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How to compile TurboCalc


With TC.EXE:

1. Run TC.EXE
2. In the Project pulldown menu specify the project name "TCALC.PRJ"
3. From the main menu select the Run option from the Run menu


Compile from DOS with the following command line:

TCC tcalc tcparser tcdisply tcinput tcommand tcutil

In both cases, compiling under a large data model (COMPACT, LARGE, or HUGE)
will give you much more memory for your spreadsheets.

The compiler may run out of file handles when compiling TurboCalc.
To allow the compiler to open as many files as possible, put the
statement "FILES = 20" in the file CONFIG.SYS in the root directory
of the disk that you start your computer with.

The TurboCalc parser


The state and goto information for the parser was created using the UNIX YACC
utility. The input to YACC was as follows:


e : e '+' t
| e '-' t
| t
t : t '*' f
| t '/' f
| f
f : x '^' f
| x
x : '-' u
| u
u : CELL ':' CELL
| o
o : CELL
| '(' e ')'
| FUNC '(' e ')'

Additional TurboCalc information


Formulas are entered as text. TurboCalc will determine if what you entered
is a legal formula or text.
Cell names in formulas are typed in with the column followed by the row.



To sum a group of cells, put a colon between the first cell and the last
cell in the group.


A1:A10 sums all of the cells from A1 to A10 and puts the result in the
current cell.

The available TurboCalc functions are:

ABS - absolute value

ACOS - arc cosine
ASIN - arc sine
ATAN - arc tangent
COS - cosine
COSH - hyperbolic cosine
EXP - exponential function
LOG - logarithm
LOG10 - base 10 logarithm
POW10 - raise argument to the 10th power
ROUND - round to the nearest whole number
SIN - sine
SINH - hyperbolic sine
SQR - square
SQRT - square root
TAN - tangent
TANH - hyperbolic tangent
TRUNC - return the whole part of a number



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