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FAMILY - WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! Lo ae Family - wha life begins and love never ends! v FAMILY is like branches on a tree. We may grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one. ABOUT MY FAMILY. 11am seventeen years of | live in Tbilisi with my farily. Our family is large. ! have a father, a mother, a brother and two sisters, We all Ive together. My father is @ doctor. He works at hospital. He is tall and thin, He has shor, curly hai, His eyes, haic and eyebrows are chestnut. He has a narrow forehead and an oval face. He has a beard and @ moustache. He is hardworking, generous and tiendly. My mother is @ teacher of English, She is medium height and slim. She has long straight hai. She has. large blue eyes end ful rd lips. She has freckies on her cheeks. Her hair, eyelashes and eyebrows: are hazel, She is kind, sensitive and cheerful. She works at school Number 9, where my sisters and | study. Our mother holps us with our lessons, She corrects our mistakes, asks us to retell our lessons, ‘shows us how to pronounce English words correctly and repeats them many times, We always get good marks at school. My sisters differ from each other. The elder sister is short and plump with a round face and large brown eyes. Her forehead is broad and her nose is small, Her face is round and suntanned. She nas plats and a short fringe. Her hai is light brow, She is lazy, stubbom and selfish The younger sister is skinny and medium height, She has long, wavy gingar hair and pale skin. Her nose: is turned-up. She has freckles and dimples on her cheeks. Her eyes are hazel. She is shy, modest and supportive ‘My brother studies at university. He is a good student. He is tll and also well-bull. He has a long face ‘and a broad forehead. He has a dimple on his chin. He has long eyelashes and a small scar on his temple. He has spiky hair. His hair, eyes and eyebrows are brown. He is helpful, reliable and polit. Now let's speak. Answer the questions: 41. Who are you? Where are you from? Where do you live? How old are you? What are you? 2. Speak about your best friend 3, Describe two classmates, friends or colleagues; one git and one boy. r FAMILY — WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! VOCABULARY BANK: about ~Bybabg’ 2.9, Tellme about you. - 832830 endgg6 3pbsbq®. ng shay qo gogtgboss Kins about GndEgh «ssberegoor. syn. approximately 28.g.He is about 19 years old. — ab gvsbeymnay 19 Bagels + approximately is formal and about is common. ©. The fight takes approximately / about three hours, tolive ~ gbmgfigds with afin 2.9. live with my family. dp gibogtin’ AyBl mzzsbonst gion. without e989 _@.8. Jack cate without Jane, ~ zg) 9 goers nob gap bratgSo. together — geen ‘a doctor ~ agra fo work at/in-yZomBs bey €.9. We work alin this office —Rag6 gByBaeBon 38 eSghgbge bade a hospital ~ Losgsmdymiyer to teach — uésgerg's 1. a teacher ~ asbisgeny gem to study —Lbagens to study at school - uyrcasio ingens ‘nt, t0 leave school — Lyreob evdinogtigds to study at university ~fnggring a0 UBgeqs 'o graduate trom university — Engines casos to help ~asbiorgts 249, Help me, please! ~ geting, asigbdsrg! to have lessons ~aagggeegbnb dbs tohhave a lecture ~ eign es io give a sson—angggomee ads 10 give to deliver alectire ~ eran Boog to correct mistakes ~ agyeengbou asbBinagds to make @ mistake ~ AggerSeb esigeds fo.ask — ang6s toask a question ~ jrestgob csbdo {0 ask somebody for something — baingesgnbph og £24. [oflen ask my frends for books. ~y binsog geting Figdb IggrBHgdl Bngigdl- to retell lessons ~ gs,gg-ecqgbob deyneys to show ~ Bygigds 0 pronounce — ingygels Boe Brmas 1, pronunciation — Binns correctly ~ Linton torepeat ~ asdgmrighs 2.9, Please, repeat the question. — gerbe, gris godlyrige once — sFekoee ice — enzo three times — usdzeqe ssoveral times ~ FsdixgSz.y ‘many times ~ Bagh to got good marks — rgn EoBBgdob Greegds ant. to get bad marks ~ «en Brigid Aengdo to have good grades ~ yoign GodGginb Jo al. to have low grades - wodoeon Fnid5gSeb jbo to difler ftom - Kdobgs6 goBlbgsgg0 leach other — grdsfgerd ©. My twins ifr from each other - Bo ayiain g6bbgrgqdo6 gfsbimbgs6 also — epigogg. ©. My sisters cheerul and also senstve.