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Marketing Plan

Bluegrass Marble and Granite of Richmond

Qing Zheng, Hannah Paragon, Mason Denney, Madi Trimble

Eastern Kentucky University

April 9, 2019

Executive Summary

Bluegrass Marble & Granite is a fabricating company that offers services such as crack

repairs and products such as marble and granite slabs/designs for sinks. The company is valued

for its outdoor display of marble slabs; it is the only one of its kind in Madison County. In the

following paper, the company was studied through several analyses including the SWOT

analysis and the STP analysis.

Our mission in writing this paper is to understand the internal factors that contribute to

the company’s success and suggest ideas that could better advance the company in the long-run.

Another objective is to understand the external competition that may serve as a means to learn

from; bring external data analyses into the company and turn it into a strategy that will benefit

the company; the SWOT analysis is made use in this section. The STP analysis was used to

better understand the company from its marketing stance as it relates back to the target audience.

This client project involved several research methods: interviewing the client and getting

information online wherein the chunk of the information was found online. The first section

dives into the SWOT analysis of the company which is followed by an analysis of a competitor

of our choice. We then discussed the STP Analysis followed by recommendations that Bluegrass

Marble & Granite could implement using our implementation methods. The research is tied

together and related back to the company under the conclusion section. By using our methods,

the company could possibly be more efficient as we focus on low-cost recommendations. This

research could lead to further implications for the company in which it could improve its

marketing strategy, online presence, and public relations.


Table of Contents

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………4

SWOT Analysis: Bluegrass Marble & Granite of Richmond …….………………………...5

● Strengths ………………………………………………………………………………...5
● Weaknesses.……………………………………………………………………………...7
● Opportunities ….………………………………………………………………………...8
● Threats ……………………………………………………………………………...…...9

SWOT Analysis: Lowe’s ……………………………………………………………………...11

● Strengths ………………………………………………………………………………..11
● Weaknesses.……………………………………………………………………………..12
● Opportunities ….………………………………………………………………………..13
● Threats ……………………………………………………………………………….....14

STP Analysis: Bluegrass Marble & Granite of Richmond …….………………….……..... 16

● Segmentation …………………………………………………………………………...16
● Targeting ………………………………………………………………………..……....17
● Positioning ………………………………………………………………………..….…19

Recommendations ………………………………………………………....………………..…21

Implementation ………………………………………………………....……………………..23

Conclusion ………………………………………………………....……………...………...…27

References …………………………………………………………………………………...…28


Bluegrass Marble and Granite is a local fabrication shop located in Richmond, Kentucky.

They offer several different types of Granite, Marble, Quartz, and Dekton countertops. BMG is

also the only business that offers viewings of their full slabs of natural stone as well; which

allows them plenty of business in surrounding counties. With their business motto being,

“Always have your glass on a Rock, with Madison County’s ONLY Fabrication Shop,” this

implies the luxurious quality of their products while also reminding the potential customer that

they are indeed the only business of it’s kind in the area.

BMG is well known for the the quality of their service and always keeping the customers

convenience in mind, they strive to make the process as easy as possible for the customer. First, a

professional assists you in the showroom and aides you in choosing the perfect product for your

home, they offer free estimates and home visits to measure surfaces, they provide onsite removal

of old countertops, specially cut and polish your specific product, and lastly they will install and

clean up after to ensure a perfect project for your home.


SWOT Analysis: Bluegrass Marble and Granite of Richmond


1. Excellent Customer Service

Bluegrass Marble and Granite (BMG) prides themselves on their excellent customer

service. With their own design time, a family feel, and in-home estimates it is not difficult to see

how excellent customer service is a strength of this business. The design team is able to work

one-on-one with customers and utilize two-way communication to ensure each customer is

satisfied. This one-on-one exposure helps build a family feel for the company as well,

establishing a relationship with each of their customers. Though the business is located in

Madison County, they are accessible for individuals outside of the area via in-home estimates

with no trip fees. Although the return rate for customers buying countertops is not very high, the

company’s excellent customer service may get them great reviews and recommendations since

good customer service increases customer loyalty (“Customers,” 2019)

2. Competitive Advantage

BMG is already set up quite well in a competitive advantage aspects due to them being

one of the only highly focused marble and granite fabrications in the area. This is beneficial to

the company because it means local residents are more likely to choose them, as well as those

who may want to support local businesses. Our client contact said that she does not expect the

competitive environment to change much, as there is not a great need for another fabrication

shop in Richmond. The duplication of services in a specific area may lead to congestion and

inefficiency. “A competitive advantage is what makes an entity's goods or services superior to all

of a customer's other choices.” (Amadeo, 2019). Location in this case is a key factor in BMG

having a competitive advantage.

