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A. Coagulation of Heat acid and Alcohol

Add 5ml of albumin

Repeat the test w/ 5ml Add 3ml of concentrated
solution in testube then
sample of skim milk nitric acid
heat for 10minutes

3ml of egg albumin in Incline the test tube Delute the egg albumin
tube, + 10ml of 95% with nitric acid then solution by adding 1ml to
alcohol pour 3ml albumin 3ml

B. Precipitation by Heavy Metal Salts

1 tube, add 5drops +5drops of silver

Add 3ml of egg albumin Repeat + drops of
acetate solution then nitrate to 2nd and
solution in 3 test tubes mercuric chloride
shake well 3rd test tubes

C. Precipitation by Alkaloidal Reagents

Add 3ml egg albumin 1st tubes, add 1-2ml

2nd tube, add 1-2ml 3rd tube, add 1-2ml
solution in 3 test tubes of tannic acid
of picric acid trichloroacetic acid

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