— fo es Bonstrgers es 2999 ~ Badidnskng t00-@ 9, Jacks ravahty and Jefry is naughty too. ayn sent gga owe wotede> ether = 9 lastrmygigks gorymener SrfSeoeds82n) ©, Sophia isnt seffsh and her sstr in either. — legs tsb ggrnlign @s fy ~ Saba eo. FAMILY ~ WHERE LIFE BEGINS ANO LOVE NEVER ENDS! parents — GiindexgBo a father / dad idaddy ~ 8st / 8s8aye a chile children — aog8gn / Bog850> a son ~ 330, goenBgoeqn ‘grandparents —Bg8e0-B9899 a grandfather ~asigo a great grandfather - gegn Bsbays a mother ! mum / mummy goa / goRa" ‘a daughter ~ dgneqnlamgn), doereBgoer9 ‘a grandmother ~ agin ‘a great grandmother ~ goign 83800 ‘8 grandchild {grandchildren ~ BgreonBgrans / BgneqrByrexg39 2 grandson / a granddaughter ~ agocecdgeeco Baga / amar a sibling - goxndprcn a brother ds an only child ~ gpaigtos a spouse ~aggera a husband ~ rn a sister— ag twins - gyatao awife — geo {a close / distant blood relative - sbexe / Bregryeen / bnbbaxoor Boergbogn & cousin ~ eansdqneen / Bods@aneen / BBoqsBgneq0 an uncle and fa nephew — enbidgoars / d8oV8gneqn Bog single ~ gebsenzsbgigeye, gaboobmgssio a bachelor —aghdngs, yorerdgnea sweetheart ~ Iyygsrigdcjemn a fiance — bodseér a father-in-law ~ asSs8omeno / Lndstin fa sorin-law — body an aunt - gags / Boxye> / 8:80 niece —eabignan / diobgoans amar married ~geojew*BnSghgeeo a spinster — gygabrgotin, Bs3gt0 fiancée ~ boyyneng ‘a mother-inaw ~ gomsdomme / baggese a daughteriniaw ~ Sdoex0 a sister-in-law — jem / dseqn / Bab geen / grcend eo / Abed graze a brothersin-law~ steno / gob d8atio / geenol da / dorienn / Bye Paro a pregnant —neigers, ghey todelver a baby - a8r8norns to expect a baby ~ Saggh gees syn. to give a bith to.a baby divorced — gs6jnsbeBgigeen, goytore.gsdormyiyere ‘an exchusband ~ yogncon {3n widower = dgcoga (3c) a stepfather —assoBoggoe0 a stepson ~ agro (ng) a half-brother — eggs ‘an orphan — mameno 380 ‘a descendant / an ofspring - densdeBsqen0 ‘an ancestor /a forefather -Bo6s3s60 ‘an heir ~ 8983g0m¢5g innertance — aga greeters generation — oars ‘What is Nancy to you? ~ She is my cousin. ~ fan exile — yogore goer ‘widow ~ dartngn (joer) a stepmother — gocoSjsgscn a stepdaughter ~ ag (amar) a halfsister — Gsbgaseies an adopted child — sygs6nqpe / Bsgeeng8> 899350 a direct descendant ~ sgsdorin BensdeBoguers will 6x90 an heir at law — jsSn6ngFo 8g 8yg0m9 to inherit — asa sgaagynen Bacegds ByBbn gob oF Byfengnb ? Mowe ansargbob? — FB eean@sdgoeR. r FAMILY ~ WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! A job may be interesting exciting, boring, physically hard, mentally hard, well-paid and etc, ~ Lstosbitin Igndengdo. nye LooGGnPobm, sBoxceranbaee, Inbsdgbeipagere, gabnzyKow Korjeen amBpBrogone Conger, sigan sBSReo-y dom —D OW. A “7g ~ fan accountant - geen, an actor / an actress — aiseamn gaye / goceo fan adviser — 2gggeq {an agronomist ~ safer6mdn an air trafic controller — sgasenb¥gg gro {an archeologist ~sFidgrezrgn fan architect ~ signgadgrsin an artist - bgeemngabe, Abas gato, Bydrge0 an astrologer ~ sixgrinenge, go jgerngerdFingbageen an astronomer slxnGende an auctioneer ~ saduombals &ndtybo an author ~ sgn, BEgHoeeo, Byfingyegs a baker dgFinb Agberdgeqn, bsdstbo a barber — @veasdo ‘a barman ~ 3963960 a bricklayer — gomsgmitn a builder — 23,6 8ge00 a butcher — ysbs3n, brsignon Segoe ‘a businessman - anbéghigén seo a comere