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The Latin words _ _ _ for "with", and _ _ _ _ _ for "bread"

resulted in which popular English word?

2. i) He has launched a university at Elk Grove Village, Illinois

ii) President Nixon once met him and asked "What is it now, eight
or nine billion?" To which he replied, "Mr. President, it is 12
iii) When his company’s market value surpassed U.S.Steel’s,
Senator Lloyd Bentsen complained ‘Something is wrong with our
economy when the stock market is long on _____ and short on
iv) At the age of 72, he acquired the San Diego Padres baseball
3. ‘Made in America’ is Sam Walton’s book about the Wal-Mart
Company. About which company is the book ‘Well Made in
4. . Common to: Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, Boss’s Day, Secretary’s
Day, Turkey during Christmas, Happy Birthday to you’?
5. In the Pharmaceutical industry, what is ‘pharming’?
6. Absolute sitter. Which company once ran an ad campaign with the
tagline “you don’t win silver you lose gold”?
7. Which company’s tagline is "Engineered to move the human
8. Bayer used to sell morphine under a brand name that became
eponymous. Name the brand.
9. Which company controversially used the tagline “we are going
rabbit hunting”? : P
10. Which celebrity very unusually for her profession, designs
jewelry for artex?
11. In a new marketing craze started by swaroop industries, the
purchase of what was widely accepted as a sure way of profitable
returns in lieu of the stock market or mutual funds…explain.
(Clue: the fad began after violent protests in Maharashtra over
Hindu sentiments)
12. On June the 12th 1995 an email sent by Massachusetts’s
programmer, David eddy resulted in a global obsession years
later. He said later that economists were calling it CDC and
faddie but this just popped out of his head. What are we talking
13. Another absolute sitter how do we now know” limited unlimited”
and “corporate incorporated”?
14. It was the first time a batsman was using this bat in cricket and
the subject came under close scrutiny from archrivals England. It
was in fact used twice the 2nd and more controversial in the Perth
test in December 1979.he later said he was merely marketing a
product for his business partner Graham Morgan in his
autobiography- menace. Who and what context?
15. This mans political involvement came with its share of
controversy. Notably in 1975 when he spent 6 days giving lectures
in public policy in Chile and even met right wing dictator Augusto
Pinochet. There were storms of protest when he was given the
Nobel Prize the following year. Public objections came even from
previous winners like linus Pauling and David Baltimore. Who?
16. The title of which bestseller reads” a rouge economist explores
the hidden side of everything”
17. University of Florida research team was developing a drink to
rapidly replace fluids and help prevent dehydration. The beverage
they created was tested on the Florida alligator’s football team
and thus the world saw the birth of ______.
18. This company was called Lutsuko and later changed its name to
something that literally means 'to lose money'. Which one?
19. Harald Blatands profound relish for a certain kind of berry and
his policy of dividing his kingdom resulted in the renaming of
which path breaking innovation by Eriksson?
20. What according to Forbes is India’s most visible biggest and well-

known brand? (Hint: not a brand in the true sense of the word.)

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