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Best Digital Marketing Technique To

increase eCommerce Sales Faster

eCommerce business owners and marketers keep on looking for new

ways to drive traffic to the store so that sales goals can be achieved.

Some digital marketing techniques might have turned out to be

successful in driving traffic and some may have not. Moreover, mere
driving traffic is not enough, you also need to ensure that you are
attracting relevant traffic to your store.

Irrelevant traffic would not get you conversions, it would only increase
the bounce rate of your online store.

So, here we have come up with 7 solid digital marketing techniques which
can not only drive traffic to your website but would also help you in
getting higher conversions.
1. Instagram Marketing

There are around 800 million active users on Instagram. Posting on

Instagram on a regular basis can really drive traffic to your store.

Instagram has already invested in creating a team of 50 people in New

York which would focus on eCommerce features of the app. This itself
proves that how profitable it is for eCommerce businesses to promote
their products and services on Instagram.

2. Facebook Advertising

Facebook Ads is a great way to attract relevant traffic to your

eCommerce store. Being cost per click lower than Google Adwords,
Facebook Ads can play a major role in bringing in leads at a lower cost.

Just remember that your target customers are not coming to Facebook
for buying. They are on Facebook for social networking and so driving
traffic from Facebook can be quite challenging.

You can use below-mentioned techniques to be successful in Facebook

Advertising –

• Use video ads to attract the attention of your potential buyers.

• Retargeting the users who have already visited your product pages.
• Product-specific ads which are in high demand.

3. CRO ( Conversion Rate Optimization )

By analyzing the data of visitors coming to your store every day, you can
come to the conclusion about why they leave without buying and
Need more details on eCommerce Analytics Tools? Click here.
Also, through surveys and interviews, you can know exactly which
challenges your online store is facing and overcome them.

4. SEO ( Search Engine Optimization )

Google is the king of search engines and most of the people search for
products on Google. If your website is not ranking in Google, you might
lose many opportunities.

Read more,

1. 6 eCommerce SEO Tips that will double your sales

2. How to do SEO yourself? – DIY SEO

There are many ways through which you can improve Google ranking for
your eCommerce store. But, the best way is to hire SEO professionals or
you can hire a company providing eCommerce SEO services and thus you
leave no stone unturned towards the success of your online store.

5. PPC (Google Adwords)

Although you are using SEO to generate more traffic from Google, it
cannot guarantee instant results. Through PPC, you can get traffic

With a proper Google Adwords account management, you can get a good
amount of relevant traffic from Google and help your store to sell more.

6. Email Marketing

Email marketing is still one of the most sure-fire ways to achieve relevant
traffic. Send properly designed emails with the strong call to action and
you can definitely attract the relevant traffic to your store.
Here are the 15 Inspirational Email Copywriting Examples Worth

In case of eCommerce business, you can also send emails to your visitors
who have abandoned cart offering them attractive prices. Customers if
consistently reminded about their favorite products left in the cart are
likely to visit your store and buy.

7. Competitions & Discounts

Introduce new competitions over your online store to get more sales. For
example, you can ask your customers a few answers to the questions
about the brands you are selling and the winner would get a gift voucher.
This would bring in new customers to your store and further you can
retain them by giving them discount coupons and other giveaways.

Digital Marketing: Increased Traffic and

Converting traffic to customers is not as easy as it seems to be. If you are
unable to fulfill your sales goals, your digital marketing strategy might be
needing some improvement.

All the above mentioned digital marketing techniques can help you in
improvising your strategy and attract relevant traffic which really

Still, confused about which digital marketing tactics to use for your
business? Just get in touch with QeRetail.

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