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enchal Principles ° INHERENT DOWERS. TAXATIONT EXCEPTIONS ~ a Nc ywggeat ugntons comrons, uMUngns teesTcagomne ne ngs eamurter) {Ove Press ght We Hea) ate 1 yeoman Eats EERE iat Liataeiearme siete ms Seema hemo meets Reentry Seeaaee se ey emma! STAGES 4 TAXATION 4. Levy imposition of Tas Congress cata 5 getaee ‘Sangyman cloea) ? “Sanne 2: assesomert xan Hae: 8 2 eotaton Sarit GRteleareareeaey Secatertease reat ata tee PE en te arrogant tears eam a encom PEARAUON > DIFFEREN] PURPOSES 5 OBIEEIMES of TA > coURt wigR FERENCE w/ Tax LE 6 ipower by wle the sovereign they J 4 Rae Revenue “Tamed omy 49 eppica¥on ond (erprta ion “he tan HAS lawersaking body raises reverud te defy #-NOn-ReLenUt the neceSSary expenses Hf govt se Fromatan xf Gera wregor® «= insagh ne power #0 tat i6 anton, Panton Fast not be exeroed in amaxbitrary maower: IT ine obuse sso great to 95 te destroy the "CHARACTER ST 4 £: Relckon of SoU eg ie Inheren power of the sovereign state Encourage Eeonom 6 reabaeisogeat : 2. Erelusvely lodged wl the legisla? proectonsm ral» rane on Unconshithonal Is ree ao ipso eorgtaoot + a ees wong Sse of TATION ” son Lr aoe Comeronee of tooten) Ystsic rsincPLeS fA sou Ths sften view heey ORY omy Toate, FSA goes ‘. Plenory. "neessory burdn 10 plete the Ste A AOE met govt expondhurt and 2. Comprchersv® sovereignty ite pull needs 3. Awatome power to destroy samannecasecns ony Bae of taaten) Ys Aelia fennel era meron ony neta ea | pnb og eet oreted pa |S THEORETICAL USTICE envivtans fom to Aes ava ie ne the toe score sono SOAS enforced proportional erred renee eved by APE lawman 1. Levy/rmponiton of Poy foes by We of A ceeregrty wc Legon /Foeen of. Conaress ee vr arwarnet Isupfort gf gort and for que need a. ryorceyen ios haminigation See ee gag Beare og OR | PTW as angy notberemured sears IME ee SCO pES of LEGISUTWE TAKING POE qr selgg agains on overpand \ ee et east ah ‘Forged Onorge 1, Amouni/ Rate of 10 S.geneely payeoe # mehy ahaeteyYevied by toe gabe 1 Anoot Be fee tan Fe ee a aomereotoabe | fr a Aasatign 15. mere lve of pubtt finance 2 fire asic rupee ‘tin peat af a gor Levels) ‘ule f apportionment Aelrpared bythe To olin As yorudeson Ye: Sujet sett toned vided win nachon G vevied gor public purpose Cit so 2. urea a ey. ee calin or Taxes- AS TO SUBJECT MATTER, 1. PERSONAL TAF = fares of fixed amount upon all persors Certain class w/in its jurisdiction 7/0 ‘regord to propert certain Gs wits IU tray Ue engaged e210) 1 eat a oe Pad dma ben EEE terde as ug etal} Fa ee coca et) AS TO BURDEN * Toe ate ne i LINDINECT TAK- the burden Can be shfved w passed onto ontiner woes AS 1 PURPOSE 1. GENERAL Tax 5. Spectre ta® As 10 MEASURE OF Te Spear TAA imposes «Spoof sam by the Neal w number by some standard of weil measure ky Yavontin TAL tay upon the valae of 8 ale tong duvjeet 40 tana H08 (AS. 10 TAKING THEORY ‘NATIONAL TAF 4: LOCAL TAK AS 10 RATE PROTEST TAX - tax increases ap socom® increases REGRESSIVE TAK- fax decreases income nereaxs 4, PROPORTIONATE TAK peed proporon of the vole Ae rop asested # OTHER IMPOSITIONS ASIDE FROM TAKES trou Se ena popued LL DENALTY, punisleem fa te commission of eri@e S Conpnoyide PEAY Prove ermal pono in costs “ay nelahon A. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT: Ieied nly on tard as 0 sulle beret Srimproreme™ geening tern 5. LICENSE [ree “regulatory imposinon tn dhe eversse of pole power & MARGIN FEE -erachon to able Ye currey 1. DEBT -tumef monty Ave upon contact m endenced by judged F.Su@si07~egbtotve grant af money In aid f 0 phe. enterprise 4. custonts DUTIES » FEES ~ on impereten #1 Exparabon {0-BEVENME tases and income hom ake soured A IMPOST duty en MporEA goods A mdse te Time sompbtea by chan meh 13. TRIBUTE =i posed by & monatch TAXATION POLICE POWER [EMINENT DOMAIN. TAK SPECIAL TAX DEBT To raise revenue [To promote general [lo fucitate the ASSESSMENT Teor anal sige meagre (inealeies [eseeee seoperty ef POR ry sige owe to tne govF Tong ‘due to th Rotimi Timieare mesa f|votiacien vcaw] | [eon oaseanedn [ayaa eputaron foupropey rates emracnay Foeimages| |Sarciy "|S Sy Tospacanyared [rode tena Jove vent rom seca tae | Tce m orey feytein eee ecovea "|e oripeseanon ese eae B65 Par weet sata ot based on any |Boaed winoily en Does not draw | Draws interest May notte