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For finding a volume, we need to define 2 surfaces: NT, road

TIN surface/volume: Triangulation irregular Network surface

2 TIN surfaces--> 1 TIN volume
PENZD:point ID, (easting, northing, elevation)==coordinates, description

Steps: 1.points
2.point group: same description
3.create a surface: P1
4.Ter.N (pts)+surface
*Points--> Point creation tools
*Divide--> number of parts
*Measure--> distance
*For corners: Must add by manual (create point tools)
*Surfaces--> create surface --> TIN surface
*Points--> create point group(no need for description in point group properties)
*For reaching point group properties (right click in toolspace on
the group's name--> properties)
*point group properties--> Information(tab)-->Point style--> edit -->
size--> relative to screen
*point group properties--> Information(tab)-->Point label style-->edit---> copy component(next to
A symbol)
-->you can change the properties (content--> you can choose easting for example instead of
elevation or point number)
*Surface--> Definition--> point group--> choose the point group
*Surface-->(surface_name)-->edit surfacee style
*Points-->import points-->selected files--> + --> extension==.csv-->specify point file format
*create point group
*Create surface--> TIN volume surface--> Base surface and Comparision surface
*For the volume surface: surface properties--> statistics(tab)--> volume..
*Tab toolbox (in toolspace)--> Reports manger
*Steps for highway:
5.Assembly(Cross section)
6.Corridor(cross section kif meshye 3al tari2 (3D))
*Points from autoCAD--> points--> convert autoCAD points
*Create surface-->earthground
*surface-->definition-->drawing objects
*eg-->RC-->surface properties-->Definition(Tab)-->build-->maximum triangle length (Yes)
*Leave only borders layer on
For the project
1.Horizontal alignment:Home--<Alignment--Alignment ceation tools-->Design criteria....
2.Tan-Tan with curve (click on alignment : geometry editor -- alignment grid view)

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