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In a forest there were many birds and animals that lived in harmony every evening they used to

meet and showcase their talent. The lion roared, the Cheetah showed how well it could climb a
tree, and the elephant grunted. The best part was the nightingale’s songs. She sung very well
and her voice was as sweet as nectar.

The peacock always thought, "Nightingale is very famous in the entire jungle because of her
lovely voice! I wish I had her voice too. ". He started feeling very envious about the nightingale
and tried hard to reproduce her voice.

The sound wasn't pleasing and all the other birds and animals in the jungle mocked at peacock
taunting," What a foolish peacock? Why is he trying to reproduce nightingale’s voice.. The
peacock felt very sad and got demotivated.

. He lost confidence in himself and considered himself to be "Good for nothing". He didn't speak
much to his friends! The nightingale was noticing the change in behaviour of the peacock and
asked if everything was okay. The peacock told the nightingale that I put in efforts and tried my
best to sound just like you but all my efforts went in vain. All the other animals in the jungle were
laughing at me.

. I wish I could sing like you! ". nightingale’s said Every creature is different and has its own set of
boons and banes. So what your voice is not beautiful.. I too can never dance like you neither I
look as beautiful as you are. Not everyone will have the same qualities that others have

Love yourself and be satisfied with the talents you've got and thank God for this . Respect
yourself and showcase to the entire world about how well you can dance. The peacock found
sense in whatever his friend was telling..

In the next evening meeting, the peacock showcased its dance to all the audience. The entire
audience applauded and rang bells of praises for the peacock. The peacock was very happy and
contended now and thanked his friend for teaching him a life lesson he'll never forget!

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