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LEIN-400 English 4

Final Exam II-C 2019

Student A: Read the questions carefully and provide substantial, simple and clear ideas to
answers them.

1. What are the main characteristics of a good communicator in your opinion? And
Why? (provide clear ideas and substantial examples)
a) listen to others: it is important because you show interest and listening is the
basis of communication
b) Consider the tone of voice: this must be serene and demonstrate security. Our
tone of voice reflects what we really feel
c) have eye contact: it is important because it shows security and interest

2. Who is your most important leader in your life? What characteristics can you tell
about this person? (provide clear ideas and substantial examples)
A good leader must be responsible, charismatic, honest, good communicator,
motivator and mainly a facilitator
A leader must manage the time to meet the objectives, I think a good be leader
needs to be firm, decisive, but also needed listen to the opinions and ideas to the
other people.
An example of the leader is the athlete Sherman Guity. After the amputation of his
right leg, he won a gold medal in the para-Olympic games. He did not give up his
dream of competing for Costa Rica.
He is a committed, disciplined, optimistic person.

3. What are your most important strengths in your life? (provide clear ideas and
substantial examples) and What weaknesses do you need to improve? And why?

a) Be on time: Try to be 15 minutes before any appointment. Show respect and

commitment to others.
b) I am also optimistic: I try to see the best situation of the moment. The best
opportunities are in times of crisis.
c) I learn quickly: I learn through practice; I focus my attention on the key factors of
each situation.
a) I am a very temperamental person, many times I let myself be dominated by my
emotions and that causes me problems.
b) I have little command of English, my vocabulary is limited, so I need to focus on
improving it and being more fluent.
c) Sometimes I can become very proud, so it is difficult for me to interact with other
4. Negotiating:
a. You have a cellphone that you need to sell. Tell to your partner about the
characteristics of the product (brand, camera, applications, etc.),
accessories of the product, price, and delivery of the product.
Hi Albert. How's it going?
Hola Albert. ¿Cómo estás?
Fine thanks, Laura. ¿How are you?
Bien gracias, Laura. ¿Y tú cómo estás?
Can't complain. Albert, I've had a chance to crunch some numbers. I can
pay you $100 for your celphone.
No me puedo quejar Albert. He tenido la oportunidad de hacer algunos
cálculos. Puedo pagarte $100 por tu telefono.
That's out of the question. That price is ridiculous. Look at all the
accessories it has. 50 mb camera, 256 GB of memory, Bluetooth, 5g
technology. The price is $ 300.
Albert Eso es imposible. Ese precio es ridiculo. Mira todos los accesorios que
tiene. Camara 50 mb, 256 GB de memoria, Bluetooth, tecnologia 5g.
El precio es $300.

Okay, let me sweeten the deal. $150?

Esta bien, déjame mejorar el trato. ¿$150?
Laura, I don't know, I need to earn some money
Laura, No sé, necesito ganar algo de dinero
Okay, okay, you've twisted my arm. I'll pay you $200. Take it or leave it!
Bueno, bueno, me has convencido. Te pagaré 75. ¡Tómalo o dejalo!
Now you're talking! We'll take it.
¡Así se habla! Lo tomaremos.
You drive a hard bargain, Albert.
Eres un negociador muy duro, Albert.
Yes, yes but it is a good smartphone
Si, pero es un buen smartphone
I agree 100% with you
Estoy 100% de acuerdo contigo

b. You are partner is renting an apartment that you need. You will negotiate
the price of the apartment (look for a discount) and the facilities that are
not included in the rent. (you need to use phrases of agreement and
disagreement as many possible and use vocabulary of negotiating covered
in class).
Student B: Read the questions carefully and provide substantial, simple and clear ideas to
answers them.
1. What can you do to improve your communication skills? (provide clear ideas and
substantial examples).
2. Are you a leader? If so, what characteristics make you a leader? If you are not a
leader, why do you think so? (develop three substantial ideas, provide examples).
3. What are your most important strengths in your life? (provide clear ideas and
substantial examples) and What weaknesses do you need to improve? And why?
4. Negotiating:
a. Your partner is selling a cellphone that you need. you will negotiate price,
delivery and additional components such as charger and earphones. (you need
to use phrases of agreement and disagreement as many possible and use
vocabulary of negotiating covered in class).
b. You are renting an apartment. Tell to your partner about how many rooms it
has (kitchen, bedroom, and others), what facilities you offer (cable, garage, and
others), how much it is (price) and what facilities include in the rent and which
ones don´t include it.

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