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END­TIME MESSAGES FROM JESUS – Sabbath Morning Evangelism   Volume 6

1 End – Time Messages From Jesus

2 Your Appointment With God

3 Some decades ago, a bank in a small town in eastern Colorado was 
robbed at gunpoint by four desperadoes. There was gunfire. A teller
was killed and the bank manager was taken hostage in a gray car 
driven by the criminals.

4 People saw the car speed out of town on the only highway that ran
through it. It was only a few miles to the Kansas state line, and
once across that line the gang thought they would be safe. They
were wrong—as they found out via radio and the newspapers. The
FBI had taken the case precisely because the state line had been
Hours later the gray sedan was found. In it was the body of the
murdered bank manager who had been taken from the bank as a

5 The robbers were sure this was to be a “perfect” crime. When

investigators came, they hunted for fingerprints. They had been
carefully wiped off the car. All but one thumb print.
It is almost impossible to find the record of a person with only one
digit print to go by. But the thumb print was printed on a file card
and put among hundreds of thousands on file in the offices of the
FBI. That was not all. Regularly the men of the Bureau were
shown, on a screen, the enlarged fingerprints of America’s most
wanted criminals. For over a year this lone thumb print was shown

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END­TIME MESSAGES FROM JESUS – Sabbath Morning Evangelism   Volume 6
and the men were told, “Look carefully at this print. Some day you
may see its duplicate. Memorize it until you can’t forget it.”

6 Some months later one of the government agents was searching the
file cards for a particular set of fingerprints on another case. As he
flipped the cards, he momentarily paused, noticing something about
a particular set of prints that seemed familiar, though it was not the
one he was looking for. Puzzled, he thought for a moment and then
suddenly cried out “I’ve got him!” It was the duplicate of the one
found on the car door in Kansas. Quickly he located the lone thumb
print and compared the two. There was no mistake. They were
identical, and now he knew the name and criminal record of the
owner of the print. Quickly the Bureau traced the man in question
and located the three accomplices. Before they knew anything had
happened, all four were in custody. Their “perfect crime” had
turned sour.
No, the FBI does not always get their man.

7 Sometimes they don’t have all the evidence they need. But God has
a system of records that is absolutely complete. Your record and
mine are included. Nothing is hidden, and you and I will eventually
face that record. The Bible tells us about the final confrontation.

8 “Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of
Eden to tend and keep it…”

9 “…And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every
tree of the garden you may freely eat; but…”

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10 “…of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not
eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
Genesis 2:15-17

11 It was a simple thing that God asked. No one could need anything 
that was not given to Adam and Eve. The climate was perfect, the 
garden was beautiful and all the food they needed to keep them 
alive and in perfect health forever was there.
But God wanted to be sure the happy pair loved Him enough to be 
obedient. They didn’t.

12 “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that 
it was pleasant to the eyes,…” 

13 “…and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit 
and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.” 
Genesis 3:6

14 While we really cannot understand the entrance of sin into the 
universe, nor into the world, we all suffer its consequences. But it is
not likely that we can fully realize how Adam and Eve felt or what 
they thought Death entered immediately. Animals that had lived in 
harmony up to this point began to prey upon each other. Even the 
harmless, gentle lambs were involved, for one of the first deaths 
recorded is that of the animals whose skins were used to clothe the 
unhappy pair. There even came a day when the once perfectly 
happy couple quarreled. 

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15 Adam and Eve had children and the first murder on the earth was 
that of Abel by his brother Cain. 

16 “And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought

an offering of the fruit of the ground to the Lord…”

17 “…Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their 
fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering,…”

18 “…but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was
very angry, and his countenance fell…”

19 “…So the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why
has your countenance fallen? … Now Cain talked with…”

20 Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in

the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed
him.” Genesis 4:3-6, 8

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21 Sacrifices, as an act of faith in the promised coming and sacrifice of
Jesus, were initiated at the very beginning. But when Israel left
Egypt and became a nation, God directed the construction of the
tabernacle and the institution of the sacrificial system connected
with it.

