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Know About Role Of Grid View In Responsive

Web Design

A Responsive Web Design is also referred to as RWD. It is a responsive web
design method that involves making web pages, which can render very well on
any device and any screen or window size.

What Is Responsive Web Design (RWD)?

 It is a web design method that involves making web pages that can render
on any device and any screen size very well.
 As an extension to RWD, it also involves the viewer proximity, the part of
the viewing context.
 RWD does this only by using HTML and CSS.

What Is A Role Of Grid-View In Responsive Web Design?

 Grid-view is nothing but dividing the web pages into the columns.
 Implementing grid-view in web pages is very helpful, as it becomes easier
to place the elements on a webpage.
 A grid-view in responsive web design has 12 columns.
 It has a total width of 100% and it will contract and enlarge as and when
the browser window is resized.

Building A Responsive Web Design With A Grid-View

 Make sure that the box-sizing property is set to border-box.
 Padding and border need to be included in the overall width and height
of the elements.
 Add the given code in your CSS:
* { box-sizing: border-box;}
Example Of Responsive Web Design
 .menu {
width: 35%;
float: left;
.main {
width: 65%;
float: left;
 If we want the grid view to be divided into 6 columns, then we must
calculate the percentage for one column: 100% / 6 columns= 16.66%.

Intelecorp Software Pvt Ltd.

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economical price at Intelecorp with 24/7 customer services..

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