impaired |My be impared | Moy be mpaved awed tere ty eee [as Taxes pag become [No transfer out only | Ironsfer is erect ses ie partefasifomis Jrasrain nas tne of te lewedesond espa op | [stature [Asean exereise sae Yea senses [Se ane mies (oe Caversall persons, | Covers all persons, | Cavers only upon a rene ran fienaon eek | ee na Property, r1ObS ond | property, ngtsond | particular property aw ory punted. mease ties renege Pete lmet | E | 4 | fe Temseoree) [oor bor nv pedo tne ET | perder te elec athe outro | ete roe 4 ra Lear remegiooy |) tential oto wnt a pacts ete hampeas racial PUBUC PURPOSE # TAKES. Oat] Ze5t- wretve eo eee sere ne Bay ce ‘Stale, as @ government. to provid® enon eu SitennE Te ee nd retls of ef wl Srey on nbrey prohols he wel se [NON-DELEGABIITY sf THE TAKING POWER GR: The power of toxahon 18 pearl ard Caehsweyexershed by Me leisure xq) Autoiy of he Presiden te forgot impor Benet gies, Tomoye and woaroge ove 2 foe of a aout 1235, fet ond hoes ca pregation se agra agents 1 Ttementaion ond clerbon tobe KINO ronal Tay SSUTUS #f TAKATION Cwm jurisdichon) os Readence fy [Real Prop Tax cation of rps oc Peron Frop Tor fe oogit€-rySea Leaton imaagibe- Be 104 and ‘ould Sequueye Fessrae” Business Tas Ploce rf Busines aise Taw inere ach 1 performed w toe sceupahon ve gursted Sales tar Wiberg Sale 16 consummate Income TAF Firanster tar | anchise Tow | [consider wemzerp residence ()sourte ‘come ine foapayer wn [ocahon racer State wl grarned the tronchs 8 [Residence wcituenship { Corparaie Tae Law on inesparon on NON-TABABILTY of the GOVERNMENT GR: overatnti tar temp BE Rr OF ting aon ues ow ttn AO mMepATvE HEENGES a dor! rans tg esep uns om provides b. Proprietary Fun tatable unless esempled a.tocte GR! taable Bp Bises, pwn eso s. ovr eoucaToNALITTUTONS Serapoty/ Rates Tos ect elaey ale tr pues ried ‘b Incomes received Esta bat sndule for rt lobe WW 1 nthe author othe gov fo ejetly Impose taxes on & sbveregn state ond as indirumentalthes, a8 well as on fs property had ond achat underennthaeopaaty ro stot shal ase! gupesnty over the aes by imposing 4050800 JME PROC 0 PROCESS CLAUSE UNIFORMITY, EQUITABILITY and EXEMPTIONS PROM ASE: Opprivniy 0 bbe heard / PROGRESSIVITY ef TAXATY ASSETS of EDUCATIONAL isTiRATiONS, fate play PRNIFORMITY= altosobe artes hed et | nen-sioc ncn-poht Suestarsce ond form set tnd yom cay ae ese ohne | - poppe mits fo he ee + ony EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE Heepeaeaty cease ool ans 10 os! | member of the orgonizahon all persons shall be sreoted oike under J» PyoaRESsiin rete as fox bose * VETO Powel ESIDENT IN AN AOE’ Ns she orcumstonce ond Conditong both TEVENE gu TARUEE BIL in the privileges conperted and bbl} AMAT oNGRESSIONAL POWER SELEGAE fate PRESIDENT NECESKITY Af APPIN BEFORE M0 imposed IMPOSE TARIFT RATES, imponr EXPORT quoias | BE PAID OMT ¥f PUBLIC TREA: FREEDOM of SPEECH & of the PRESS “ae EXEMITION of PROPERTIES ACTUALLY. | yon-aprROARLATION FOR THE BENEFIT DIRECTLY & PLOUUSIVELY USED te RELL ao apo AUT Seo oF OUR Now: INGRINGEMIEN rf RELIGIOUS ANO-WORSHID. TABLE 4 EOWOATIONAL funinoes Saco" + "Brey? ano easly” wEMTMENT of TAYES LevieD br NON: IMPAIRMENT of CONTRACTS ‘SPECIAL PURPOSE ~ Genera, oy fans mt 8 av vonivg neque oNweiON a, YT ae “TRE TEGUL ATIVE. GRANT TAL EXEMPTION. | reqesr AVENUE ALLOTMENTS Te LEU prospective applicariom, unle! Tenens the taxpayer " fe ose PHIRMMENT ga SUIS mes REGUMING TA4t APrRopRITIONS, | Foo SON TAR CASES EE Ag TARE BLS SEAT OREN CUNSWELY FROM THE HOUSE. CONTRACTUAL LIMITATIONS J.when the exemphon 15 bilaterally agreed pan biw Ine gov't ond Me ‘onpayer it carn be withdrawn wo Milan the periment cle s-when if unilaterally gromed by ond the same fe wllirann oy Trt anther ad Where the e¥émption 1s gronted under at rondhise = it ay be vthdeawn at anytime OOUBLE TAXATION ~fauing te some properly twce when # Should be tared “oweones { oimect ovrutaTE Tax RoH/oesonoUS = roniied velason of utstarmet de proces Sito espn ater eed pr fae bee catty outer Coe cometh caine ome taxing poo © dave the sare Kod &orvoc ot 2. NoIRECt OUPUCATE TAXATION Mowe REMEDIES AGAINST DOUBLE TAXATION {Sparing Rute 2 Tax Seduchons (9, Vanshing educhory 4. ra4 Greats 4: exemptions 5 Treaties wf ofr ste Principle of reaprotira FORMS ESCAPING TAYATION. {-EHIFTING- tox burden ss teanfered fore {me stantony }poje, Campo of fos0K00? 