22 Blood a type of sin: The blood of the sin offerings was carried into
the sanctuary by the priests. This represented the transfer of sin
from the sinner to the substitute to the sanctuary. What finally
became of his sins?
The day of atonement - a type of the judgment and final end of sin:
There was a provision for making a final end of sin and this was
demonstrated in the annual cycle of services.

23 “And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Also the tenth day of
this seventh month shall be the Day of Atonement…”

24 “It shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall afflict your
souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the Lord…”

25 “…And you shall do no work on that same day, for it is the Day
of Atonement, to make atonement for you…”

26 “…before the Lord your God. For any person who is not
afflicted in soul on that same day shall be cut off from his
Leviticus 23:26-29

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27 At this point we should review the purpose of the sanctuary service.
During the centuries before Christ came to the earth this was God’s
way of teaching His people about the whole plan of redemption.
The plan of redemption went into operation in the beginning with
the fall of man in the garden of Eden. It was to come to its
conclusion and consummation in God’s good time when God
would be satisfied that this world, the angels, and the whole
universe would at last be convinced that God’s plan of
righteousness and obedience was best and that Satan’s program of
sin and disobedience brought tragedy and death.
To complete the story of the plan of redemption, as typified by the
sanctuary services, the day of atonement came at the end of the
yearly cycle. Its importance cannot be exaggerated. Let us read the
account of what was included in its observance.

28 “Now the Lord spoke to Moses after the death of

the two sons of Aaron,
when they offered profane fire before the Lord, …”

29 “…and died; and the Lord said to Moses: “Tell Aaron your 
brother not to come at just any time into the Holy Place inside 
the veil, …”

30 “…before the mercy seat which is on the ark, lest he die; for I 
will appear in the cloud above the mercy seat.” Leviticus 16:1, 2

31 Notice that God is speaking here of the holy of holies, within the
veil. Only the high priest could ever enter this room, only once a
year, and after special purification and sacrificial ceremonies for

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32 After these observances were complete, the high priest carried out
another extremely important ceremony. The “Lord’s goat”:

33 “And he shall take from the congregation of the children of

Israel two kids of the goats as a sin offering, and one…”

34 “…ram as a burnt offering. He shall take the two goats and 
present them before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle…”

35 “…of meeting. Then Aaron shall cast lots for the two goats: one
lot for the Lord and the other lot for the scapegoat.” 
Leviticus 16:5, 7, 8

36 Let us look at a simple explanation of what had to be done. One 
goat was “for the Lord.” In other words, this goat was to represent 
Jesus Christ in type. 
The other was “for the scapegoat.” It represented Satan.
Now notice carefully what was done to these goats by Aaron, the
high pries.

37 “And Aaron shall bring the goat on which the Lord’s lot fell, 
and offer it as a sin offering.” Leviticus 16: 9. He died for our 

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38 “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one,
to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us
all.” Isaiah 53:6

39 The whole of this chapter deals with the suffering and death of
Jesus for us so that we can be saved from the ultimate penalty of
our sins.
The “Lord’s goat” spoken of in Leviticus 16, was killed as a type of
Christ’s death for us. All among the Israelites who had confessed
their sins before the day of atonement were now free of them. The
days before the day of atonement were days of solemn heart
searching among God’s people. And when the day was past there
was a time of great rejoicing for they knew that their sins were

40 We need to remember this. In the final judgment of all mankind

only two possibilities face us. One is that our sins have been
forgiven and we are then to be made immortal. The other is that we
have refused to confess, our sins have therefore not been forgiven,
and the penalty we must pay is our own eternal death.

