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Email Marketing

A part of your digital marketing mix

Email is best for objectives in the
lower end of the marketing funnel




Usually performs the best by
conversion rate
How to conduct an effective email
marketing campaign
Your mindset when you do email
Step 1:
Set your objectives
Usually, 3 main purposes of email


Loyalty Engagement
Lead generation
Sending emails to a prospect database with the
goal of getting them to purchase or inquire.
Engagement. Sending
email messages with
the purpose of
enhancing the
relationship of a
merchant with its
current or previous
Customer Service. A channel to address
customer inquiry or address issues.
I have an objective.
Now what?
Three things to consider

• Quality
• Quantity

Message Measurement
• Customization
• Writing quality • A/B Testing
• Programming • Robust tracking and
• Timing optimization
• Social tools
Step 2: Have a
strong database
Given the database is the prospect list, the general
rule is that the bigger it is, the more leads you
How to grow your database
• Use strategically-targeted paid

Paid Media media such as Search Engine

Marketing, Audience Targeting
and Retargeting

• Engage in a member-get-member
Referral program to bring in quality leads
• Engage in affiliate marketing

• Strategically placed call to action

Owned Web to register on all pages
• Rewards to register such as

product sample/discount
• Use registration as pre-requisite
in accessing material
Strong call to action and
incentive for registration
Know more about Pregnancy Blues in your inbox.
Register now and get a free gift pack.
Content-relevant call to
Pregnant With Child 0-3 Pregnancy
woman nutrition YO Resources

Registration pages are

customized according to
interest to generate higher
registration rates
Private sale can only be
accessed if you register
Automatic opt-ins. Phrases like
“Your information will be kept
confidential” help registrations and
opt in rates as well.
Progress ticker manages
consumer expectations.
Assurances instill
confidence and encourage
customers give the email
address they check the
Use content to spread the
word to friends
Show clear benefit of
referring friends
Direct registration from
an online banner
Search engine
marketing encourages
consumers to sign up
Maintaining a robust database is important
in ensuring that the right message gets
across the right people.
A stale database is
a useless
•  Get the right information by using the right registration fields –
make sure that the registration fields are segmented properly, and
we get all the information that indicate purchase probability like
contact information, designation, job description, etc.

•  Request for information updates once a year – ask members to

update the best ways to reach them via prompts to update contact
info via SMS or through the website

•  Send an email no less than one per quarter, no more than one
every 2 weeks – to keep registrants from unsubscribing, make sure
engagement happens regularly, but no more than what is irritating
What would you like to receive?
•  Salutation – make sure salutations are personalized to the name of
the customer. First names are usually best for Business-to-Business
marketing but to be most relevant, ask the customer how he or she
would like to be addressed via the registration form.

•  Content – relevant content is the biggest factor in high engage and

response rates to email marketing. Take into account the
consumer’s information, past interactions and predicted mindset in
crafting messaging.

•  Sign off – if possible, make the email come from a respected

person from the company instead of a generic address (Make the
email come from “Mr. Robert Swanson, Customer Satisfaction
Director, instead of “Customer Service Department”)
Writing Quality

Subject Line
35% of email subscribers open emails because of the
subject line alone
Opening Paragraphs
Good opening paragraphs in EDMs lead to almost
twice the open rates against a controlled
benchmark (44.29% vs. 22.43%). The top left is
naturally where the eye goes and should be the
focal point for your first key message.
Consumers also read emails in an
F-shaped fashion. Take this into account
when positioning calls to action and
designing the email.
Footer information
At the bottom of the email, always provide the following: an
email address for feedback or contact purposes, a call to
action to add us to safe sender list (“To ensure receipt of
our emails, please add to
your Address Book”)
Add strong calls-to-action by adding urgency and using an
active tone of voice (“Limited seats - sign up now” will
work better than “View Registration Form”). Repeat calls-
to-action at the top and at the bottom of the page.
Spam Avoidance Techniques
•  Avoid using these words in any of the content as these
have been known to trigger spam filters

•  Avoid putting capital letters and punctuation symbols,

such as quotations, dollar signs, or exclamation points
into subject lines, as they tend to trigger email filters

•  Abuse complaints happen when recipients click the

“this is spam” button in their email programs. That
usually means they don’t remember you. Make sure
your “From:” and “Subject” contain your company
name (so they’ll instantly recognize you).
•  Mark links within the email body in underline and in
blue (like this) to clearly indicate it is a link.

•  Have a 3:1 text to image ratio. This makes the email

lighter and faster to load.

•  Use web-default fonts for majority of the text – Arial,

Verdana, Times New Roman.

•  Have a web version of the EDM and a call to action to

view it at the top in case their email reader does not
render HTML properly.
•  Always include both HTML/
plain text version of the Email
in the blast. Some consumers
access the email from their
phones and text versions are
easier to read in that format.

•  Make all images, particularly

logos, clickable
Spam Avoidance
•  Make the email size less
than 40kb; large sizes
usually trigger spam filters

•  Ensure the emails are

blasted from a reputable
blasting source. If a
server has been marked as
a spammer by email
providers, all subsequent
emails they send, even to a
different database, will be
earmarked as possible

•  The best time to send out an email blast is Tuesday –

Thursday, 5-8pm (peak times of reading emails)

•  BUT: Test
Best to schedule
automatic emails
when a consumer
does a particular

This is called trigger-

based email.
Trigger Communication Point
First use of card Thank you, spend to earn rewards
First rebate Spend for to earn more rewards
Check in to partner
Exclusive promos with CIMB Visa
Middle of the month Points review
Social tools
•  Put social sharing tools
on the body of the email

•  Enable commenting
using consumer social
network identities to get
feedback and generate
conversation on the
Remember your objective
Test Optimize

• Email A/B testing • Initial benchmark from industry • Tweak templates and design based
• Landing page testing standard from accumulated learnings from test
• Establish internal benchmarks as we
proceed with optimization
•  Testing two separate materials to 10% of
the initial database. The better performing
one gets sent to the rest of the database.
Establishing Benchmarks
Make someone fall in love.

Thank you!

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