3. Sales and Giveaways

BMG has monthly specials on specific stones, as well as the occasional “pop-up” sale

for stone that they are trying to get rid of. Additionally, the company does Giveaways via social

media where they may give away stone for a full countertop. This can be beneficial to the

organization because these sales may bring in new customers, give them a competitive edge, as

well as make returning customers more inclined to make future purchases from them.

Additionally, giveaways help drive traffic and develops positive brand associations, helping to

set a point of differentiation from competitors (Alton, 2016).

4. Flexibility

BMG being a smaller business than the competitor we are comparing it to in the SWOT

analysis does actually come with some benefits. small businesses are actually better at being

nimble and their ability to adapt as the market changes. One of the reasons why is actually due to

small business being more aware and informed of what their customers actually want and or

providing a more one on one session with their customers. (​Gartenstein, D., 2018​)


1. Branding and Reputation

BMG does have good branding and reputation for the business's size however, when

compared to the competitor Lowes it is not on the same level. This weakness is prevalent due to

a customers familiarity with a more well known brand such as Lowes and the competing service.

“Companies with better brand recognition, and established reputations, see a higher percentage

of the market share, which is a potential weakness for a small operation.” ( ​Brookins, M., 2018​)

2. Store Location

While BMG does have a competitive advantage in Madison county area, it is far from

being a highly populated area of kentucky. BMG is able to provide services to various cities

around Kentucky however, their only location limits them to being further from a larger

populated city thus inhibiting their ability to be introduced to new customers as frequently.

(​Internal Factors - Strengths and Weaknesses. (n.d.)). Bigger businesses excel in this aspect

being able to have mu​ltiple stores in one state having a higher traffic due to being closer to larger


3. Material Pricing

Seeing how BMG is a small business compared to Lowes material pricing will always

be slightly higher in most cases. This is mainly due to that Lowes being a bigger business can

lower their prices and still make a profit where this is usually not possible for small business.

Mainly affecting the customers who are looking for the cheaper option and will always look for

the best deal while quality may not be their main concern. “Vendors and suppliers are much

more likely to provide discounts to companies that purchase in large quantities.” (Quain, S.,



1. Luxury Home Trend

While the state of the housing market has had its ups and downs. “Residential

construction has been slowly rising in the years following the recession when construction came

to a standstill, but housing starts still aren’t on pace to meet demand. The slow rate of new

construction has contributed to rapidly rising prices in the last few years, particularly because

most new construction has focused on high-end luxury homes.” (Thorsby, 2018). This is good

for BMG allowing them to further their collaborative efforts with contractors and sticking with

this trend of luxury home development that is being seen in the current housing market.

2. New Technologies

Technology is something in our world that is always improving and making leaps and

bounds in advancements everyday. In the case of BMG this is no different. A continuous

opportunity for them is attempting to keep up with the newest tech for their industry. On any and

all new developments whether it is for the production, installation, and or maintenance of their

product. This will allow BMG to provide the customers better services and even higher quality as

they continue to invest in this field (Gellie, 2015).

3. Customers Perceived Value


“Customer perceived value is the notion that the success of a product or service is largely

based on whether customers believe it can satisfy their wants and needs” (Kokemuller, 2019).

The way the customer thinks about a product determines everything. BMG has an opportunity to

reach out to potential customers in their area and attempt to change the way they think about

marble and granite products and services. This could be accomplished by using research tools

such as surveys and focus groups to gauge how potential customers already think towards their

product and services. Giving BMG the ability to learn key information from potential customers.