4 onoiner Cac of fanahor) wo Mola te low 2, cApLIARZATION = mere inereas? in the value the peoperty not incom bat trertly go uneeabe? (notease im capa ‘No invarné Un ofr Ae achva ae ther dupes of fe property in GES af i origina ces {2 TAcAVoVOANCE-empitabom of egy permisse aternatvt tay ratks @aetnnd! A. TRANSFOAMATION add tax 40 pri pay 04 and endear reg me fi process pod turming 08 US 5. TAS EVASION legal, oudsentyreand 6. TAY MTOM. yor immunity "9 8 at lower cas KINDS of TAX EXEMPnON 1. As 40 Gasis 1 Consttutienal -or‘ginal from constitute %. siobstoy “emanate from legslanon 1.48 fo Form a. Express SB tempued 2 Ato ment total & Fora! a As t0 object A cersonal ~ 4*€3Y In favor of certain peer ty impersora >aniawl > TAXIMPOSITION Covorcia, INTERERETATIONY | > TAK EXEMPTIONS « PRINCIPLES) Sek erates than provide means for Ye eudie prrse 1 aways presomed ‘eyempien from t32Hon are hah oa Leputatve intemon mustbe crmdered |" Agovored ia lan! ond are nol présdmed Ww MADE 4 where the language plain ond snere w Vg He who claims as exemphon must be all revenue bils caepesay at to gaan alos a be gen feie bi te us sei Ah deme originate fiom the Hous? ef Rep ‘ordinary meanin art op organic # sav vt@ Law by nor ean hom args bya raja | #°Aeraue wa be corded aximpeina fp atk ike mistaken: i Om gow, SERGE Som cela | adds senrin rere dove, ft consrued ce 4s-He who cints exemphon should prove, Sinead det i crfrana meu in | 87 conden eran het eeonpted fpayer wa Taxaton 6 he rule, tax exerpfion 18 #8 Voie sn technical commute, del era and journals =it'shatt be elavoted to Strate, w/e need? Yo-pass the same 3 readings normaly, the, President ages abitinto J Fate Tear wopemnnans came eee eee te ee |" een Poa an Cree Pars of eget so gue mi Ts ongon ct erly ented spot xpos declare aget auger Res Rx eae erat ST”) et re gee Trecunes ora Tasos af special tas ond prevail over} 4, conetttang! grants of Tos Fxempmons = rrecunet ord ce a genera lan) fre selp- eueoving Court deusion! [COME OBO ot sourte) atataat aro ctvilin nature, not ottical Tg, 455 syemptions are fereral Revenue Reguiavors Cast sour never re tactows penal in nature. sce, 7 NATURE of INTERNAL REVENUE Law S ‘Hine tule on reiranetve @fPect of penal laws, = not peal if nate feds no emhtahon thax c050F “Eien nu peal nature sorNetther ean te Coreiunonal pombioe ee oon agers passage wt poe fo0 las BE MAJOR CLASIFGATONS of 14x LA agar pasage 1. Tax imposition 2. Tax Exemption > TA¥/REVENUE REGULATIONS > BUR RULINGS ietecpresations of an adminisiasve | ~ genera interpretation of fo laws usaly | ra Ime ORCMLARS (Rete) os dy CBIR) intended 40 clanty ot pon a requlst 90 tol eaer fo canfy ise pertinent and. plicable porho explain she. tax laws and carry into | @ peov'Sion +f law Cquasi-Judia> issued by @iR and other gens f RevERME DELEGATION of aurHORITY effect is generat provisions ‘ORDERS (RDADS> providing We aetQis of samllstohon]”ADMIMSTRATVE 3 JUDICIAL INTERPRE find proveaure =nterprerations ay admintrave level signee “functions delegate d ty the Commissi AREQUISITES ore given great weight but ore not laws, ns delegated tne Come Ara Be Feagonabl® Gette. coves denions we 29 eonadeed | fareemi offical In ain donce wf zn se auinony conferred Part of te law of $e land 2 not contrary 40 law REVENUE ISSUANGES & must be publisned , sos ee reamiess beneficol 10 REVENUE REGULATIONS CARS Soar Tsteg nc oy te, ey finance vos rezommendation CRs AUTHORITY To PROMUAL GATE thon apeaty . prescribe # define ruies Neeru mower | matguton © were tin Sertietreetashen ey" | eastan fete tan | m internal Revert, senate) EEREVENUE MENAORANDUM ORPERS (RMOO) pronde directives ah iastractions al areas except ousting B-REVENUE ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (8AOS) = dealing otrietly w! eermanemt admin sthup rf ne Bureau F DIFFERENT AGENCIES INVOLVED in. POWERS ancl OUTIES ef the BIR DIFFERENT SOURCES of INTERNAL REVENUE ‘TAX ADMINISTRATION oe 1, assessment eallsction of a ational iinoomejtail 1. BIR interna) revenue taxes Cnotond 4x) | internal eevecUe foxes, fees and charges Ys. estate & Oorer's AGENTS of BIR altoqorcemedt ep ot frtetures, ptnattes Pgyar omession of Customs wf resect J, 28d ime? Foner ‘herouh a a. Bsecation af judgmests in ob cases denies in itt 008 by the Court of Tox Appeal