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srs0n01g ‘Summary of Ingian National Movement Summary of Indian National Movement ‘The Indian National Movoment was an organised mass mavemant concemal with the interests ofthe people of cia and affected by bath internal and extemal factors I ld tothe formation of nian ‘atonal Congrass in 1885 and savoral revolts broke out across the coursry. Formation of Muslim [League in 1906, Swaadeshi Movement 1905 oe. which spearheaded the reedom struggle In cla {rom 7885 to 1947, ‘Summary of Indian National Movement Ithas been observed that the struggles for Freedom in India had been a merger of a series of Boia ‘ Political socio-cultural Economie Aeapacon ovens vsmennderatent ako sontotuosmavenem | sooes umelsadnite — | een canoes nfatotoreg de fect et etnoatedton ost cd aon tat fe cot, (On 28 December 1885 Indian National Congress (INC) was founded in the premises of Gokullas ‘To)pal Sansért School at Bombay. twas prusided over by W.C Banorjoe’ and attended by 72 delegates. A.O Hume played an instrumental fle In te foundation of INC. ith an am to provide ‘Safely Valvo fo the Bish Governmant ‘A.O Hume serves asa frst General Secretary of INC. Real Aim of Congress slo trained the Incian yout in political agitation and to organise orto create UI opinion inthe country. For ths they use the method of annual session where they cscuss the problem and passed the resoltion. ‘Tho. frst or early phase of Indian Nationalism Is also termed 9& Moderate Phase (1685: 1808) Moderate leaders wore W.C Banerjee, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, R.C Dutt Ferozeshah Mehta, George Yule et. Mederates have ful fakin Britsh Goverment and adopted PPP path ie, Protest, Prayer and Petition, ‘Due to disilusionment from Moderates methods of work, extremism began to devslop within the ‘congress after 1892. The Exiromist leaders were Lala Llpat Ral, Bal Gangachar Tlak, Bpinchanda Pal and Aurobindo Ghosh. Instead of PPP path they emphasise on seleliance, consirictve work ane Swadesh itpsww jagranjosh.comigoneral-knowledgelsummary-ofndian-rationalmovement-1466033301-4 18 sis0n019 ‘Summary of Ingian National Movement yan the announcement of Patton of tenga (1905) by Lors Cuczon for adminssivatve convensence, ‘Swadesh and Boycott resolution was passed i 1905, ‘congress Sessions during Swadeshi Movement: 4. 1905 ~ Congress session in Banaras. Presided aver by Gopal Krishan Gokhale, 2. 1906 ~ Congress Session in Calcutta. Presided over by Dadabhal Narj. 3. 1907 ~ Congress Session in Surat on the bank of the river Tapll Presided over by Pherazeshah Mehta where due tothe differences between Moderates and Extremist first spit in Congress occurred. ‘Muslim League was founded in 1906 by Agah Khan Ill and Mashin Mul. ‘Separate electorate was Inroduoed by he Act of 1909 Morlay- Minto Reform Act. Gaahar Movement was started by Lala Hardayal in 1913 and founded the Gadhar party on ‘November 1913 at Kolland. is headquarioc was eet up inthe form of Yugantar Asivam at San Francisco and stated the publication of Gadhar Journal Komgata Maru incident took place on September 1914 and for this Indians set up a commit named as Shore Commies fo ight the fgal bate ofthe passengers. In 1914 First World War broxe out lak on Apri 1916 stared Home Rule Movement and its heasquarer was at Poona and demanded war [Annie Besant on September 1916 slated Home Rule movement and its headquarter was at Adyar rear Madras, {Lucknow Session of Congress 1816 presided over by Ambika Charan Majumdar (Moderato leader) ‘era both Extremist and Moderate leaders were und Government of india Act 1919 of Montagu: Chelmsford Reform Act was passed to establish a responsible Government in Ina ‘On January 1815 Gandhi tun to nda from South Aiea at the age of 46 In 1916 Gandhi J founded Sabarmati Ashram at Ahmadabad (Gujarat to preach the Mea of Vth ‘and non-violence. ei 3 Satyagraha— 1917 Kheda Satyagraha~ 1917 ‘Ahmadabad Wil Strike ~ 1918 Rowlatt Act Satyagraha February,1919 ‘Gana j founded the Satyagraha Sabha in February, 1919. In this movement student, middle clas, taour and eaptalst pariepated and congress aan organisation was nowhere, This was the fst ‘mass mavement of Gandh: Jallianwala Bagh Massacre ~ 13 Api, 1919. People wore gathored at Jalianwaa Bagh in Aritsar to protest against arrest on Satudsin Kiclew and Salyapal an 73 Api 191. ‘On 1°" August 1920 Kthlafat Committ launcned @ Non-Cooperation movement on tpl issues Punjab wrangs, Khiafatissue and Demand for