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#ExploreFirebase: Add Firebase Authentication to your Android app

Febryan Asa Perdana

Full-Stack Mobile Developer & Mentor based in Malang, Indonesia.

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Firebase is a powerful Mobile Backend-as-a-Service (MBaaS) offered by Google to help us,

mobile app developers, quickly develop quality mobile apps with ease, thanks to wide range
of features it provides to us, from authentication system and realtime database to remote
config and cloud functions.

As a developer, we know that an authentication system is one of the most important things
to exist in our application, especially if the application is designed to provide a secure, isolated
environment for its users to use the app, such as personal finance management app or
productivity app. However, building a scalable and secure authentication system from scratch
is a very daunting task. That’s where Firebase comes in.

In the first part of this #ExploreFirebase article series, I will show you how to add Firebase
authentication system to your Android app so you can start authenticating your users easily
instead of burdening yourself by building and maintaining your own authentication system.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

1. Setup Firebase Project

This is a must-to-do step before you can start using Firebase on your app.

a. Open and sign in/sign up with any of your

Google accounts.

b. Create a new project. You can fill the project name field with your app name or

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