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Accounting activity

Felipe Bustos
Sofia Fontecha
Angie Pulido
Juan David Rojas
Hans Perez
Jorge Barrera
In this activity we are going to evaluate the knowledge about the asset
acounts. In the first part of the activity we are going to divide the class in two
groups, each group will have some asset accounts and each member of the
group will have to take one paper, and put it in its respective clasification. In
addition in all the papers there is a letter, because the groups will must to
figure out a Word relationated with the topic, the team that finished first in a
correct way the activity will recieves some candies.
How is this going to help us?
This activity helps to review the knowledge about the asset counts, this is
important because we are going to need this topic for all the semester, and if
we have clear this part, maybe we are going to be able of recognize an asset
count in any problem we can find in our accounting class.
En esta actividad, evaluaremos el conocimiento sobre el activo. En la
primera parte del documento, se dividen en dos grupos, cada uno con sus
propios miembros y cada miembro del grupo es responsable de uno o
ambos. Además de todos los documentos, hay una carta, ya que los grupos
tendrán una relación con el tema, el equipo que haya terminado la actividad
correctamente recibirá dulces.

¿Cómo nos ayudará esto?

Esta actividad es importante porque es importante porque podemos hacerlo,

y si tenemos claridad sobre esta parte, podemos encontrarla en nuestra
clase de contabilidad.

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