operator =m a coplain ~ jo2ngs60 a canenter~ be, eraaaero a cashier ~ arena a chet — ayg@boriggeen (geyinin Bbarggey) a chemist - Jodnynto, @3Bogan80 a chiropodst — BySgob esageabes Bye a ci servant lakgeréogen Bbgeng a cleaner —gsdesagbaeq ecttor waiter cleaner a composer — yrBdortngnin 2 computer programmer — 3imgrinlge a conductor — gatfngrtio 2 cook — atsegger9 2 cosmonaut — gnbémésggo fa customs officer — 88099, 1 dancer ~ “0800 a dentist ~ Lsindoginerign 2 doctor ~ ad ere a director head master / ahead mistress | ‘2 head of school a principle of schoo! ~ en dorn a driver a dustman /a refuse collector ~ 896399 an engineer — nyo ‘an economist — pyres ‘an entrepreneur ~ 3g) factory worker = Jorn ys a farmer yd a firefighter | fkeran ~ ashy a fisherman ~ Sge53% afishmonger —ergtnb asdynggeon a gardener acdsee) ‘grocer — doysero, Ligflosomb asdyomgggen Aa greengrocer— riage godine ahakekesser— oct WSremign a housawile ~grsisberoin an inventor ~ gsdmdsrgdgeeo FAMILY - WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! {an interpreter ~ sezns6o a paychologist ~ qlamermge a judge ~ aokysdoeionng a realestate agent ~ droge drBybeb goyreegrh 990682 2 jurist — ognbgn a reporter — égievignmtin, Srebyge9e00 a journalist ~ g3f8>ee0 a sallor/a seaman ~ dp begogtn lawyer — seamed a soulptor ~ Bngsbin0y0 alecturar erage a scientist ~ 836790 albrarian ~ andesorangyotn a salesperson (a shop assistant — aoduaaqge0 alieutenant — eegn608g9 a secretary — Bengsé> ‘a manager ~ agbgz-¢50 a singer — andegton0 ‘a mechanic ~ &gjs6nynb, bgeibs6 ‘a smith — 8ggeqez0 a miner —asexsringers a silversmith / a gold-emith ~ agesgheyel/ngemgoeace fa milk man ~ dob gsdyoeagee fa shoemaker! a cobbler ~ aye) a miltary man bsdbgatie Sbslsbasig _@ Sportsman — LBrKighyfn a nurse ~ pjms6n, Bgm9: dodo a street vendor — asrig Srngadeig an oculist — mgosednera a street sweeper — aggbngo an optician ~ m3ignyebo a Surgeon ~ gargrg0 a painter — Sbsgo6n atallor = a3g¢990, ng fa pharmacist — gostaiy998 a teacher — asbésgentqen ‘a photographer = gngingtionge traffic warden — sgmbomandob Anergserun) pilot — anced a translator ~ dong Ggex0 a poet - agg a tour guide — gogo a poitician — ameengngotn 8 typist — adage a policeman a police officer —Inerowngeye a veterinary a vet ~ gg@igrinGario a postman — gobseyonin a waiter /a walvess -mgngoa8go ogo / doceo a priest /a clergyman — agen alter — d6y%oe20 plumber — Bysealoregfos mboag> ‘a wall and floor tier - tgeqrbfn (qomngBob eoBagBo] a psychiatrist ghongnassn fan undertaker — as 3dseranl mga6otssoain “Job isa regular acti that you do; an occupation, a professicn. + You receive money for this activity + Job isa countable noun 2. Do you have a fll ime job? ove my job nelp people become fluent in English "Work ~the word work is mare general than job. Work rafers tothe activities done to acomplish a goal -# Work can be done both inside an office job and outside a job, ‘*Work can be @ verb and an uncountable noun 8,9 work from 9:09 a.m. untl 6:00 p.m. today. | have some work to doin the garden. r FAMILY ~ WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! THE NOUN 96LI9300I0 LobIE0 aéuginam babger ofrs Bpgungenaied Bafoen, olgeong seGnBBagh Leng go ghge LegGgBl «> ImaagBb gerbggBtes go6? 