Cer) and the erdinory courts ‘4 Bie effect to and adminster the type ise] and yee powelt eongerred 108 5. Ere Taxes Documentary stomp Taxes TAX TREATY REUEF APPUDATION = Pursuant Doub Taxation Agreements ta toes on porte good! b neat I propre grt w/ respect ro'eneray 0 Banks diy acre by he 8 2, B00 custms aw engorcemen Gittoses) pink fade bs othe tont 4 Prowatial, ily and municipal assessors peed ened he hls oa eh ours ‘and treasurer - igcol & RPT (cal Foxes) ASSESSMENT the BIA (5 empowered to afford NRA so¥POYe rekeF from double foxation on ‘mcome eared win the, Fhis such income we & toKed in ine Pris. mayoko be toved in the foragn county we the son-esident may be chzen at resident theeaf AVAILMENT of TAX TREATY RELIEF tho ff IRCOMe must be apglieg Before he ‘synonymous to tax audit “RRR 0 ty ae saeyerhel st parse cote es fain fo topo oe ees {fat ihe ong Hod erent. fa tax and containing a demond for the payment there SUPERVISION 4 CONTROL BIA shall be under tne supersion ond. Control of the eptg Finance under IN? aptice of the Present composition of BIR. pres “ Deputy a peor Vet's os Apfore ee + the Bik a Sat arent irate. revere Of hoe 4 fagome. fam Bevce? Sor come, EOI = Dongen neestH Roalhs 1 RUOETE SITE! bet treat rates TA faxpoyer has a right te question legal eerie rai and sre ah tics Runentedn oan STE” ERtaS'8 genenty ururted becuase is based fn the needs ofthe SHoKe ita £a04chen: Adm ‘nee 8 a iawempoong intent fron Tan) fe 8m Commasionee ‘i tas Crome RDO Ig pot an ale €90 The aR commissioner ia eet dees under the resaeet' OFe8 JRrousins in the Pralsgping Comins ar 6 eae Fee ua mane teniagonf tt “Ru fe pete wen bon wu ET oot roms IEA Socheg eenen 2a are ea pat om! may bo eciet Bae mparnem eee wr otateon jena ey Sa be wt se a Tfotictaaten Silgae toca Pere egonned roared Ret a hy haere tn esto Tan owe ore 4 maha Jove conan anyed sae ses ne wegrity calection of rye (fais Krown 8 Tox Adm Socondae gers of tovaneh Surrptudey, Re oy. compbuakey casa iahan i inagatBee cf rased on ener cary tn ann sare of wn resin e bgsonmen persona o pol Oy uns’ mand uot icone fos abst 3 eroest ard a ppororo 18 hatatory tae Geen under rugnn BFL fom Tada dtmaed f pramebne faerie ea army of pas ckece Fees imposed 40 regio a onbue in Ad Valores 6 a fa ae as tne sre m9 Ecker tr eer rer poor wine mpove is preends of ode rey rn) he ut promschon oat oer ng woos 1k an at saa apes tans based oe SBhawarrematt Pe Serea aneecenae meses se duced en inert site Feet aneomeo ensue pen oahu oe eed ve gerae on Ee aeainn ars eet eEee oe crows as Ba 328 ow canst the Fasing poe of tw rowice, munieipalkes aha ee recede rromeoamtinona gran reads at enyoneed by the Conerluncn 10°38 ke fev Nano ngertat Aeyende ues: incame 1a. Estate Ta eer ing et ot ae ay hat toa ard Renae A23: ol Tau RET agtnuce ef Tax aye Revenue Reguanens E inmaings oe nrreeeorses if Mey or preyainia Me fag er cements yy acne er et veer cea argh Seri od ther eat aaa jaa ee caine ets Ieee ee seas wate are reget eee a Me eaesson of ranora mero IE HHL eon foigoredby te BK Baemssoner Lea te ltrs wets ta Riders pt moore nein Saeco sel gees pena Reece rane ce eras ete te Pomme allt etic uae et gea etre Cee Tek = Tastee hep mm mips acetate faraiaran’ etc rs mcmama eo PRR nt toe ory |e BRAIN DUMP A payers of ine by ne en! Eon 10 THE pi crn Fae err stl rote Ireset weds wouri'y we acne mbt Binns eve pages clr { te tor wv ie ns parry uaeton oe eet Pa ba a ) Freer erarg ye Capeone on omunge Mme ard comand oor ‘e sine eroy Toe urs! vay ana ent ersufigsut ueoningtevala of om ht rae otra re las oti Inoue Neyo a Perea aoe th ae tommcsn fone br Feros enomozrnte on ae wee rete etre ga sums ion tind ieee anf up era 8 fe cays re theta rename tran mbm fraclpe sf ot pate des hah appre, hore rie of Se revenus as pees MY fe ponted were o wenn me Ninn 8 Ee eda eben sae Se ee caer eyed te fe Ree en a one at seats Wea cones FEM cine aoe to amperes She ne Commies Scepter tg Cetamnines of mera Revengt SE ret may a pleted oooh suit ene Ape ac rset ae ‘anne etre ealanad appt joredon theca ete vc gi teeta herons ote oe i eens nee ye see a ne Siren ese Brean "oh ‘ehpaier sein daha ‘ere eionent- tea ne opel as eau eet va demand payment jveyoates sree Error tng aegis cara Enel ine ora on ne Oey Te ete fae ie gst, 01 brecag| re Rear and oe tesa Reema Ct ine ay cores aoe “Satur er ae wean fu 8 gah ie oe putevart he Ca rpamaqateed axa sey ope pre of ee iy as nee cars Sate bona fSte'se ane apeaiad ete mn ~ The aca efor treed to eee en Soman creamer Any nt revere Ofc aségned to Srtuliren wre les sues 1 ke 10¢ Se pemiced wig tnal how ease sto] 0S Seared ay congt fo incb Y! Mgr co for ing Be ri ore eee peer bk ile Pep Erooninine ate es ag Se yore te ows tne gam $008 EE a Wee emap ace AA ceavence papery nahin ore at afte fgg’ tax ianc® | Mamiz08or no Thess ae hare ers arancophan fee ual room Tax waenes.hall pad by ne nab hen potoge stage apy our a Sra a aac TOE, Telaneal oer om tees ct te et na See ee ay “aac ey nn pi rng tnt ego aes optreng ant DECC Set 2 md SERENE arenes “Ee vn mugen eocen Seite mec ee et ha eee PM cates ee ee Nth eo Incéne > INCOME tree: capiia!:: fruit income * Severance / Realization Qectrine”™ > SYSTEMS oF TAXATION 1 GLOBAL SYSTEM OF TAKATION cen typed of income encept mast subj #0 schedular sytem pase income capha gn are agprego2d te ote a! ross income cs income vl be red by aonabt deduaons Yar? Sine fora income 2. SCHEDULAR SYSTEM OF TAXATION. separate pspenic graduated rte o > KINDS OF INCOME AND INCOME TAKES rs inposed on det typ¥e of come INCOME TAX Net Income Tax Ordinary Income Passive Income | Final Tax Capital Gains Capitat Gains Tax > TEST souate OF INCOME INCOME TEST SOURCE Trees fom tears eciaence of Jeb" Ingome from Series of performance ent Location raper Royatt piace use tangible Sale of Real Propet teeaton of erp Sale af Prreonat Property Place of (8 Domestic Core Foreign Cor, Gove of Damestic shores of Sock income win PRIS bragamnore_1gst * rncerreaton 88) © ividends G aerem + PREDoRINANGE TEST PREGNANT Sar came win soe chaining if Sor moe sen me ton vcore fat 3 oats PTH 1 he FEA ear 8 eee frm ets wit ie ts oer en oe Strnt ed tn acordane win A SCE Bradend Pi Gras ocer®/ ta! Gross Income ‘SINcoRPORATION TST MMydnenerer dhe shares of seek may bb 6 Protest ag os ebro >IMPORTANGE OF KNOWING THE SOURCE seme jogpayerd art tosed on thee wendinid® Income while SMters 066 tase omy rom arate within he Prippines dit wil anny 9 Tanpanpeh Clanificaliins-Indwiduol © NY RESIDENGY STATUS 4. RESIDENT CITIZEN (within wahoo) a citizen of the Philippines residing tmerein 2. NONRESIDENT CITIZEN (2183) ‘ra citizen of the Philippines who establishes the satisfaction ‘Of he Commissioner he fot op hc physical presen aoroad Fanta epinte intention fo reside tein (183 days or more) 3. RESIDENT ALIEN ean indivisua! whose residence 1s within te who {5 not a eiizen thereof 14. NONRESIDENT AUEN ENGAGED IN TRADE & BUSINESS (28 —¥ NRA who shall come to the Philippines and stay for an aggttante period of more than 13 days during ony olendor yeor 5. NONRESIDENT ALN NOT ENGAGED IN TRADE er BUSINESS MONNRA who ghall come 19 the Plippines and stay for an Prilppings and Taggregate period a 180 days or ISS during amy calendar year G. SPECIAL ALIENS se employed by multi-national companies, regional area HAS, ofFonote baking wnt petralewm Contraco oF éubcanrodors NOTE: 1-2 Filiping cies Net + Fes mt 3G Allen 150) Grass-r 00 rot le TR By SOURCES OF INCOME 1 GOMPENSATION INCOME EARNERS individuals whase Source of income iS purely derved {rom ‘an employer employee relationship 2, SELF-EMPLOYED eg sole proprietor or an Independent contractor who Feports incorne earned rom sep-employment =+ includes propessionals whose income 6 dered purty from the pr dokee 9f profession and no: under an empoyer-empioyt® rslaionship 3. MIKED INCOME EARNERS => indvidua's earning income botm from compensatian and fram Self-employment Cbusinass er pracice of grofesion ) Wore! Resend Aven ~Aven Ge Regison on, poe dete stated Galen 0) Tenet ace eal prope, nly conde) Tip Blipno wite-eam agar Bal Prop eee TEER poe @ wae 2 dor O88 28) vie -¥, GROSS INCOME “eseiuding passive income ‘and capital gains x tess: allowable Deductions 4s) Net Taxable Income % 4% Tax Rate se Net Income Tax Ove 7 tess! Tax Cred ipY o Tax STILL DUE Compeneation oman om reteston rodent Eos from aang In prey ‘merase tone feats oroends fetes Pesawanns Seer one she wot “otetiont prehie ese! ‘ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS Beathinswrree (He Pessyna emt) Nemaed ben w 080, ‘anew pera nda pager oe [rami or mart) Sr nl. fans memes incroge mals hae a {yor 200 month buss ae ton 