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Decide whether each statement can be inferred (YES) or cannot be inferred(NO)

from the reading selection.

1. The title of the essay suggest that it is sighted people, not blind people, who
cannot “ see”.

2. The author feel he is greatly admired by people who meet him. N

Because people think he cannot see and also cannot talk. So, people assume that
someone who is admired must have a perfect physical. Conversely, someone who
has abilities should be admired.

3. The author feels that he can make his point more effectively with humor than
with a stern lecture.

4. The author often eats in restaurants with his wife, Kit. Y

I think yes, because there is an explanation in line 15.

5. The author was highly entertained by the conversation in the hospital between
the elderly lady and the orderly. N
Because there is misconception of all is the view, and he feels disillusioning.

6. The author got good grades at Harvard University Law School because he was
given special privileges reserved for blind students. N
He got good grades at Harvard University because his qualification and ability.

7. The April 10, 1976, Department of Labor regulations were enacted because the
author had complained publicly about the discrimination he experienced while
looking for a job. N
No, he did not do it. He feels lucky because Department of Labor issued
regulations the mandate equal- employers opportunities for the handicapped.

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