36 63? ‘The noun apart of speech which answers the questions: Who? or What? There are ferent types ofnouns: Common Nouns: they are used to name peopl, places or things in general 2.9. agi, acy, an animal, a county, et. Proper Nouns: they are used to name a specific or individual person, place or thing 2.9, Lucy, Tbilisi, Pluto, aly, ote Albom bibgeye nyrgs ager (Countable) 2 gegen (uncountable) Wsboengdo Countable Nouns are the nouns which can be counted. They also have plural forms gear ligbnon lstgerg8, Godkeging oogegbs wo IageerBoen FnGbgnG Beso. €19, @ dog ~ dogs, a table ~ tables, an eagle — eagles, a fox foxes, a cid children, a tooth -teth Uncountable Nouns often refer substance, liquid and abstract ideas as they have no plural “urgeen xia kgm Engng @ SALSPEG Sige oFigiam IsboegPn, Finer 9 eggs Material ~ Grgengrigison lsbgcegos: platinum ~ Jers, gold ~ fn, silver ~ ggg, Bronze ~ nBxgsm, fon — Ry, steel ~ greqoge, COpRer — ici, lead — yon, leaher ~ Gysgn, rubber ~ gobo, wood — bg, china — qsngigen, Ql ~ Bes, marble — seinem, clay — ambs, paper = secseqe, cardboard — Bqysr, WOO! Bogen, Coton ~ Sabo > 9 Abstract nouns ~sdhgodgsge abghooe Uboexgns Beauly - bnexsoby, love ~Lnggstigcn, hates — Ldgexgeees, pace = B3yeqn26, flendship - aggeBrinBs, freedom = gsborgeegds slavery — Bris, science — agg Fngighs ces 93 Many others ~¢sd6ogscqnbig: news ~ sb dogo, information - nigga, knowedge ~ gras, homework ~ WinBor ssgsergts, ROUS@WOrK — labareb s4égg8n, BUSINESS — bof, furniture ~ ogo money ~ grep, time ~ gym, progress ~ Bxrdsgbs, weather ~sdnb4n, $O3p ~ isinGn, advice — Ag, matnomatics = aserjdojnyo, PRYSICS ~ qybrgo, oliles ~ mmngnyo, the Measles ~ Gorges, German measles — Grong es sa sbggg beagaba ayergys orgenoee ego yoryerorg otibgdnor bobgergom. yogmow boygeB3o Ipxgas breed — dyn, cheese ~ yqgeen, Buller ~ jorge, meat ~ bro, Sal ~ dorocen, Pepper ~ Fro, mustard ~ Bgevage, honey ~ orgs, Nour ~ gdgneen, cereal ~ Rxyergen, water ~ Sysco, milk = dp, ta = Ron, calles ~ gogo, wine ~ eoBn, vinegar ~ divin, champagne — BAisEntin go 0 ‘COUNTABLE FOOD, as BHD @ OS vegetables sandwiches sausages eggs potatoes tomatoes salads oranges UNCOUNTABLE FOOD: SS BSSES SF | cheese meat’ ‘butter chocolate fruit cereal FAMILY — WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! WE CAN USE A MEASURE WORD TO COUNT OR QUANTIFY AN UNCOUNTABLE NOUN. THEY ARE: cnocolte abarot {: eel soap drop of } rain — blood — Lcbberos Byg a cup of aon gab foo offen aqnegs Jrngrensige nding orga a (S38 Bye Bgga0 goinl Bag fem ejogs5e 4999 afien eyoabo gognr = gfion dodo dg foxn ded B00 bread ~ géon Bogytin gn slice of ie tm -yton dado Tire { meat ~ gon Baggtin bowie cheese ~ en Bsgn yao” Sugar grew Gindoris Bogan abagof } flour fe ‘a can of Coke ~ gm Joan a clove of garlic ‘a dash of salt ajar of honey ~ gan Jos age ‘a kernel of corn ~ lo8obigol Sariggnemn a bottle of milk emp «loaf of bread > 4 kilo of meat. apiece of fom GmoAs eadgrene aharn GrB96s BAB ges afenn jBoran Goewtio 1m Bingo BoFineno a carton of op a cup of tea DB slice of bread S @ bar of soap g S can oF Coke of chocolate a bon of { cereal — gf own Baexe99 Flee ~ yfion eabn 8650 SOUP ~ gree rgeido Byb sand ls Bstiagoego Fice ~ S6e6xzo Bx gygoe—0 truth — boasinegos Aisqnen0 wine ~ pan Snoene cabo water — y6inn domes Bysere Coke ~ ztorn dress greyed Juice ~ arco Sqyomb ygeol Bago milk ~ gr0 gyn yl Cidg leocream = oficn Sgyunl orb Soyo advice ~ gene @ig39 Information - €:39 ofxgreBaq300 furniture — sggzgol 6350eq0 paper ~ prion aytiyoenn china — goqygnb Bogor chalk gorigal Bo8gbo a Kilo of sugar ~ yee neg Bago a loaf of broad, fen dein a lump of sugar ~ asin go Sofabo a sheet of paper— of gaSuae0 a tube of toothpaste — so digo yen Solio g a packet often a jar of honey bottle of Coke a bowl of sugar ED apiece a pace of furniture of hese FAMILY ~ WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! GENDER IN NOUNS Feminine gender refers to the names of gic / women: ©.9. mother, aunt, daughter, niece, queen, nun, actress, waitress, te Masculine gender refers to the names of boys / men: 9, father, uncle, son, nephew, king, monk, actor, waiter, etc. Common gender refers to names of both girs / boys: £9. parent, relative, child, cousin, monarch, believer, alist, worker, ete "Neuter gender refers to the names of things and objects: 9. pencil ruler, car, house, dress, horse, sheep, tree, etc. MALE, FEMALE