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For and against essay about downloading movies and music on the internet

Surfing the internet looking for movies and music that entertain us has become one of the most used
ways to spend time nowadays for most of the people, but is this method really worth it?

One major advantage of downloading music and films from online platforms is the fact that it is faster
than actually going to the cinema or buying music from the store. All you need is a device and a
connection to internet and you are all done. For instance, instead of planning going out to watch a
movie, which takes some time and resources, you can watch it the next minute you have thought about
it just by downloading it online. In addition to this, it is also a cheaper way to spend time because you do
not have to pay anything and most important, you do not have to leave your confortable house.

One the other hand, downloading music and movies from the internet has its disadvantages. Staying
inside and watching all day movies on the pc makes you a sedentary person. Going out to a concert or to
the movie theater is benefic for both your physical and mental health because you get to move and
socialize with people and maybe meet some new friends or the love of your life. Not to mention the fact
that paying for the music and movies can help this industry to develop itself and come up with new
products meant to delight people continuingly.

To sum up, downloading movies and music on the internet has more disadvantages than advantages.
These simple things are part of our lives and should be enjoyed at their full form and capacity, not
through some display.

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