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Відкритий урок

з теми : «Medical care centres »

у 7- А класі
за курсом «We learn English 7 A. Nesvit,2007 »

Вчитель англійської мови : Олексин А.Г.

Тема : Центри медичної допомоги. Активізація навичок аудіювання та

читання. Розвиток навичок усного(діалогічного) мовлення.


- систематизувати набуті знання з теми «HEALTH HIGHLIGHTS»;

- розширити лексичний запас по темі;

- удосконалювати навички сприйняття мови на слух та читання;

- вдосконалювати навички мовленнєвої діяльності ( діалогічного


- познайомити учнів з місцями лікування та відпочинку в інших

країнах (Угорщині);

- виховувати повагу до співрозмовника та вміння спілкуватися.

Наочність : роздатковий матеріал, ілюстрації по темі.

Технічні засоби : ноутбук, екран.

Хід уроку

І Вступна частина :

Привітання з учнями: Hello, children! Are you ready for the lesson?

Then, let's start!

Перевірка присутності: Tell me, please who is absent today?

Повідомлення теми та мети уроку,створення позитивної установки

на роботу: So,today we will:

 revise the vocabulary on the topic " health


 listen to the text on the topic; learn new words;

 practise speaking skills.

Warm- up:

l) work with flash cards

• Each pupil receives a flash card with the illness and imagines that

he/she is in hospital.

• Teacher asks the question: " how are you today?"

• The pupil answers and gives the flash card back.
• To check if they have remembered the other classmates illnesses, the

teacher asks a pupil "who has got a headache?"

2) vocabulary revision (group work)

• Children in groups get the chopped in two parts words.

• Their task is to match the halves as quickly as possible.
II Основна частина:
1)listening: ex 1 р 122

a) Useful vocabulary

Gellert spa bath

Lukacs medicinal baths

Szechenyi spa baths

Medicinal baths

Stained glass


Thermal wells

b) while listening


• pupils are listening to information and watch a video presentation

• answer the questions:

Why Budapest is so famous?

What baths were mentioned in this text?

What happened in the second century?

2d time

Pupils are listening to the text again and try to understand it deeper.

c) post -listening activity

Ex 1 p 122 true /false exercise

2) reading (individual work)

Ex 2a,p 122
We've just listened to some information about spa baths. Would you like to

know about them? The text in your books will help us. But before let's

have look at the blackboard to learn some new words.

New vocabulary



Medical care center

The medicinal spa bath

A sanatorium

Vocabulary practice

• a teacher reads the words

• children repeat them after the teacher

• some of students repeat all the words

• a teacher reads the definitions


• children guess the word

• pupils match the words with the pictures on the blackboard
• Now, I think, we are ready to read the text.

Read the text and find the main information about these resorts.

Post - reading Ex 2b p 123

Look through the ads and say...

Children are to answer the questions given in the exercise.

3) speaking (pair work) differentiated tasks

To work out the information about spa baths your task will be the next

1) strong pupils

receive the cards with the task on them. In five minutes they have to

make up the dialogues in roles.

2) average pupils

Receive the cards to fill in the gaps in the dialogue.

3) weak pupils

The pupils receive the separate lines of one dialogue. The task is to

put them in order.

Ill Заключна частина:

❖ the summerizing of the lesson: So, children! Let's summarize

our lesson! What was new for you? What information have

you remembered? What did you like most?

❖ Home task ex 4 p 124

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