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The Active Lifestyle

Nowadays active lifestyle is very popular nowadays. By active lifestyle we

usually mean sport, healthy nutrition and refuse of bad habits. It is necessary for
those people who want to loose weight or to be healthy, young, and strong, to cope
better with stress. The formula for healthy life cannot be put into words- it can only
be practiced. Some people try to follow different diets. In my opinion, it is better to
follow the rules of healthy nourishment, then to follow fanatically a diet for certain
period of time and then again eat junk food. The principle of healthy nourishment
means more fiber, proteins, different vitamins and less fat and carbohydrates.
Some people hope that there are some wonder pills, which can help in loosing
weight without any physical exercises or changing the stile of nourishment. But
doctors always warn about the unpredictable effects of such pills.
Doctors always call upon to give up smoking, to drink less alcohol, to go to bed
in one and the same time, not to eat late at night, not to overeat, to spend more time
in the fresh air, to do more physical exercises. All these rules are known since the
ancient times and still they haven’t lost their actuality.
Physical activity is one of the basic rules of the healthy lifestyle. It helps to
keep fit, to harden the body, to be good-looking. But it is not necessary to go to
extravagant fitness or lawn tennis clubs; there is a variety of opportunities to be
healthy. For example the well known morning exercises, figure skating or hockey
in winter, jogging in summer, hitch hiking, bicycle or skating are affordable for
everyone and everybody can choose according to his or her taste.

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