So they could adapt their marketing strategies from the pieces of information they gained from

their research tools used. Filling in the gaps of information or negative aspects that customers

may currently perceive.


1. Housing Prices

A potential Threat for BMG is the housing market and specifically housing prices.

“Housing prices have been rising steadily the last few years, and this trend will continue in 2019.

The national median-existing home price is expected to rise 3.1 percent in 2019, according to the

National Association of Realtors.” (Feldbrugge, 2019). This affects BMG in the sense that

potential collaborative contractors may look for more basic materials for their projects to try and

keep costs down in an already high price market. As well as possibly seeing a decrease in normal

customers who can’t afford to renovate their homes with the luxury of service that BMG


2. Competitive Environment

BMG is not the only marble and granite company in the state of Kentucky, you have

higher brand placement large businesses/companies like Lowes as well as smaller businesses

similar to BMG like Kentucky Marble and Granite. Your competitors are always a threat since

they all supply similar goods and services and they are who your customer base has the option of

choosing for that particular product. “Competition serves as an external threat because

businesses compete with other organizations for the same customers. In turn, this challenge can

cause one company to flourish and the other to flop.” (​Sheahan, K., 2019​)

3. Raw Material Cost

The cost of raw materials will always be something that BMG and or any marble and

granite company will have to worry about due to their lack of control over it. Raw material cost

can depend on numerous varences from where the quarry the material comes from and or how

nearby or distant it is. Quantity ordered to even how rare the color of the material is. ("Granite

Prices: Why Do These Vary So Drastically?", 2013). Though being able to work with suppliers

for what exact material you need can always be done.


SWOT Analysis: Lowe’s


1. Large Retail Store in North America

As the second largest home improvement retail store, Lowes stands far ahead of BMG

when it comes to store size, publicity, and convenience. Not only do they offer countertops, they

offer everything you could ever need for home renovation and or building a house from the

ground up. Setting them apart from BMG as a one stop shop for home development/

improvement customers. Lowes has stores all across america from Alaska to Wyoming with 42

store in Kentucky alone (Lowe's Stores in Kentucky).

2. High level of customer satisfaction a

The company has a very strong basis with its customer. This dedicated customer relationship

department has been able to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction among present

customers and good brand equity among the potential customers. This can also be accredited to

them being a larger company.

3. Strong free cash flow

Lowes has a strong free cash flows that provide resources in hand of the company to

expand into new projects, and be able to broaden their horizons into different sources of

development where they might be lacking.



1. Fewer options

Although Lowes are second largest home improvement store, they do not focus solely on

marble and granite, with 33 different departments and millions of other items to worry about,

their customers do not have the options for example custom trim edges (Lowes, 2019). Thus

affecting their ability to have the plethora of marble and granite options that BMG has. Which

makes those customer search elsewhere for the more abundant options for their remodeling or

home construction process.

2. Lack of Technology Implementation

Given the scale of expansion and different geographies the company is planning to expand

into, Lowes needs to put more money in technology to integrate the processes across the board.

Right now the investment in technologies is not at par with the vision of the company.

3. Integrating

Not highly successful at integrating firms with different work culture. Therefore they are

behind in different parts globally and in order to succeed at a much higher rate they need to learn

to get better at this.



1. Luxury Home Trend

While the state of the housing market has had its ups and downs. “Residential

construction has been slowly rising in the years following the recession when construction came

to a standstill, but housing starts still aren’t on pace to meet demand. The slow rate of new

construction has contributed to rapidly rising prices in the last few years, particularly because

most new construction has focused on high-end luxury homes.” (Thorsby, 2018). This is good

for Lowes allowing them to further their collaborative efforts with contractors and sticking with

this trend of luxury home development that is being seen in the current housing market.

2. New Technologies

Technology is something in our world that is always improving and making leaps and

bounds in advancements everyday. In the case of Lowes this is no different. A continuous

opportunity for them is attempting to keep up with the newest tech for their industry. On any and

all new developments whether it is for the production, installation, and or maintenance of their

product. This will allow Lowes to provide the customers better services and even higher quality

as they continue to invest in this field (Gellie, 2015).

