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The Ventilatory Mechanism

Which muscles must contract in order to make the volume of the chest larger?

If the intercostal muscles contract on their own will that make the lung volume greater?

What is the ventilatory rate?

Preventing Infection

What is the surface area of the lungs?

Describe the mechanism that clears particles away from this surface.

What finally happens to pathogens and dust that enters the lungs?

Name mild, moderate and serious infection of the lungs.

The Blood Gas Interface

What is the composition of the gasses in air?

What is the composition of the gas in the alveoli

Which gas concentration is responsible for ventilatory drive

What happens if the patient breaths pure oxygen?

Are the alveoli stable if the patient breathes pure oxygen?

The Surface of the Alveoli These slices of lung show the delicate alveolar structure which receives blood
at 25mmHg from the right ventricle. You can see cilia, epithelium and cells of the immune system.

How does gas move through this system?

Describe the exchange of respiratory gases from the cells to the outside of the body

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