Swara ‘Therefore, Non-Cooperation Movement was slated on 1920. In October 1820 All India Trade Union Congress was founded in Bombay by N. M Joshi, Ray Chaudhary, resided over by Lala Lajpat Ray ‘kak Movement was started in 1920. Jn 1928, SGPC (Shiroman’ Gurudwara Prabhandak Committee) was founded Congress Knilafat Swara] Party was formed by CR Das and Metial Nehru. Also famous for the second spt inthe congress, In 1927, Workers & Peasant Party (WPP) was formed at Bombay by $.8 Miakar, KN Juglekar and SN Grate In 1824, HRA (Hindustan Republican Association) was formes at Kanpur Its members were CS ‘Azad, Sachin Sanyal and Ramprasad Bismi Ip 1929, HSRA (Hinaustan Socialst Republic Associaton) was formed at Frozeshah Kot ‘Bhaget Singh jones HSRA. ‘On 9 Aug, 1925 Kakor Tran Dacot, inthis conspiracy case Ram Prasad Bismil, Rajendra Lahr, Roshan Lal and Asafaqulah khan were hanged to death ‘on 23% March, 1831 Bhagat Singh, Raguru and Sukhdev were hanged to death in Lahore Conspracy Case, ‘On 8 November, 1927 Simon Commission was appointed bythe Britsh Conservative Government under Stanley Baléwin. To ingure in the working system of Government inthe courity af orm at of 1210 Nehru Report 1928 for dominion status, universal aul franchise, ete sinnah’s 14 point programme on 31* March, 1928 4828 Lahove Session of INC presided by Jawaharal Neha where the resoition of Purna Swara) was passed by th congress and decided to launch a Civ Disobedence movement under tye leadership of Gandh ‘On 269 January, 1930 Independence Day was celeratad forthe time. (Civil Disobedience Movement was started withthe Dandi March. From 12 March to 6 April, 1980, ‘Gana along wth his 78 flowers marched from Sabarmat Ashram to Dani and broke the sa aw bby making salt on 6 Ap 1980, ‘On 12 Novernber, 1930 First Round Table Conference was held, ‘On 8" March, 1931 Gandhi trwin Pact was signed. (0n 23" March, 1931 Trial of Bhagat Singh, Ralguru and Sukhdev. ‘On 29 March, 1831 Karachi Session of INC, presided over by Valiabh Bhai Patel In this session {vst time a resolution of Fundamental Rights and Eeanomis paley was passed. ‘on 7* September, 1931 Second Round Table Conference was held in which Gandhi j participated itpswwjagranjosh.comigoneral-knowledgelsummary-ofndian-rationalmovement-1466033301-4 Dati 28 srs0n01g ‘Summary of Ingian National Movement con the behalf of congress, (On 16 August, 1982 Communal or Ramsay Macdonald Award was announced (0n 26" September, 1932 Poona pact was signed. ‘On November, 1932 Third Round Table Conference was held In 1935, Governmnet of india Act was passed to create Al Indla Federation, Provincial Autonomy ‘and Diarchy shoud be there inthe centre, ‘Towards Quit India Movement Important Congress Sessions: 1/1936 — Lucknow (UP) - Pres ‘1997 — Fatzpur (Maharashtra ‘11938 — Haripura (Gujarat) —Presided by S.C Bose V1990— pur (M.P) ~ Presided by S.C Bose ‘On September, 1939 llnd World War broke out and india was deciared an ally withou its consent In 1999 S.C Bose founded Forward Bloc. Iwasa left pat, (On 10" August, 1940 - August Offer was announced by Lord Linithgow vicery to gat the support of ncians inthe Second Works Wer. ‘On 1 Mareh, 1942 Prime Minister Winstil Churchil announced for sending a mission under the chairmanship of Sir Stafford Cripps to find out the solution of constitutional deadlock ard problems of Inala, ‘itn the faire of Cripps Miasion Quit india movement was started in 1942 by the Indian leaders {and the resolution of Gut Inia was dated by Gandhi J. Gandhi t gave a call fr Do or Die. In 1942 ~ Indian National Army was founded by Caplain Mohan Singh and Niranjan Gil at ‘Singapore. S.C Bose took overs command of 2" Headquarer at Singapore and Rangoon, ‘On 21! October, 1943 — Azad Hind Government was set up at SIngapare under 8. Bose was a women regiment known as Rani Jhans In 1848, Second World War was ended In 1945 - Shimla Conferanco or Wavoll Plan was proposed by Lord Wavel to soWve the political deadlines, Ii 1945, Cabinet Mission Plan was announced by PM Clement Ate (012% September, 1846 - Interim Government was set up under JL Nehru (On March, 1847 ~ Lord Mountbatten was send to India wih an aim to find a way to tanster of power, Also known as Plan Salkan, (03° June independence of inala Act 1947 was passed by which powers wore transferred to Wo Dominian States india ane Pakistan. There tps ww jagranjosh.comigoneral-knowledge/summary-ofndian-rationalmovement-1466033301-1 318

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