3. Customers Perceived Value

“Customer perceived value is the notion that the success of a product or service is largely

based on whether customers believe it can satisfy their wants and needs” (Kokemuller, 2019).

The way the customer thinks about a product determines everything. Lowes has an opportunity

to reach out to potential customers in their are

uld be accomplished by using research tools such as surveys and focus groups to gauge

how potential customers already think towards their product and services. Giving Lowes the

ability to learn key information from potential customers. So they could adapt their marketing

strategies from the pieces of information they gained from their research tools used. Filling in the

gaps of information or negative aspects that customers may currently perceive.


1. Competition

Lowe’s is among some tough competition with businesses like Wal-Mart and

Home-Depot. Competitive pricing and in-stock merchandise are two areas that Lowe’s must

maintain for strong financial performance (Google Sites, 2018). Amazon could also be

considered competition as they offer a wide variety of the same materials, and you don’t even

have to leave your home to shop.

2. Housing Market

Shifts in the housing market created financial issues for Lowe’s. Home sales declined by

more than eight percent in 2006, creating the worst decline in seventeen years (Thacher, White,

& Sutorius 2007). With individuals not purchasing homes, the need for materials at Lowe’s

weren’t needed near as often, In fact Lowe’s experienced a twelve percent drop in profits

(Thacher, etc. 2007).


3. Raw Material Cost

The cost of raw materials will always be something that BMG and or any marble and

granite company will have to worry about due to their lack of control over it. Raw material cost

can depend on numerous varences from where the quarry the material comes from and or how

nearby or distant it is. Quantity ordered to even how rare the color of the material is. ("Granite

Prices: Why Do These Vary So Drastically?", 2013). Though being able to work with suppliers

for what exact material you need can always be done.


STP Analysis: Bluegrass Marble and Granite of Richmond


A. Do not have a mission statement, but do value quality and customer service most, we

believe this matches with all of the consumers who step in the door

B. Segmentation is a marketing tool defined as “the process of dividing a larger market into

smaller groups, or market segments, based on meaningfully shared characteristics” (Hunt, Mello,

Deitz, pp. 220). Essentially, it is when the different wants and needs of potential customers and

the customers’ attributes themselves are placed into specific categories that, when combined, is

known as the marketing mix.

C. Segmenting the population

Demographic Geographic Psychographic Behavioral

Age: 0-21, 22-30, 31-50, Cities: Customer Values: Looks Benefit

51-80, 80+ Richmond, (aesthetic), Superior Customer – Long

Lexington, strength of countertop, term,

Louisville luxury, Contractor-short


Income: $0-$20K, Counties:

$21K-$30K, $31K-$40K, Madison,

$41K-$50K, $50K-$80K, Fayette, Jackson,

$80K+ Clark

Family Size: 0-2, 3-5, 6+


Certain segments do have the potential to be more attractive than others in the

marketplace due to many variables. Variables such as how well your company can provide

service in the market (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning ModelWhat Is the STP Process

in Marketing?). Criteria size and or how large or small the market segment is another important

variable to consider in the analysis (Hanlon, 2018). Certain groups can also be analyzed based on

potential growth (Segmentation Targeting Positioning – STP Model). As well as looking at

variables that can make different segments more attractive such as which segment shows the

most profit (Kokemuller, 2016). Other variables to analyze when looking at which segment is the

most attractive in the marketplace include current income and risk preferences (Prashirsh, 2017).

After looking through various groups that make up the majority of Kentucky, we believe

that an excellent target group to choose for targeting that can be found in the Lexington area is

what is being called the “home sweet home” group (PRIZM® PREMIER). “These folks stay

busy remodeling and improving their homes, enjoy the occasional night out singing karaoke, and

follow professional sports.” (PRIZM® PREMIER). I also chose this group based on the

geographic variable of population density since this area code in Lexington had the highest

population (

Demographic chart shown below:

US Households 1,599,941

Median Household $ 62,849


Urbanicity Metro Mix

Income Upper Mid (Scale)

