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The way on how we are exposed and taught by the story of the prodigal son entices and enriches us

with a sense of gratitude towards God. By simply listening to what Pope Francis said, God is a merciful
father who will always forgive and choose his sons and daughters because he isn’t asking for something
in return when he gives his unconditional love. This parable is additionally about every one of us. God
the Father stands hanging tight for when every one of His kids will finally understand the requirement
for an enduring and fulfilling association with Him. In way it can be inferred and when we think deep
and reflect on what is really happening in our society today, we can see that there are some
organizations are like the father in the parable who’s willing to help anyone who’s in need without
asking for anything in return. That being said I guess even though we live in a society where it’s a give
and take livelihood; we should always take a step back and learn to help other people without asking for
something in return. A person who’s willing to help anyone in need doesn’t mean you’ll go straight to
heaven it just means that you are giving back the grace and mercy of God that he has gave us and
endowed us which we are to become stewards of all his creations.

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