50000 ‘incase of mace indi ‘nye gous laming AE hat genie ts dedi May rasan eo ‘ere ra repeat iy 2007193080 Pappa onlin 2217; 308-0 ver Deine oto taets 2, Ghartobe ber corbations sen ra eons o,f Pgs oH 80 op the Ge ete MUEU SY Corer Sane's Homie Daduch CLASSIFICATION BY RESIDENCY Resident citizen TAX RATE it038\.on taxable Ine CLASSIFICATION 6Y SOURCES Oe INCOME Compensation Income Erne 014035/.0n Taxa lacome Nonresident citizen Oi. $0 Bb. Table Ine} Sek-empoyea 4 Profesional 40 35-00 Faable Ie | Mixed Income Earners Br. based on Gans Sis) Raps 01-49 881 a0 Taxable Income OR NRA Engaged in Trae or Business 07, 40.6;on Taxable Inc NRA Not Engaged in Trade or Busia 325i. on Grass Income FINAL TAX >it ig constituted a a full and final payment ne incomme is due fromm ne ogee oo Buri tre ico ge a re CF), Te Gall of foe inolding fag Is Timed only tothe pajees Income onlay ind dogs nt extn 89nd 85 ra ny impated on sod nome 2th ingame guj to ia ina fs ne ger Tuber tomatoe fon: sere, re woud Seeiono pabed dove tase 2 Th aby forthe ayer of ac reas prmanlyo4 Thora ds witeiny age >The page io! eeu oie an 18 fr he pra Rigel agena eon > th ea fA ia ta is maple ote gras Incomes us dagnhon’ adr poset ond 3889) Srenptons ae ot anes PASSIVE NGOMES income deve from Sets WIN TWE PHLIFPDES nae wer tl ovary et tn sheen fede, oer vntar ben fram dep eet Soke, rast funds emir aang ort su noyatilg from ictal rea 1 sand ings § hsenas fom Guest Coreraton a Shr ofa Parnes ura dibs IneaMe of 99 OOTY FINAL TAX ON PASSIVE INGOME CRESIOENT CITZEN) £ 2011 vs. 20187 evans: ant ———— yale Beaks, Literary Wort, Masia Conga] 1) ‘on er Below 10.000 fo7. keep Books 207. pas rested (a nance RW) een eee sa a oreeerre eral on Winnings | Avore 10.000 wi. 207. Tatars Bangi —[wagnoantaae | Ten st z, re sr Faas saree |rateedsapel and, ie fram pepasnary Banks ¢FCOSK) interest [Long-term tmestmen! (final tax on presermanation astd an rermsing may) ver 8 ears ba - 7" 101, tof sivitnds [OE m7 fs (NON-RESIDENT OMEN) Same above excep far ere! Icom From FEOS wf is HEMT (CRESIOENT AUEN) Sane as Resident Ctzen CNRABTE) Som ay Raden Caen exept ntrts income rm FEDS wt if XENPY and Dividend rom CeesticCorrarons suet Yo fo. conganere) Nont {SPEUAL ALIEN) Same a Reider tinen Proviridrs abfed SECTION. (section 24(B)C0 Income Tas Rots en Inierasts ond ober Wiring ees RAG424) stem chal bt subject fo 5% fod a Peso and we winnings ae enn rom 204 final nding tae Trtewi emt ome dior wrk ne eyanaed rit cute) dst Ttason inert income om panded ore lege det yt na erated fetined tos exemption on winings fram Poe and let winnings * PYo.000 oss Section 25 (6x2) Income Tos Rates ot Cash andlor Property Divisends Divided trax’ is towed na 2000 respect Section 240) Incr to fate en Cap in oa shoves oats 19 i]. or te Gest 400.000 tol in ences of 100.008 Yin the dom Exchange praduated rates ¢f 61,81. ond10f beginning Jan, F818 Tay on dividend income wily puta 907. a Inereed 0 7 fived ware CAPITAL GAINS TAK CAPITAL GAINS TAX E 2017 ve. 2018] Sater ere core vetnitdd Non-Traded sien oe 67 peta 1870 NetCaphat Ga ‘Steck ofa dormestic Corp not listed Sore o Sus stock of DC {i z 57a ve apa Gain land traded teu a local stock exchange, Traded None asa wks Wow ese ar hala a3 capital asset ond ace ofr! “Jae of wool Property locaa in tne Phi held as Ca [or op # (rmvnse) [oro # CrmdonSP) property in tre Pippies held 03 bopital asset MINIMUM WAGE EARNER (MWe) PAYMENT of SMW RATES wore re at err wre ad with a Sey sta emp fm no Minimurm WOge CSV) rates. oF to on employee #9 the aaah ef oe an | Tre exemstio > day poy pg igh vr Setor with compensation income rt er een ela ei fhe sow ats in nor-ogricu tural sector where tne worter) digferential poy, and hazard goy earned by Gn owt empioses is assigned Aaaional compensation given 40 an ww by the game ‘employee other than hase which ave expressly exempt to 0 income tor shah bs subect to withneding Yak using #9 Withnoiding fox Table > ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS (1) emized Deductions oR” {G) Optonal Stondard Deéubhan (050) PePMot of Gross Sols / Receipt, o The CSE may be ~rnot owed for ve Ngening Comperaton acm under Hmieye?