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Our constitution is a celebration of myriad freedoms, which enshrine in us ideals of liberty,

equality and dignity, for the creation of just and egalitarian social order. It is our supreme court
which connects us the people to our constitution. It is our supreme court which through its
judgements transform our constitution, so that we can achieve all the aspirations of the makers of
the constitution.

One of the biggest goals our constitution want to achieve is to bring equality in our society by
bringing marginalized group par to the developed groups in the society. One part of these
marginalized groups are women, for whose protection our constitution provides provision in
article 14, 15 and 16 of the constitution so that they cannot be discriminated with men at any
sphere of her life whether it is private family or professional sphere. Our constitution also
provides favorable classification for women so that all the inequality of the past may be washed
away, and they may be brought on equal playing field with men.

But our supreme court on many of the occasion interpreted this equality code in such a formal
sense that instead of protecting right of women, it further marginalized the situation of women in
our society.

In recent times this scenario has changed, as our supreme court has started to interpret this
equality code in substantive sense, so in this paper the author will try to highlight recent
judgement of supreme court which effected the private family and public sphere of women.

The author will further try to highlight the importance of substantive interpretation of equality
code by the supreme court, and how this interpretation has brought new hope of equality among
the women, it is highly believed that the substantive interpretation will look upon the impact of
the law rather than goals.

The author will further highlight that how these judgements try to end the stereotypes in the
society with respect to women and try to bring them on equal pedestal with men.

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