and from time to time the music was heard, Venancio did not even take it into
account, he got used to the musical phenomenon, for him the need to earn
money with his honest work was more important than a horror.
Giving the last touches was, only two new tombstones were left to place, when
someone touched his back, Venancio jumped in fright, but the person who
interrupted him apologized for the scare, was a middle-aged man who said he
was called Carlos Jiménez, brother of Don Leandro, he had requested the
remodeling of the mausoleum. They chatted for a long time and at the edge of
the two he left him. Half an hour later Don Leandro arrived with the
tombstones and in one clearly said Carlos Jiménez, Venancio asked about the
person and Don Leandro answered that he had been his deceased brother and
he was good for the piano and the violin ...

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