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1) Book store app

Design a console based application for a book store using Java and a database for
storing information. The features of the application are given in the problem

Problem statement:

• Create a table to hold User details. UserID, userName, Password and

TypeOfUser (Admin, Customer)
• The application should first validate the user with his username and
• And then, options should be displayed based on the logged in user type -
If Admin -
Option1 - Add a new book
Each book must have a title, author, cost per piece, copies
available and category it belong to.
• There has to be 5 categories – Fiction, History,
Psychology, Engineering and Kids.
• The new book added should be segregated and stored
into the proper category. You should list all the available categories as options
to admin while adding a book.
• While adding a book, the application should notify if
the book is already present and if yes, how many copies are present. You should
then update the number of copies in database for that particular book if added.
Option 2 - The application should be able to list the books category-
wise. Eg: You should give an option to admin to search all books category-wise.
Take category as an input and list all books under that category. Include out of
stock books as well.
Option 3 - The application should give an option to admin to list out
all the "out of stock" books.
If Customer -
Option1 - List all books
This option should list all available books with their
name, category, cost and author. (Do not include out of stock books)
Option2 - The application should be able to list the books category-
wise. Eg: You should give an option to customer to search all books category-wise.
Take category as an input and list all books under that category. (Do not include
out of stock books)
Option3 - The customer has to be given an option to search a book based
on the title or "part of the title".

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