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Lone among bevies
As each take turns
Having fun
In the sun
Flying upon
The light of the sun

Light on Butterfly!
Sly on Butterfly!
Fly on Butterfly!

With every flap like a broom

Sweep sweet nectar to my life
Sweep away the thumping strife
Fly, Butterfly; to my room!

Oh! Butterfly,
Give me the chance.
Rise, let us dance;
Give me your hands!

Flap your feathers,

Grab my shoulders
Hold my hands
Let us dance!

Oh! Butterfly
Oh! Beautyfly
Where are you going?
Oh! How I like you
Without your knowing!

Oh! Butterfly,
Oh! Honeyfly,
Where are you going?
Oh! How I want you
Without your knowing.

Oh! Butterfly
Oh! Candyfly
Where are you going?
Oh! How I love you
Without your knowing.

Oh! Butterfly
Oh! Angelfly
Where are you going?
How I love you
Without your knowing!

Flap your feathers

And flap your arms
Flap your fingers
Fly to my room!

Oh! Benewaa
Oh! My sweetheart
Fly to my bed
Make my room
Your homestead.
Make my bed
Your headrest

Oh! Benewaa
Oh! Butterfly

Jude Adebosoye Ogunade

Fiapre, Bono (west)Region, Ghana.

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