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ES6 Cheatsheet

Arrow function Default parameters

const sum = (a, b) => a + b function print(a = 5) {
console.log(sum(2, 6)) // prints 8 }

print() // prints 5
print(22) // prints 22

let scope const

let a = 3 // can be assigned only once:
const a = 55
if (true) {
let a = 5 a = 44 // throws an error
console.log(a) // prints 5

console.log(a) // prints 3

Multiline string Template strings

console.log(` const name = 'Leon'
This is a const message = `Hello ${name}`
multiline string
`) console.log(message) // prints "Hello Leon"

String includes() String startsWith()

console.log('apple'.includes('pl')) // prints true console.log('apple'.startsWith('ap')) // prints true
console.log('apple'.includes('tt')) // prints false console.log('apple'.startsWith('bb')) // prints

String repeat() Destructuring array

console.log('ab'.repeat(3)) // prints "ababab" let [a, b] = [3, 7];

console.log(a); // 3
console.log(b); // 7
Destructuring object object property assignement
let obj = { const a = 2
a: 55, const b = 5
b: 44
}; const obj = { a, b }

let { a, b } = obj; // Before es6:

// obj = { a: a, b: b }
console.log(a); // 55
console.log(b); // 44 console.log(obj) // prints { a: 2, b: 5 }

object function assignement spread operator

const obj = { const a = [ 1, 2 ]
a: 5, const b = [ 3, 4 ]
b() {
console.log('b') const c = [ ...a, ...b ]
} console.log(c) // [1, 2, 3, 4]

obj.b() // prints "b"

Object.assign() Object.entries()
const obj1 = { a: 1 } const obj = {
const obj2 = { b: 2 } firstName: 'Vipul',
lastName: 'Rawat',
const obj3 = Object.assign({}, obj1, obj2) age: 22,
country: 'India',
console.log(obj3) // { a: 1, b: 2 } };

const entries = Object.entries(obj);

/* returns an array of [key, value]
pairs of the object passed

/* prints
['firstName', 'Vipul'],
['lastName', 'Rawat'],
['age', 22],
['country', 'India']
spread operator Destructuring Nested Objects
const a = { const Person = {
firstName: "Barry", name: "John Snow",
lastName: "Manilow", age: 29,
} sex: "male",
materialStatus: "single",
const b = { address: {
...a, country: "Westeros",
lastName: "White", state: "The Crownlands",
canSing: true, city: "Kings Landing",
} pinCode: "500014",
console.log(a) // {firstName: "Barry", lastName: };
const { address : { state, pinCode }, name } =
console.log(b) // {firstName: "Barry", lastName: Person;
"White", canSing: true}
console.log(name, state, pinCode) // John Snow
// great for modifying objects without side The Crownlands 500014
effects/affecting the original console.log(city) // ReferenceError

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