41 This sobering future is included in the services of the day of

atonement. Every Israelite saw this enactment every year of his life.
In preparation, if he was a sincere child of God, he made sure that
he had repented of every sin that he had committed. For that sin he
had offered the sacrifice which pointed forward to the future death
of Jesus. When the sacrifice was made he had only to wait until the
day of atonement when all his sins during the year were cleansed
from the sanctuary. Then he was free. Now he could rejoice. Every
Israelite did rejoice when that dreaded day was over, for he knew
that he had a new beginning with no guilt written against his name.

42 The goat, which was called the Lord’s goat, was killed and its

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blood was used to cleanse the sanctuary of all the sins of all the
people for the year that had just ended.

43 “Scapegoat”: The other goat was called “the scapegoat.”

44 “But the goat on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be
presented alive before the Lord,…”

45 to make atonement upon it, and to let it go as the scapegoat into

the wilderness.” Leviticus 16:10

46 This goat was a type of Satan. But, you may say, does Satan atone
for our sins? No! Christ pays the price so that we do not have to.
But did you ever stop to think that there are always two parts to
every sin? One part is performed by Satan when he tempts us. Eve
only ate of the fruit of the tree that was forbidden after Satan had
tempted her. In one sense at least, Satan is responsible for the sins
of both the righteous and the wicked. Now the scapegoat, as a type
of Satan, is driven away from the camp to die at the pleasure of the
wild animals waiting in the wilderness. And with the scapegoat,
unrepentant Jews were cut off from God’s people.
All who repent—typified by the Lord’s goat: God spoke very
definitely of this event in the yearly observances of the tabernacle.

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47 “And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Also the tenth day of
this seventh month shall be the Day
of Atonement…”

48 “…It shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall afflict your
souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the Lord…”

49 “…And you shall do no work on that same day, for it is the Day
of Atonement, to make atonement…”

50 “…for you before the Lord your God. For any person who is
not afflicted in soul on that same day shall be cut off from his
people.” Leviticus 23:26-29

51 All who choose not to repent are typified by the scapegoat: The 
scapegoat was a type of Satan. He was driven into the wilderness to
die. Likewise, the unrepentant among the Israelites were declared 
outcasts, no longer members of the people of God.

Eternal separation from God is the final punishment for sin: This is
really the final punishment for sin; the separation of sinners from
God and from His people, forever. In the plan of salvation, God
recognizes only two classes of people; those who repent and those
who refuse to repent. Those who repent have their sins covered by
the blood of Christ who makes full atonement for their sins. Those
who refuse this sacrifice must suffer the consequences of their sins
themselves by being forever separated from God.

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52 The services that took place in the sanctuary were really a playing
out of the plan of salvation from the beginning to the end. The
whole of the thousands of years of this earth’s history in relation to
the plan of salvation was compressed into one yearly cycle. It was
thus of tremendous significance.

53 An elderly man heard this truth for the first time, after he had lived
a moral life in many ways, but had never been able to give up the
use of tobacco. He had heard revival sermons more than once and
had realized that what he was doing to his health was a wrong that
brought hurt to God and also to himself and his loved ones.

54 But when he heard this truth about the final judgment he realized 
that if he was to be with the people of God he must rid himself of 
this besetting sin against his body, intended by God to be a temple 
of His Spirit. He made it plain to his family and to the minister 
whom he had heard preach that he was going to be ready for that 
final day.

55 His wife, who was a good woman and a Christian, did not believe
that he would do what he determined. He had tried several times
before and always failed, she said. But he had never really accepted
the blood of Christ as his sacrifice. Now he did, and because he did,
he broke off his tobacco habit completely.

56 Later he said that he wondered how he had ever been so foolish, for
he had been a slave to tobacco for over fifty years. There is No sin
that cannot be overcome in the strength of Jesus Christ, if we allow
Him to take control of us and get us ready for the day of judgment.

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58 Now, as you think of Christ’s love and sacrifice for you, and the
approaching judgment, will you accept Christ’s sacrifice and turn
your back on sin?

59 ® All Right Reserved.

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