-EmPee relanonshiP wetmote uno oped the G81 87 > TAX RATE (ip GSIGR NO dees eiceed te VAT eho] (0 87 GAT in exces of 250.000 *OR” (2) Grades Rares on Taxable Iacomt Gp Election 10.68 taved at BY. incom tax shall be made in tne tr evar of ie taxable Year otReCS! ortduanes ees ce oc ha era fs 8 ear on wl etuen Smade . (> Aton tm during a gies fasable yea, if AE arts sales w rezipt’ tenteeded the var shreshld (P3.000, 0007, gaduated rate# Srl coutematicany be appied > ERSONS WHO CANINGT AVALL THE GAT covat-raghtred Yatgayer regalo re artur of gross fk (@) taygayee wt (6 sunject 10 OFT & Partners oa Genta Proqessions orverihp (EPP) 0 Taspayes engaged in vAT-ecempt frane/aehaties > REQUIREMENT TO ATTAGH FS TO ANNUAL ITR #9 GAT - Norrequied + Groduared Rate <3 -F58 requleed > gat Aust FY 18 etquiced > POINTS TO CONSIDER FOR ALLOWABLE DEOUCTIONS once the secon 1s made, the sae typ 4 deduction must bE Cr ey ppd for a Suceding quay ers ond the ind 118 for te oote year ay allowed to at indidual tospayee.cxcept NRA to Aopaeretesing C0 sha te eqired Yo subrm n E tere cao ners ered ye re a Cd TAX RATE, >The compensation income shall be subject to the tax rates preseribes under Sec 24 of # Tox Cade + The income from business en practice o profession shot be subject to {If Gross Salgs/ReciptS and Other Non-Operating income ddo mo’ exceed 4he VAT threshold, option of a. 87. G87 bb. Graduated tncoms Tax Fates a. tp it exegnds tne 1 seeshold, use graduated Inctre tar rote) W/SIGNIFICATION ef 87.687 a) Use Graduates Rate for ings on EER (tame 9007 GD Use G7 Gut et oS 4 MOT Coo den of C054 DFEF As ant Nore! No meet 250.000 Aatn wo @ w/o siewricanione 1-68 vo 8 “eo trcome a EER Inc, 90060 2) Inca on Buinse #65 $MOT C8 “OFeE aad 8 ord lo We aucted Rott Noten mors asc. dtd IMPORTANT NOTES. ne eption of ingore tox rte 1 appable ant te faspay's ye oe trah basing and MMe Soma 190 64 tHe income os unde ne eoovated income sas att the anno f 940.000 oll a deduction unde tHe fet 1 Teepe eae sly fram vlt-templyren osha pak @sn tae eS ne mol «aie ofion incase 8 was nto combine Me word ond sect 10 HE Fpodaned tev fan aio 20 one a. OE SS poy erento 10x CFG ASS SOS fr busress FILING ® BIR Form No. 1700 Annual Income Tax Retum for Individuals Earfiing Purely Compensation Income (inel.Nen-Business [Prop income) WHEN TO FILE? > This return is filed on or before April i sath year covering this thu sea orangieaaryear a wienthe tax due (6 in exces) ef P 2.000, iatalment payment f Tacome 10% may be opted fits nstoliment> pa Leeond lntalinen pais on & Close og re clendr year BIR Form No: 231G Certificate: 4 compensation Foyer Tax Withheld for Compe Payment With an Wott Tax withheld ‘ WHEN T0 FILE? > Tobe wsued to payet an or before Jneaary $i 4 seg ag f TRiendar yea in whi She cempenrotien 10 bad or 0 falar Jerinaton of empugrmer i Sued on the Some day fhe Last payment of wages i8 made steps era prea BR For. 2816 nto and etn is COPY fora posed of 10 years in cases covered by suesitated fing the employer shad furnish ‘gach miyet i ne onginal copy wR Fon 28K and ie zubmd fo tre Bite dupicO copy wrth ogcomponying Corned LA Hf Empojees Guoified for Svestited Fling of TTR wot later thaw Feb. 28 flloerng he clas the calendar year WHO NEEOS To FILE? >To be accomplished by the employer and issued to each emphyee reciting sts, ages ard ater fons 9” temanec ahd n ‘indiconitg therein he total amount padytne tasbs withheld thereon daring tne cntndar year ‘spuec ‘dat tne time of fling of theretuen ‘efor® oetoberi6 folowing ne WHO ARE REQUIRED To FILE? Viavery rezden T22” dering compensanon come on eh Sur, Every alien and nn-reagent citen wih bape Yo comp Fnceme win the Pls, EXCEPT 4, An indisiduol earning purely comp income whose taxable Income does rot exceed 260,000 wee aidaol whe ineame Yat hasbeen cores] witheld by the employer provided that such Indlidua has ory Tere pe ine tosabe yea" mainte Wrst soe ieart ha heen see 6 fl ‘witmalding "0 4, A minum wage ears FILING BIR Form No. 1701Q Quarterly Income Tax Return Loy Self-Employed. Individuals, Estates ond Trusts WHEN TO FILE? > {8'Gte -om or befors May!5 of he current imyabie year > and ate on or before August 15 4 the current taxable year WHO ARE REGUIRED TO FILE? » This return shall be filed in triplicate ‘by the ¢f Individuals regorless of mown op gresyincome do resets cizen engaged in trode business or praette HL peapession thin and wou the Phi? coo resides aken,ron-resident cen o nr-reside alien trdindua! engaged