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The present work has been prepared by the students of the Liceo Professor
Ladislao Leiva, second year of high school, general option, during the elective year
2019.The subject to be developed will be about The customs and traditions of the
Eastern region and its inflluence in the local development . research will focus on
identifying the customs and traditions of the eastern regions, which are composed
of the departments of Morazán, Usulután, San Miguel and the Union, during the
development of said research it will be necessary to know how it influences local
development of the departments that make up the east of the country. The benefit
of our research is that students of Ladislao Leiva High School, specifically 2-year-
old students of general baccalaureate have a greater degree of culturalization in
the eastern regions of El Salvador.

The present work has as a General Objective:

Explain how to influence the customs and traditions of the eastern region of the
country in their local development.

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