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It is true that export is a practice generally used by companies with a high purchasing power.

Exporting is a complex process that requires investment, resource use, management and planning.

Not all companies are able to perform those tasks or assume such risks.However, when it comes

to second or third line exports, the investment of large capitals or resources is not indispensable.

Craft companies, small or medium can do without any impediment.Whether it is massive or

selective exports, the truth is that the very action of exporting involves numerous advantages for






3. Escriba la idea principal en español y en inglés:

Ventajas Sin duda en momentos de crisis económica por lo regular las empresas se re inventan

Advantages Undoubtedly, in times of economic crisis, companies usually reinvent themselves.

They make budget cuts or invest more in marketing, identify new business opportunities or

modify their product offerings. Others identify other markets and go out to export.

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