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Paper Assistant Director 2012 (Intelligence Bureau) 1. Hotest planet of soloar system?) . Which zone protect earth from dangerous radiations Ozone} -Latest Constitutional amendment in the constitution of Pakistan? 20th ight year is the unit of [ Distance ] . Members of SAARC 2[8] 10. Fertility of soil increase in natural way by cultivation of Alternate crops|Crop rotations 11. Deficiency of iodine in human cause diseas« 412. Bad insulator among wood,wool and iron|[ron| 13. The light dispersed in how many colors when fall on prism|7,| 14. Main gases of green house|CO2 and methane 15. Natural source of energy friendly to environment|Solar and 16. Acoustics relates to[Sound 17. Instruement for measuring humidity [Hygrometer] 48. ML was founded in which year ? [1906] 19. Who was the main person in ALLAHABAD address? 20. What happened after elections of 1937 2M. League Lost] 21. Who was the first mughal ruler ?/Babur|| 122. First constitution of pakistan was passed in which year ?[1956] 23. Sindh ML passed what resolution in 1938 ?beparate country| 24. UN Security council has its HQ in which city 2[New York| 25. OIC headquarter is situated in which city?Jedda] 26. Total books of sahi sita?[6] © 27. Hadith is the ......S0urce 2] 28. Ravi means?[Who narrate hadiths| 29. Mawatta book written by 2[Imam Malik] B0. City of hadith?[Madina Munawral |. There are how many SAARC member present?{8] . London olympic hockey champion[Germany] . Gasses pattern at night , by plants|Intake O2 and exale COZ] When will US forces withdrwan from Afghanistan , announced by Obama|2014) . Bashar Hafez al-Assad is the current what of Syria ?[President . Copy of genes or producing same copy of living organisms done in Cloning Device which doesn’t store data(Hard disk,cd,microprocessor,none) 38. Friction Is not present in(Swimming,walking,slipping on icenone)[None of these] /39. Acting president in absence of president ?[Chairman of Senate] 40. Naval HQ located in 41. Pakistan.Iran.India gasline is called, Peace pipeline 42. Mega irrigation project in Balochistan Kachi canal 43. Gawadar built with the collaboration of which country?[China] 44. Petroleum sector regulate by which?|OGRA| 45. In charge of state bank is|Governor| 46. First written constitutionMeesaq-e- Madina | 47. Capital of Libya is Tiripoli] 48. 2power3 +2 a 49. (-2)power9 + (2)power9 -[None of these] 50. 3x square -7x +23,put x=2(answer19not present)|None of these 51. How many words can be formed from word STUDY(Take factorial of 5)[120_] 52. If 2x:5y=3:4 then x: 53, 150% of 48/72] 54. What percent decrease makes 160 pound to 152 pounds?[5% | 55. Boiled water is given hottest flame what happens to temperature? Remain constant] 56. What comes next of 012358[13| 57. History deals with[Past] 58. Gas required for combustior| Oxygen | 59. Dark clouds are in the sky so rain i{Imminent | 60. Al Hidaya was written by his books? [Did he put] 63. Diamond is a....[Material Noun 64. Was she...the the people present? [Among] 65. | can’t even think...borrowing money, Of | Will be published ‘cident. 69. Average of multiples from 10 to 190 (10&190 included) |100) 0. Tickets of children are sold at half rate as compared to jadults. There are ive adults tickets sold and 8 children’s.Find what was rate for adult tickets If total cost of tickets was 27?[3rp] 71: Car question with one moving opposite to other with I8km/h speed more 48856 | 72: 6inch long and Sfeet wide(60inch) fence question|None of] ithese 173: Which one prime no among 2,3,37?/All of these 74: What comes next 0,1,2,3,6,9,12,16,... : Due to shortage of fuel the gov't has asked the public ...consumption.| : In absence of facts we can...from facts.[Deduce] : He...that it was 5 O'Clock. |Realized] : One of the players....highest goal in the tournament.|/Score : Word “Hoping to enter the university” is|Clause| : Possitive integer whose tenth digit is 5 longer than its unit. Sum of digits is[11. 83] | 81. WHO recently declared which country as polio free: 82. Which is the largest seaport of Pakistan: [Karachi] 83. Where is Benazir shaheed international airport: [Islamabad 84. Who is the current cricket chief selector of Pakistan: linzimam ul Haq (current) 85. On which river has mangla dam been built{Jehlam| 86. What is the boundary between Afghanistan and Pakistan: Duran Line] 87. Where is siachin glacier. :|Gilgit| 88. Pakistan derby horse race,2012 was won by which horse: 89. Who is the current chairman of senate : None of ithem|Raza Rabbani (Current) 91. 7 NFC Award in which year/ 92. In Pakistan main source of power is:[Thermal] 93. What is protecting earth from radiations of sun: Ozone 94. Environmental friendly resources: |renewable energ resources 95. Effect of heat on the temperature of boiling water? onverts into gas| 96. For burning which agent is necessary:|Oxygen| 97. How do the planets stay in orbit around the sun? 98. Usul-e-figh was written by:|Imam Shafi 99. The word round in "He took round in" is----parts of speech:|Noun 100. The word “hoping to enter the university” is a: For More:

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