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‘Even Einstein struggled’ is an academic study in the field of psychology which was done

and published by teachers from university of Washington and Teachers college of Columbia

University. The study was done to show how students in junior classes were affected by the

belief that to become a scientist, one had to have an inborn ability of a good scientist. Teachers

had an early assumption that students belief that if you are struggling in sciences, it is difficult to

become a scientist hence they end up not choosing sciences in college. The main objective of the

study was to motivate students in lower grades by showing them that even the renown scientists

like albert Einstein struggled in their learning periods.

Motivation is identified as the key factor making students shun away from doing sciences.

The study tried to identify various beliefs that drawback this motivation. Self-attributions person

has towards certain actions greatly affects the outcomes the moments that person intents to do it.

It is less likely to have positive results if the perception of the person was negative. The study

further suggest that ability and effort are greatly affected by the motivation behind each action.

Generally, this leads to either success or failure because of the person’s mind set. Sometimes

there activities which don’t require person’s mental capacity. In my point of view, it is difficulty

to have a success in them regardless of your mindset. In careers like boxing and athletics is

almost impossible to have success if you have no talent in them. Here, mindset plays a key role

when you already have a talent in you.


‘Story based instructions’ is an idea which the study had focused on. Researchers assumed

that it is more motivating to tell students the struggles and success of great and renowned

scientists. Exposing students to great scientist had great improvement as compared to exposing

them to performance and achievement stories. Low performing students showed a great positive

result as well as performing ones when they read stories of struggle and success of these

scientists like Albert Einstein and Michael Faraday. Reason behind this improvement is that one

feels more connected with someone’s struggles more than he feels when he reads his

achievements. Positive performance cannot be entirely be drawn from someone intelligent levels

but also from the outside factors one is exposed to. My point of view on external factors

affecting success of a person can be drawn from leadership field. It is more likely for a person

who has previously interacted with leaders to become a good leader. The leadership environment

fosters a leadership mentality in that person making it very easy to rise to a leadership docket.

Prior performance on science subjects by students was one item the study tried to identify

how it affected their motivation. Good performance is more likely to give him more motivation

to continue improving. The spirit of surpassing prior score will push the student to do better next

time regardless of the intellectual ability. Additionally, the student will have more interested in

learning new skills in the same subject as compared to other subjects. Personally, I think is one

reason which pushes someone into great success as compared to other factors. A good example is

an athlete who has a world record in marathon is more likely to set another record more than

another athlete who has no record yet.

The article has brought out a new aspect of drawing motivation from someone’s life. It is

more resourceful to study struggles one went through to attain success than going straight to

what he achieved. Many times we feed ourselves with a lot data of achievements than the

struggles. This is where we end up losing the step towards success hence giving up half way.

This is mainly because the mindset is set to achieve than to first overcome what someone is

going through. Best way I can apply this in my professional career is by drawing more strengths

from my failures and getting inspirations from my successes.


Work cited

Hong, Huang-Yao, and Xiaodong Lin-Siegler. "How learning about scientists' struggles influences

students' interest and learning in physics." Journal of educational psychology 104.2 (2012):


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