AND YOUNG ANIMALS. Hh BO queen kitten tomeat cock © rooster “eK ae h St mare foal stallion PR How tiger tigress tomas tion ton = pas 8 dog ~ esceno a bitch ~ garseen daceyn 8 PUPPY — cago a tomcat —8s86c00 job a queen — gcse 96 akin - 589 ‘a cock /ooster ~asaaeyn ahen ~ gorscen 28 chick — Bnboomo 4 drake ~2580c09obgn a duck ~ gomscen obga a duckling ~ obgob tayo 2 bul basin 8.c0W ~ des acai tan 8 stallion ~ geroyo ‘amare ~ gs2a8o, dyn a foal ~ Jango a ram ~ sg an ewe ~ gomseya gbgo6e lamb ~ 358860 bil goat 3585000 bs, goyo a goat - eagocan obo kid goat ~ gojs60 81g /a Swine E3899 ceo a SOW— basco sin piglet / 2 sxcking pg aren abuck abbit= Adee gaysn a doe ebb eagscen nage _abunny rabbit dfs 8 buck deer a stag batntigda a doe doer - rnin 8 fawn — E360 a lon ~ by cxxda a loness — bgen exon 2 fon cub ~ exons aryagsn a tiger 9 goaton a Ngtess — bgsie0 sg bg0 tiger cub — gg6gob Jgneao FAMILY ~ WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! HOW TO MAKE NOUNS PLURAL 67M BdRIUHIOGMN 964IANTIN UbIEIAN ABDIEMEA 6NEIBP Regular Nouns Ends in s, 88, ch, sh, x orz Ends infor fe add~s add — es remove f fe add - ves tear 2ears bus 2buses 1 leat Zieaves 1 dog 2 dogs ‘dress dresses 1 wot 2wolves book 2 books ‘match 2 matches ‘calf 2calves ‘house houses 4 dish 2dishes Vknife ——2knives. ‘apple apples 1 box 2 boxes 1 wife 2wives Ends in vowel + y Ends in consonant + y Irregular Nouns add -s remove y add ~ies tay 2 days 4 city 2oties 41man 2men they 2keys ‘baby 2 babies ‘tooth 2 teath 1 pie 2ples tstory 2 stories ‘mouse 2 mice 1 boy 2boys ‘party parties 1 oil 2children *ouy 2ouys ‘country countries ‘person 2 people Ends in vowel +0 Ends in consonant + 0 No Change add—s add— es 1200 2z008 there Zheroes: tsheep 2 sheep kangaroo 2 kangaroos Mtomato 2 tomatoes 1 deer 2 doer tradio 2 radios ‘potato 2 potatoes fish 2fish ‘video videos ‘volcano 2 voleanoes ‘species 2 species Ystudio 2 studios, ‘buffalo 2 buffaloes ‘sores 2 series THE NUMBER OF NOUNS 9SLIBOT LI’ITINNG 6NGKIO fgecobye gSxde ein tngtgno: Bbreenoow BO AFageaMBn. sg Boam bobycenb BiogennBoe Eagegh Biden ~ S Lggngbn. Bog: abOOK Sogn BOOKS - Bagge; a ge ~ amar Sits -grargio Aamep-eaj9 maps Figo; adog-coeqro ———_dogs-deeeage Uvaaradin Sb Sormayo gsm oegerjenas Bear nsBbdgsG. aligbrBb bode Bybn Sabo BseiBmnBal ‘The pronunciation of words ending in $ depends on the final consonant’s sound. There are three ways to pronounce the S. ia! ~ sibilant ~ sos Is! — voiceless ~ yxy Ja! voiced — agengn ce races bishops b cabs 5 buses. k books. words x boxes thats 9 bags 2 prizes fF lifts 1 journals ss kisses ph graphs m — dreams ch watches th myths n fans. sh dishes ng things ge changes 1 actors v gloves y plays: eee - FAMILY - WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! ong aPigdnam labgew Bbreeboen Fnghydo EexemgmgBo 8. 88, x, z, ch, Bh — ty, B5306 ARagetBoor Ginghgo ootonagh 8 Leygagsh, SrBgeqng ayrorby bo Gmarig [2 3. ington a bus ~ aggro a cross ~ sods 2 BOX — ygem a quiz—foogers A church ~ a jeghos {Brush sagen 6. Gebgn buses ~ oggmBgbgeo dresses ~ jsigin boxes - ygmgin quizzes ~ Bsagengdn churches ~ p,e0shngio brushes ~ sosrnigde ong svgdrun bobgere Brezngsego Yong wo V- Gab nsBb3ng6ns, Beogeqnboo Fingbsiny Bposgeng8s om as eergloggds 06 liga ally ~ yb allady ~ Jedsg/nin ‘a country ~ gopy6s a baby Fgnewo fies — Sy'%jbe ladies ~ joebngeiigan countries ~ isayS8n babies ~ RyocngBo 279 26bgénam lsboeen BeeergeD89 Y-by, 8ogh08 Bob Eo Bmgsbno, AsGN6 OsogeyeBnen Gngbgn Ab S bord wepAsobs. 