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Knowledge and Understanding - I think I understood the novel enough to do an insightful 
presentation on it, and I did connect my presentation to another part of the book, but I 
could’ve done more to connect my presentation to the whole book rather than a singular 
vignette. I didn’t necessarily contextualize our passage or our global issue. 
Literary Analysis - I believe I did a good job analyzing my literary device (diction) and 
connecting it back to our global issue, but I could’ve done more to incorporate O’Brien’s 
purpose in certain word choice.  
Focus and Organization - I could’ve done more to contextualize our passage and our global 
issue with the rest of the book, but overall I would say our presentation was very 
aesthetically pleasing, and it connected the passage and the global issue well. 
Language - I believed I used very scholarly diction, and without notes I was forced to 
interact with the audience more, but I could’ve done more to prepare beforehand.  

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