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Temptations Of Oni

written by

Sarah Lockhart

Fade in:


The prison is dark and misty as a young guard walks by
checking each cage. As we pan across the dark cages we can
sense the mysterious atmosphere of this hidden place.
The young guard lets out a shriek as chain noises started to
get louder and the ground shakes. The guard arrives at the
place where the noise is arriving from.
As the camera rises, we find a Oni sitting in the corner with
his head turned to the guard.
The young guard sighs as she starts to walk away from the
dirty cage until the ground shakes again and she turns
immediately back to the Oni.
The Oni struggles to break his chains until one chain breaks
and he roughly grabs the other chain breaking it. Slamming
his fist to the ground the Young Guard brings up her weapon
ready to fight the Oni. The Oni rushes to the bars and bends
the bars in half. The Young guard shakes as she gets herself
in battle position as a shadow looms over her. She jumps to
attack before the Oni smacks her towards the wall. The Oni
continue running and breaks through the wall.
As the camera pans to the young guard. We see the Young guard
slowly getting up from the ground.
This is bad. This is really bad.
Where Ruyi!
The camera is set to doorway as we see the young guard
panting as she gets herself fully standing. She rushes off
through the door.


A monk is seen mediating in the forest as he grabs a flower
petal that has fallen from a tree beside him. If one was to
get closer you may expect this monk to be sound asleep.
A loud sound comes from behind the monk and he ignores the
sound as he gets up and starts to stretch.
Ruyi! Ruyi! A Oni has Escape.

The camera is set in front of the Young Guard. She begins to

get irritated as Ruyi is ignoring her. Went a grunt she
stomps to him.
Ruyi desented of Sun Wukong. I am a
young god that is task with
watching over the prisons. I do not
appreciate you ignoring my
presence. Like father like son.
Ruyi gasps as he turns around to stare at the young god. He
seems to be afraid as he notice flames appearing from
underneath the gods feet.
Now that I have your attention A
Oni has escape his prison. Will you
go to defeat the Oni to allow his
dark soul peace?
The camera pans to Ruyi as he reaches for his weapon and a
smirk appears on his face.


Camera zooms downwards as the oni can be seen in the
distance. Fire and destruction is surrounding the once
thriving village. Ruyi walks into frame as he spots the Oni.
Walking up the steps Ruyi figures out a plan to approach the

He stealthy walks closer to the Oni hiding behind a building

to figure out a plan. He peaks over at times to make sure the
coast is clear as he moves closer.
A piece of wood from the building above him hit the ground
and it alerts the Oni. The oni stops as his head turns
looking across the village for any signs of life.
Ruyi is seen behind a destroyed build trying to keep himself
calm as the Oni footsteps shakes the ground as he walks by.
Ruyi starts to walk off before he notice the Oni has
disapeear from his sight. Looking around he wonders where the
Oni went before he hear footsteps getting louder.
Turning around he sees the oni rushing to him and Ruyi tries
to block his attack but instead is sent launch into the air.
His body slamming into building.

Getting up from the ground Ruyi rolls over while grabbing his
weapon in the process. He gets up and the Oni and Ruyi stares
off as Ruyi gets into battle stance.
A single pink petal floats by Ruyi as the Oni starts rushing
towards him while Ruyi backflip from his attacks. The Oni
continues to attack Ruyi as Ruyi doges and jumps onto the
Oni. He attacks the Oni on his back as he is grabbed and
thrown the the ground.
Ruyi quickly gathers his barings and rolls over as the Oni
foot slams into the spot Ruyi just left.
Ruyi continues rolling on the ground dodging while he avoids
the continuous attacks from the Oni.
Ruyi keeps dodging the Oni attacks since his attacks are
useless until one godray appears.
A sword falls from the heavens and lands in front of
him.Looking up from the sky he notice a figure in the
distance. The young god is seen to be rooting for him as sun
rays appear behind her.
The camera zooms to his face as he grabs the sword rushing to
the Oni once again.With the new sword he is able to summon a
clone of himself. With his clone he attacks and doges the Oni
in multiple spots as he tries to find a weak spot.Some dodges
requiring him to get on the Oni arm or to slide underneath
He was grabbed by the Oni and launch up in the sky. With him
and his clone flying up in the sky he tries to reach for the
sword that has flown away from him. With him desperately
trying to reach for his sword he grabs it and starts to fall
from the sky.
Ruyi and his clone starts falling from the sky and he begins
to start to falling towards the Oni. With his weapon in hand
he gets himself in a pose as he starts to spin heading
twoards to Oni and a spirit of the Monkey King appears around
The Oni and Ruyi attacks at the same time as the screen fades
to black


The Oni falls to the ground and Ruyi gets up and turns to
where the Oni is. The sword disappears from his hand as he
looks up to the sky.
The sky clears up as he see the heavens and the young god
sitting uptop on the clouds. She waves to him and looks back
into the heavens and runs off. It seems someone must of
called for her.
Ruyi smiles as he watches the god walk away into the heavens
and he begins to walk towards his staff. He picks it up and
walks down the destroy steps and city. Before he walks away
from the town. He looks back and another flower petal floats
by as he turns back and walks into the distance.

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