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in Marawi.

B. Public safety requires the extension

The Court also ruled that the acts, circumstances and events upon which the
extension was based posed a significant danger, injury or harm to the general public. The
information upon which the extension of martial law or of the suspension of the privilege of the
writ of habeas corpus shall be based principally emanate from and are in the possession of the
Executive Department. Thus, "the Court will have to rely on the fact-finding capabilities of the
Executive Department; in tum, the Executive Department will have to open its findings to the
scrutiny of the Court. The Executive Department did open its findings to the Court when the·
AFP gave its "briefing" or "presentation" during the oral arguments, presenting data, which had
been vetted by the NICA, "based on intelligence reports gathered on the ground," from
personalities they were able to capture and residents in affected areas, declassified official
documents, and intelligence obtained by the PNP.175 According to the AFP, the same
presentation, save for updates, was given to the Congress. 176 As it stands, the information thus
presented has not been challenged or questioned as regards its reliability. The facts as provided
by the Executive and considered by Congress amply establish that rebellion persists in Mindanao
and public safety is significantly endangered by it. The Court, thus, holds that there exists
sufficient factual basis for the further extension sought by the President and approved by the
Congress in its Resolution of Both Houses No. 4.

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