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Jamie’s heart rate is considered to be in poor condition , the average resting heart rate of a

woman 46-55 is about 74 to 77 bpm, we will be working on getting her rate down and build up
her endurance.

12 week periodization training program

“Before and during every workout make sure to stay hydrated”

As she is a hypertensive individual and wasn’t physically active for past many years I would like
to impose a 12 week program consisted of cardiovascular exercises as suggested in ISSA fitness
guide. I’ll divide this program into two parts first 9 week will be cardiovascular exercise part and
the other 3 weeks will focus on her endurance building/strength building.

A five minute warm-up is compulsory before workout /a 5 min cool down period too at the end
of workout Sunday will be off .

For first 9 weeks

 Warm Up: 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching of the entire body in order to increase Jamie’s
heart rate
 Walking on a track or treadmill for 20 minutes Jamie was instructed to walk for one minute on
an incline to be increased followed by one minute at a leisurely walking pace.
 Cool Down: 5-10 minutes of slow walking to gradually decrease her elevated heart rate but still
keep his muscles moving to avoid cramping
 Stretching: 10 minutes of a variety of static stretches that engage the whole body, especially her

For last 3 weeks resistance training along with aerobic exercise.

Take at least 2-3 minutes rest after each set and after each exercise

Exercise performed in this phase are performed with moderately light weight.

Monday (chest and triceps): incline bench press 3 x 10

decline bench press 3 x 10

flat bench dumbbell flies 3 x 10

dumbbell kickback 3 x 10

Tuesday (biceps): dumbbell curls 3 x 10

Preacher curl 3 x 10
Wednesday (back): wide grip lat pull down 3 x10

barbell bent over lat row 3 x 10

Thursday (shoulder): dumbbell front raises 3 x 10

dumbbell lateral raises 3 x 10

dumbbell side raises 3 x 10

Friday (abdominal): abs crunches 4 x 10

side crunches 4 x10

Saturday (legs) : rows 3 x 10

dumbbell squats 3 x 10

seated calve raises 3 x10

Sunday off.

This 12 week periodized program will surely help Jamie in bringing down her resting heart rate
along with losing some weight and build up endurance and will surely make her feel better from
her past life and will be helpful in bringing back her healthy lifestyle.

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