Income Producing Assets Low

Household Technology Above Average

Age Ranges Age <55

Presence of Kids With or Without


Homeownership Mostly Owners

Employment Levels Mix

Education Levels College Graduate

All Demographic information above can be found on the Claritas website under “26 home sweet

home group” (PRIZM® PREMIER)

Lifestyle and Media chart shown below:


Owns a Hyundai

Eats at Logan’s


Shops at Dillards

Follows College


Cruises on Carnival

Watches MSNBC

Listens to Rock

All Lifestyle and Media information above can be found on the Claritas website under “26 home

sweet home group” (PRIZM® PREMIER)


Communicating the value of the product is important because it is going to bring in new

customers; it can be done by showing the audience what the product can do for them. Bluegrass

Marble and Granite (BMG) does a great job of doing this by getting prospective customer’s

attention and presenting an immediate benefit of using their products with a fun tagline, “Always

have your glass on a rock with Madison County’s only fabrication shop.”

BMG also does a good job of highlighting what the product can do for a customer by

posting pictures of the countertops after installation on their various social media accounts. This

fulfills the wants and needs of the, “Home Sweet Home” target group is by utilizing social

media. Using social media is vital because those in the “Home Sweet Home” category have an

above average amount of household technology.

Something that BMG could do to better communicate the value of their product is

conducting tests on their various social media account to see what kind of posts get the most

attention. This could be done by posting two different types of content on different days under

the same conditions and comparing the engagement from the two posts. Monitoring this

engagement would then assist BMG in posting content that resonates with clients and could

potentially increase customer retention.

Overall, Bluegrass Marble and Granite does a great job communicating the value of the

product to the customer; as well as a solid marketing strategy that puts them ahead of their

competitors. BMG does excellent at offering those targeted customers with incentives and

promotions that compel that customer to purchase from their business. Lastly, BMG does an

amazing job of giving the customers that personal, family-like feel when engaging in the

customer/business relationship, which stands out in the minds of the targeted audience.


Throughout the process of analyzing Bluegrass Marble & Granite’s (BMG) various

marketing techniques as well as their competitive environment, we have come up with some

recommendations for the organization. In addition to recommendations regarding new strategies

to implement, we have also noted a few things that the organization has done well and should

continue to do.

The first recommendation for BMG is to continue to build relationships with customers.

Building these relationships establishes a personal connection with an open line of two-way

communication so that the customer is able to get exactly what they want out of the experience.

BMG’s in-home estimates make it especially easy to establish a more personal connection with


Another strategy that BMG should continue is to keep implementing the use of sales and

giveaways. These promotional strategies are an excellent way for the organization to increase

profit margins and customer retention rates. Something that BMG could do, however, to enhance

these strategies is to monitor their social media engagement and overall business to see how it is

impacted by the use of sales and giveaways.

The next recommendation we have come up with for BMG is to visit various trade

shows, roadshows, expos, etc. to increase brand recognition. Brand recognition will make all the

difference when it comes down to a customer deciding between two brands. Because of this, it is

vital that the organization is proactive and gets the brand name out there in advance.

Another way for BMG to proactively build brand recognition is through social media.

Prioritizing content development is something that is clearly important to BMG, as they have a

great amount of pride in their social media accounts and the variety of content they post. A way

that they could better prioritize content development, though, is to analyze the various platform

metrics to ensure they are posting content that will support their business objectives. The social

media metrics could be used to determine what type of content drives the most traffic, what the

best time of day to be posting is, etc.

Our last recommendation for BMG is to implement a rebate program for contractors.

Contractors drive a large part of the companies business because there is not a whole lot of

customer retention in this particular industry since countertops are only replaced every decade or

so. The goal for contractors is to install the countertops into 10 homes a month, so this program

would provide a rebate for each month that goal is met. Starting a rebate program would provide

incentive for contractors to obtain more business, directly benefiting BMG.



Recommendations are only as effective as how they are implemented and for our

recommendations for BMG that is no different. There are a few basic steps that will help with the

implementation process of the recommendations. But a key factor is to set the right expectations

from the start. This means that for the most part the recommendations if implemented might not

show results right away some may take months to see results from there is no such thing as a

quick fix in this case. Other steps at the beginning will require setting up the right team for the

implementation as well as the set up of a desired timeline and a way to monitor the progress of

the team working on the implementation (Click, 2016).