2 boy — ano a day ce 2 10y — bomen 8 monkey ~ asin + o79 align lsbgen dmcenggsds 0-05 «9 Bos 28 tein, 2 tomato — arsosern a potato ~ jomrmancco 282n6syeqana 2 plano ~ dnsbobo 8 pholo - gngnligeson a memo ~ 256296, Bs tmeeggo 2 Kilo ~ Jocgrg8in 2 kimono - jeder a disco ~ golyeorgyo a cello (a violonceta)— Facer boys ~ angio days - eragto toys ~ Wsowasdngin monkeys ~ 60880 506 eabbdegs6ne, 8306 Seogeymbnor oA gBs tomatoes ~ andabiggg’o Potatoes — yosgranercin Pianos ~ 3nsfoFingde Photos ~ gmgybigtoangdn Memos ~ 8g6odgGy30, Sy8erabieyaySn Klos ~ joayrasapo kimonos ~ jrdmtimyio 8608 ~ gndymngggBo ccolios (violoncelios) ~ Fagan 279 alana babeeen Brg O-b9 te db Bb BingsEno, Aagermnn Gnghgn guotengh 8 bagel. a radio ~ scar 8 Video — goxgen 8200 ~ brandoFigo kangaroo ~ joa 208g es. leat — gringo a shelf onsen radios ~ Gogomgbo Videos ~ gregrg80 2008 = Yeora6 jg kangaroos ~ jy6gn¢rag80 279 ofiugdoan babgeye Bemargeesds 96 f0-by, BFgeyboor Fnybyo FBgrcygengdo Voom eas leaves — geneggdn shelves - astimgin FAMILY - WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! a calf — de a wolf ~ Bagceo a thet dosego a wile — gree a knife ~ e365 Alife — ungensbeng 328e89sepobns a belief ~ 8896; Agbgeeoeeg a chief — yxGinin, gown, byerdengsBgegn a chet — agg sbsriggeye a roof —sbigtisgn Bl ~ joyeg a handkerchiel — gbgoribsbgo a sale ~ bjoqe calves - baneighn wolves ~ 83exp80 thieves ~ gorcgrdn wives ~ yerngdn knives ~ csfgin lives ~ bagensberagi beliefs - 6a,5;%0; Sghaeaemabate chiefs ~ yeysinnigdn, Sgeigtigbo, BgerBeengoFgenado chefs — aggetarrgercin roofs ~ bsbigtoggén cliffs ~ jexzagéo hhangkerchiefs ~ gegostasomsgi0 safes ~ bangin * damagboegn ofingdnamn Lobpengin Briogermdne Rngbgh aBatdegiy6 AygraBooron. Bog a policemen ~ dncngngera a motherinlaw ~ eaqsdoneyn, ingen a tying pan - gq a passer-by — astiexgeea policemen ~ anengrgcroéo ‘mothers:iniaw — maqsdomexgbn, legagin frying pans - gogo passersby - asdscyenato Bogogrin eibynan bsbgeqn Biogeredoor Fngbgh aBstGryb etadniggn Kenge ByggeRoo. 955 aman ~ jogo ‘a women ~ dsm0 ‘a mouse - ovagn louse - gree afoot - gy60 a tooth ~ soca goose - dogo | person ~ sxadhssin a child ~ sg2g0 {an ox ~ bon (+ an Engishman - Englishmen: an aircraft ~ gnedytnfogn a deer — oF 0 a sheep - pbgoein a swine ~ conn a fish — on a trout ~ joerdsbon a salmon = esacjego 2 squid ~ oendoin Aa Series ~ fing, bgtioo a species ~ Usbgeds an Frenchman ~ Frenchmen, ‘brgngtion ologdnor Wsepeel Abrwrdncs > BPsgerr8ne jes Few «ed agngg gowrBs sl. Bo rman = joagd0 women ~ fexgin mice osgacto tee ~ Soeegbo fost - soFagto teeth = ybreegdn 0050 ~ Sig80 people - satin, boesn children ~ 385080 oxen = brigba But a German ~ Germans) aircraft ~ xgeosdqen6oggan deer — oFiigin sheep ~ yogtigin swine ~ geeigo fish — again trout ~ jocxdsbybn Salmon ~ mésayeng80 squid — joendarigdn Series ~ engsdo, bytingdn Species - laagragdo r FAMILY WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! CASE - aciv6a3 ‘Thor are only two cases of nouns in English: Common Case and Possessive Case. aacobg 96:Bh wgnen badge on Sigs gh: bag Briggs go rgmBatyaoom Ben. Possessive Case ~ jygineyginn dgigs3n Cmg itn siogbaon Labgezn, dngacBe obey spo? ~ Whose? amaoasgioon Sgfge oBoKngBs selina Labgestg 8 (ohBFengn es bggndbn ~ 8) qaFaxnm Possessive case of singular nouns is formed by adding the 's ending tothe noun, We use 's (apostrophe + s) most for people or animals. tis also possible to use 's fr places, with time xoressions (today, yestaday, tomorrow, ec) and with periods of time (a week's holiday, ten minutes walk, ete) ©, ladys dress - jombagbab sds 2 dog's log ~ dsc ggbo a boys car~ nfl Baba 2 yachts mast ~ ose 3649 detry’s spouse ~ aevnb Soe a week's holiday - pny ooboxcobs George's economy toiasinggeinh gyrGndnys a wintr's day ~ BsBoréns es Berlin's parks ~ Syeqabul arn uly's heat ~ geen’ bg our cy’ stets— fon damadnb Joka the werk's population -sueezanb GnbstangnBe tomorrow's weather bssewiggere sfign the SU's rays ~ ls Lbopgbn yesterday’ concert - gaibeomn yobaghgn for heaven's sake — gach giercbngns org agboom Lge Beogeerdonr Frgegdos tm. bg» neyo 