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5 Reasons why You need to Travel

1. Adventures. It is always an adventure to go out and see places you’ve never been before. To
try new things, eat new flavors of food, do activities that you thought you would never
experience. You do things which somehow scared you at first, but have done it anyway.
“How did I do that?”
It’s our nature to be adventurous, and no matter where we are or who we are with, we are
bound to take a series of adventures that can scare us, thrill us, but in the end, fulfill us.
Traveling brings an adrenaline rush. And no matter how it went, it will always be a moment
to be treasured for.
2. Food Curiosity. Trying out new food in different places is the satisfaction we need. Whether
it’s Kimchi in Korea or Malang Tod (Fried Insects) in Thailand. You can’t love every food you
taste, but it’s your curiosity that was fed. Food always brings back memories. In every food
you eat, a different feeling you can remember.
3. Instagrammable Pictures. It’s amazing to feel how great God is in letting us see picturesque
views that nourishes our souls. It makes us proud to see these sceneries, not on a magazine,
but with our very eyes. Of course, for instagram purposes! Capturing moments to create a
wonderful feed on your instagram. No matter where you are, you can always create a
picture that paints a beautiful story.
4. Meeting New People. You’ll realize that there are lots of beautiful people in the world. They
are beautiful in their own skin and in their own personalities. Whether in your country or
outside, it is best to create new acquaintances and know about them even more. By
knowing about them, It is not only the place that makes your travel worthwhile, but also the
people who contributed to make it perfect.
5. Lifetime Memories. It is not always that we are able to travel. And time would come that
our physical abilities will delimit us in trying new things. As much as we want to, we are not
getting younger. So get out of your comfort zone and see the world. The world needs to be
seen and traveling will make us feel more alive. I promise, you won’t regret it. The laughter,
the bloopers, the moments--- these are treasures. So start creating one, now!

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