The first recommendation we presented was that BMG continue to build relationships

with their customers. One way of doing this would be for BMG to adopt a relationship marketing

approach towards their customers. This can be implemented in a few ways the first being by

making ways that provide the customer a convenience of shopping with BMG such as allowing

the to save time if possible due to quicker navigation of purchases of BMG. Another way this

can be implemented is just by providing more knowledge to the consumer about their marble and

granite options, which would allow them to learn and explore all of the options available while

preventing an confusion when discussing each potential product.

Something else that can be done during this implementation is providing customers with

more freedom during the purchase. This can be achieved simply by taking each individual

customers inputs on what they are wanting from the product. Specifically catering to their needs

during the purchase as well as helping them choose the correct product based on those inputs and

other various factors discovered from questions asked during the ordering process (Koulogeorge,


Our second recommendation that was mentioned for BMG was to continue the use of

sales and giveaways. This also can be implemented with a part of relationship marketing which

is providing more incentives for the customer. which helps make them feel that special offers and

or evaluating their unique interest to provide reasons for them to buy. The customers values can

also be taken into consideration here to insure that when creating these sales and promotions that

the companies and customers values are being met thus solidifying the reasons they purchase

your product (Koulogeorge, 2019).

Another thing to add as a way to implement the second recommendation is to use

numerous social media monitoring tools that are currently available to gauge how these

promotions are being received by your target customers. There are numerous monitoring tools

that can be applied such as Hootsuite, Brandwatch analytics, and Mention just to name a few.

Some are specifically designed to certain social media platforms such as TweetReach and

Twazzup for Twitter and Buzzsumo for Facebook. Another helpful social media monitoring tool

could be Boardreader that scours various forums for specific topics and or any mention of your

brand. All of these various social media monitoring tools can be implemented to help better view

how the customers view BMG as well as view their responses of your engagement with them

through social media and even to gauge effectiveness of sale and giveaways announcements

across numerous social media platforms (Mindruta, 2019).


The next recommendation we proposed was that it would be beneficial for BMG to visit

and attend trade shows, roadshows, expos, etc. one to raise brand recognition. But to also

increase awareness of what potential competitors might be doing as well as to learn about new

technology in their field. This could be implemented by BMG just by simply attending these

shows and setting up a booth for the brand which will cover the ability to raise brand recognition.

As well as spending some time at these shows as a potential data collection opportunity for the

brand thus visiting other brands booths in the similar field and browsing around for ways to

improve existing and or in use technology at BMG.

Our fourth recommendation we proposed for BMG was another way for them build their

brand recognition through social media. But this implementation actually focuses on the social

media platforms built in analytics sections that most social media platforms supply as well as

provide other tools for companies. Allowing them a way to better prioritize content development

and to ensure they are posting content that will support their business objectives. Some social

media platforms also are able to provide their own recommendations and notifications ensuring

that your posts are reaching the correct audience and are not just showing up on random sections

of that specific platform.

The last recommendation we covered was for providing a rebate program for contractor

business. This implementation is majorly focused on the production of this type of plan due to

how contractors drive a large part of the companies business because there is not a whole lot of

customer retention in this particular industry since countertops are only replaced every decade or

so. With this rebate program in place it could potential provide a large enough incentive for the

contractors BMG works with enabling them to strive to increase the amount of contracts and or

countertops/ other granite and marble fabrication projects they take on. Thus in the long run

increasing business. As well as giving the contractors an incentive for a possible push of granite

and marble projects in the homes they develop.



Bluegrass Marble and Granite excels in their customer service and and the relationships

developed with customers; to continue the success they should focus on implementing more

incentives for those loyal customers, increase brand recognition, prioritize content development

when it comes to social media, and lastly consider implementing a rebate program for

contractors. This will allow BMG to expand as a business while still maintaining their excellent

client services. The quality products and services they provide keep them ahead of the

competition, but implementing these recommendations will allow them to remain there and grow

as a business.


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