8 — no B3ab pgengBnetySno BrREsb 6:68 dhorggneg "oIobyngn. § ve BABEOByeo. Possessive case of plural nouns is formed just by acing an apostrophe: 2.9, Gis clothes - grnol: @n6 ger, Boys loys ~ ann Used, asters room ~ pel irate a 2 1 skg done batgeain, FrBegiag SAogeerdnn Gaabg gosebggEEN bAginb Ggeneadon Gorgby6 9.0. abe of dneernas6 § a, sgeaEoRgbon 3g84:In FyggcagBeiny 8 ogee 4 plural noun is formed by changing its form and not by adding the /s/ ending, the posseesive cave ia formed tke withthe singular noun, ie. by adding the 's! ending 8. women's dresses Jperp2nsgsdjB0 men's clothes ~jseginb gs6teeoro childrens books ~asgigg8nb EngigSa Poop’ interests ~ boretnd ab ge igSa ‘The 's! ending is used to indicate an institution a stor ora house of someone. 2G, atthe doctors ~ ajodou6, atthe bakers bagbndn, atthe chemists ~ sgonodo goo. Beconlig 6380 sgegbnexgenon grids Ayndegbs ayy oBstrn’ OF Eobigrjenb Glygeon ‘Te possessive phrase can be used wih the fl/ preposition. €.9. the bag ofthe git — angio Fsbo, the bal ofthe boy ~ gals gro, ySoqgt> Bndarge os, Fn Finaaboy 'S gsBurimgdor sumer, of stab bsbyea aFyo, Hmdgelog aromain’ a App 18 asbgdnm Usbge. ae guDerAEns, bee Of Erbadyeerce eBPafeengboon ting seb © 6. the boy's room Bur the room of the boy ~ ans emska the gis ring Bur the ring ofthe gi = ansnsb ggoign of Brbagbuersfo saoatorats aApggloe asSmnagig’s g’yem bogigboal, been 8 janes Uaeeeatcon6. We normally use the OF preposition for things, dees, el. 9, the roof of the house — Lsbsel isbaringn the leg of ho tabio ~ Soqngab gute thername of the book - Ergin bobgeeo the owner of the estaurant ein Doin the cente ofthe ety = speihb ahbrn the days ofthe wook ~gonl ogyoe the months ofthe year SicmBoqeb nag nth costot ving ~srggercrate Gb btipgbn FAMILY ~ WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS \We say the folowing phrases: 2.9. atthe beginning of te week / month/year fcntury — jgool / aro / Beg / Lagu alge at the end of the week / month ! year century — yyornls / ergo / Begs / boxyjgns Brey inthe middle of the week / month / year / century ~ gers / cxgnb / Beg / bomyrqBob BysBo atthe top ofthe page ~ sagtigls ng atthe bottom of the page - gaarigol ares, denn ‘We can use both 's or of preposition for an organisation (a group of people). 9. the company’s success = the success of the company the governments decision = the decision of the government Ex: 4 Put the verb “To Be” in the Present Simple Tens 1. How old your nephew? — He eighteen years old. 2. Who. she? ~ She my cousin. 3, How your sister? - She fine. 4. Whe they? ~ They my nieces. 5. Where their sons? ~ They in Canada. 6. What ___your sister? — She doctor. 7. Where you rom? — from Georgia. Where your relatives: from? ~ They ___from Georgia too. 8, What your aunt? ~ She housewife. 9 How old your uncle? ~ He 49 years old. 10. Where your father: He from Germany. 11. What you? =1 ‘an actress. 12, How old twins? - They 5 years old. 13, How old you?) twenty-five. 14. What her husband? = He a dentist. 15. Where "your daughter-in-law from? ~ She from Ametica, Ex: 2 Make the nouns plural, (One baby —two______ One hero two —________ One knife = two (One day -!wo____ One photo -two One thief— two One fat two One match —two One ciif-two One house ~two—_____One box -two-________ One chief=two ‘One potato — two One car — two One brother - two One piano-two________ One tie-two________ ne shoe—two____ (One book — twa ——. One deer— two _________ One wolf —two One pie - two ——________ One species - two One roof — two ‘One child — two One woman - two One story—two (One ox ~ two One man = two. ——— One valley — two ____ (One table — two One tomato - two ————___ One watch — two (One dish — two —________ One kilo ~ two. One church —two One bench —two-_________ One zo0-two__________Onecity—two One