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ZEE JLF2019 is the biggest literature fest held in Jaipur with so many sessions.

Out of these sessions of the sessions was very impactful about “Childhood and
Right to Play”.

Childhood is the best phase of the life and the right to play is right of every
children but now a days this right is being prohibited, but it is not understood that
play is not an option it’s a biological need for physical as well as mental growth.

This session talks about children’s right to play. A panel had a discussion on this
issue consisting of experts associated with IPA that includes Robyn, Cynthia,
Kathy, Punetha along with Sudeshna. In this session, it has been told that
children’s have right to play and play should not be optional it is now a days a
biological need and IPA focus on encouraging and educating people about
important of play and a general comment is created to let government make
policies for this right and also it was told that play space is also important variant
and it be a natural place.

In a discussion it was found that parents are barriers in children’s play either they
restrict them, or they oversee them, so training is provided, and they are involved
with children so that they can connect with play. In this session one more point
came that programs are conducted for people facing situational crisis as they are
busy to overcome those situations.


This session had a great impact a very amazing session telling the importance of
play in anyone’s life and play is a fundamental right of every child. We came to
knew that play is not an option it’s an biological needs it’s not only necessary for
physical growth only but also for mental growth and also we learnt that parents
should not restrict or intervene in their play rather they should play with them and
make them play everyone who is a child has a right to play whether if anyone is
facing any conflict or any situational crisis.

Play should be promoted more and more everyone should be educated about its

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