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In today’s world, competition is rising which enforces the researchers to make new strategies to
compete with other firms. Now to compete in this competition mangers are focusing on the
Human Resource Management. HRM is bringing a revolutionary change in the modern
organizations. HRM help in recruiting right person for right job. The person who is highly
qualified and skilled will be recruited for the job. After the hiring, person’s relationship with co-
workers is especially developed and training sessions are conducted time by time to modify the
skills of the employee. After all these processes the main focus is on the satisfaction of the
employee because more the employee will be satisfied more the company will get benefit. If
employees will get wages and salaries on time and get help from the organization in their hard
time, then the employees will feel safe and gain trust which will help organization to achieve
their goal fastly. HRM give direction to the employees for achieving the predefined goal.
Manager help the employees in the problems faced during the accomplishment of the goals.
During all these works, the skills of the employees are enhanced and the employees try their
hard to give best performance. HRM provide a good environment and motivates the employees
to crush all the negative forces which are standing in their path during the accomplishment of
their tasks. HRM provides the proper trained employees for the organization also they look
upon the number of the employees and their quality of the work. Any negative event can cause
the demotivation of the employees. As we know that the effectiveness of the organization
depends on the behavior and attitude of the employee. If the employee will be loyal and
faithful to the organization he will work hard for it and organization will grow rapidly. It is
obvious that HRM practices should be an important part of the strategy of any large
corporation. Human Resource Management practices could contribute to competitive
advantage as long as they reinforce the skills, attitudes and behaviors that result in lowering
costs and enhancing product differentiation. HRM is the basic need of today’s business because
in a world of competition we need an operating body which helps us in managing the workers.
HRM provide a leading platform for employees to grow and perform with excellence in their
field of provides employees a safe and sustainable environment which give employees a
motivation to move toward their goal. At the end by the satisfied employees company grow
enormously and easily compete with their opponents.

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