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Mein Kampf is the autobiographical publication written by Adolf

Hitler. The book contains his political ideology and future plans
for Germany. It became the bible of National Socialism (Nazism)in
Germany’s Third regime. The first volume, entitled “The Settlements
of Accounts”, describe the world of Hitler’s Youth, the First World
War; it also expresses his racist ideology. While the second volume,
entitled “The National Socialist Movement”, outlines the political
program and methods that the National Socialism must pursue
following the new Germany.
Adolf Hitler is by far is the worst dictator in the world’s history,
however I was interested on what and who Hitler is through his book.
One of the solid points or quotes of the book that I like is when he
says, “Reading is not an end to itself, but means to an end”. Like,
if you read a lot but you don’t have the skill to understand and
take out the good part of the reading into practice it’s pointless,
you just have the knowledge and you don’t know how to do with it.
The book also has a lot of good point like how Germany lacks in
national pride, how communism doesn’t work, he also talks about
social democracy and how it is difficult to be a worker in Germany
and its unfair system. I think another fun thing about this book is
that Hitler talks about his childhood as well, how his dad and mom
died, and how he had to become a man of his own at the age of 15.
Although it is a racist and dictatorial book, it also points out
that an educated mind, who knows what is right and the right
functional form of government will know that his ideas, visions and
ambitions are flawed and misdirected.
While reading this book, I was able to point out the good things
that he had to say as opposed to the bad things or the incorrect
thoughts that he had in his world view. It is a useful book at know
how you could go on lot of thinking, like for example most of the
people only knew Hitler or any form of dictatorship it is bad
because that’s what they were taught, but they don’t know why it is
bad or dysfunctional. It is a good book to challenge our
understanding what is functional and what is not.

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