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Chapter II.

Restaurant food inventory management is connected to everything from planning your

menu to determining how many guests you can feed, making it essential to the daily operation
of any foodservice business. Before taking inventory, consider organizing and cleaning your
storage areas. You can complete this yourself or assign the task to one of your staff members.
Throw out expired ingredients, and make sure similar foods are grouped on the same shelves.
Are you using cases, boxes, gallons, pounds, or another unit of measure? Knowing how to
calculate your restaurant's average daily inventory cost is another way to help yourself make
accurate purchasing decisions. To do so, simply divide your total inventory cost for that
purchasing period by the number of days in that period. Your restaurant profit and loss
statement should have the figures you need. In most cases, automating your inventory process
allows you to take stock more quickly and accurately than you could by hand, making it the best
way to track inventory. Software also allows you to determine which items you buy, how much
you sell of each item, and how much of each item you have left. Additionally, automated
programs can calculate the value of the food you have in stock, which comes in handy when
determining average daily inventory costs.

"Restaurant Inventory Management"

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