century —two________ One radio-two_________ One way-two_ One fly— two One mouse-two One quiz two One leat two-________ One louse-two_______ One taxi two (One shelf two__________ One queen two One mountain — two One tooth —two_________ One king—two__________ One key —two ‘One foot — two One goose - two One glass — two (One sheep - two One salmon - two One town — two r FAMILY ~ WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! Ex: 3 Make the nouns singular ‘Two chandeliers ~ one “Two rooms ~ one ‘Two butlerfies — one Two toys—one Twobusee Qo osAigAbsb goBygdor dmeorreG 9.0. owner aoMgengdons6. FAMILY ~ WHERE LIFE BEGINS AND LOVE NEVER ENDS! 454g; Bogomsg Sogfinv. ~ There is @ book on the table dhofsde 2gytn bos. ~ There are many toes inthe street. taba fags. ~ There isa bird on the tree ory Bog 8580 S868) Sy Aeo8sHgo, Iniggce dehegBorgs aSyrds There is /There are MBUgFrg{Qe>. Bog: ako Sogn QS meri Bho. ~ There Isa table and four chair in the room, rman mab p80 > Bogs. ~ There are four chairs and table inthe room. Attention: non Eafogogs8gBdn, Gndergd3ng gaderiaods (mugs of / There, agigbs BpSepabsey xg: nd ealobo sonegbo. ~ There are Beau resots there, 2d 85360 ygegneqo. ~ There are many Nowers there. orga sb Frodqao There is There are~ indy igeendo a gsAoo, GaBsgargsBo of 8:3y fern anderigbs bng> There, Gndgrang BrSscerenb reno gor + Here ~ oj ‘2g. There are several modern hospitals here. There ~ nd e.g. There are beautiful lakes there. Over there ~ 0 nj e.g. There is a university over there. 1 Here you aol ~ af 330 8g. Pass me the book, please. ~ Here you are! ~ amdoFazgon, Brg. ~ oBBga! ‘Also "Here you go’, “There you are” and “There you go". “Here you go" and "There you go” are quite informal. if you say this to your teacher or your ‘boss, they might think you'te being rude or impolite. So use the more formal “Here you are” or"There you are" instead, Pay Attention: ‘They're ~ oben sins6 = A contraction of they are, e.g. They are very polite boys. Their ~ aso = The possessive form of the pronoun they, usually modifies noun, 2.9, Don't touch their phones, ‘There ~ og = Either an adverb describing a place or a pronoun used to begin a sentence. 9. Dont go there There are many resorts in Georgia. ‘The problem is that these words sound identical but have completely diferent uses and meaning ab begyaa8o onBontiee Bvdrinerfdol, Goprv8 Lbgomettgs B6rgBgeerds ganfian. Ex:7 Choose the correct verb. 4. There (is / are) (00d cafés in our city. 2. There (isnt / aren't) a large table in my oom. 3. There (is/are) ‘a blackboard, a tabla, four desks and five chairs In our classroom. 4 There (is/are), pictures and a mior on the wall. 5, There ('s/ are) a new theatre near my house. 6. There (is / are) ‘many flowers in the vase. 7. There (Is / are) a textbook and two exercise books on the table. 8. There (isn't / arent) many children in the park. 9. There (ls / are) three windows in my classroom. 10. There (isnt/ aren) 2 school there. 11. There (is / are) 2 table and six chairs in the living room. 12. There (is / ae) many cars in our city. 18. There (is / are) @ fireplace and two rocking chairs in my siting room. 14. There (is / are) 4 red carpet on the floor. 15. There (s / are) ‘a nice park in their city. 16. There (is/are) {three dogs and two cats in the yard, 17 There (is/are) ome water in the glass. 18. There (is/are) alot of furniture in the room. 19. There (is /ar@) ‘900d news for you. 20. There (is/are) alot of money in the wallet.21. There (is/are) allot of mistakes in my homework. 22. There (is / are). ‘many English books in the bookoase. 28. There (isn't/ aren't ‘your telephone in that room. 24 There (is! are) three beautiful lakes there. 25. There (is/are) ‘many universities in my county,

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