in trade, business 9 proctee of profession ay AAnastes ofa rust, quardiono a minor extatoe administer 4 estat® soe any persor acting in a fiduciary Capacty far any ‘son, where Guch rust estate, minot oF penn engaged i® trade o business BIR Form No. 1701 Annual income tox Return fen selg-Employed Indinoals Estates and Trasts WHEN 10 FILE 2 > this retuen {3 pied on oF before Api Sof foch year covering Income for ie preseding taxable year > wen ne ton du fs in 3823S of 2000, nstliment payment + income 4 toy be opted ‘ vat istaenem poder tne sone fing a He rw ree edirtaimert paid aa begs opoter Is fotowing We ale af te calendar year SELF-EMPLOYED /PROFESSIONALS ‘Existing Nen-VATTaspayer wo} Exe ————_— 91.GR ax Gradvored income Ta Baie ding Toe 93M esse) To avail of the 87. Income tax oe atthe beginning of tre tosable ‘eor o before the ut dole tow tas, ie Mupoyer Salle on Applicaton fen Regimen tipdate BI Farm Wo. 1¥08)4 cade te egistred typeof Perceatoge toy, thus cease bE {leg andor poy ent of prcetae No wpdate of rgetration a th taypajer it requced | raie to gerceriage tar Tp the faspayee is unable tosimely lupdat® he required regitraxon, helahe chal cornu Fo ithe | perertage tox efurn etna | [zor amour at eT Tie Fappoyer i tl quired 20 ayy ne vernon 4 avai [No elcn 18 require non a tre na gure come 40s eta ne taxpayer at continue topay ine required percentage *95 oben neve | — ‘SHIET FROM NON|-VAT 10 VAT TAXPAYER, "a tapayee wo pfu tht hse ross eles repr wil not exceed fhe PON fre bt has lua eedded fF daring the sale yes hat uote Maher registration 'o chong hele” tas type the tospayt cha poy pecantage fax unt ne time he/she ceased fo be Pron fopayer aetna impo an of peray i imei paid on AME immediatly Sueceding moe quarer ‘espera inmeaty update ihe repeat ovat rarpoyer within tho month golorting the month hele exceeded the, vat sel sr svger ar We bl o VAT prespeatil] arn on he er day Aine moog ee th el 6 ‘weathed —_nonu-vat Senin _vat Peniap_ Thalia £2.78 “ipdat egevoion oh wigayer Thvpreshage as aid UND it pene Bp gererage a for Ne VA nual eal rg ces SaTiquaean rgoynens cone ava EXISTING VAT TANPAvER to pip Not eve 24M FoR PAST 3YEAR! option Continue fo Aiail Graduated com Tak Rates >oprion 2 Ava eek UpJst regain on ot tee ae air aoaatle YE" “ubent fo 'He3 8 reguatoa on raghtrasee Updos Incdividuok Incbme Tax Kaler- ® OLD NEW TAX RATE _| TAXABLE INCOME TAX RATE | TAXABLE INCOME 51. © 40 10,000 or. ote 250,000 [107 | 10.001 t¢ 30.000 + 500 207.__| 250.001 40 400.000 157%] 3001 to 70000 + 2.500 400.001 4 $00:000 + 30.006 2or__| ro.0o!_10 190.000 + 8,500 30 | $00.00! 40 2.000.000 + 120.000 24 _[vacct te snoce 1 zsto 32-_| 2.000.001 to $.000.000 4 400.000 Zt__| 250,001 40 500.000 + 50.000 35/,_| 8.900.001 or more + 2.810.008 32/.__| $00.01 or more + 125,000 epfective Jon.t, 2018 ~ pec. at, 1022 £ RA10963) ————————— “peor mecmucear snes tee Zachos Wate et nt a cA Gp andahe partes may av 880.007 one wy $60.00 “ESS SeaA ce te) aie rane rron ahdinaalimers 8 dus 0 ost - Sent alitn from a domestic corp 8 sult to spans es ereche Le rsa ponent ola eee eat ce tin enon meso emt or ty ena sot a Snot se ‘ eran itd ud opt Seite women en = Mere Fat re et pet pate Te of cod peopel las as principal resident® and capi asset | evidence al purotts that me rturl was octuahy Sone “eben Pate in [etsy ran at sre ees x oa ere esi henge Goon ga alt ol reer classed as caf be etme wo! [cn easy ne ae ern ree pruebas nt Sees septs bose com CNC TE ey hn ho Satta gel btn ey he ny “ere segue be ee aye a on] ere aaa eer ert hl atic pt mgs fe oy acca es eg pemacme rar a yon neon wt re Pins Setsrsnact on ogo del SOS Fo ng tax [name onal dete pred depareagnet hl io eamyr “mentees cout aang me peewee? torre aetans enya ata tls waned ater = HANES Ye name tart egos | art eto ane ean the ow Funes ie ettat isbn ono sme rence ake cere gs wate ree ee ea EEE cae anys of sous detushons ov sro income @ te ST ee et eT wea 9 ie aceite reset eta ete wate ne nn eee a i ac nan tet ESS wos as sari & reese eg te ee en itatuqaa S sans Rerucetey mca ot ni er ata yu pin rca a ase piconet cant meni taence o™ fice a ated ean us Praca tnate can neteoasuerendisisea sete = eae ste to tht Goverame mai ssa ime sen MES Tecate get ret “feared eat opens» ST ro oe ate tg Meh r 2 _BRAIN DUMP urbe: Unde eFPS acum indeed led ote Bote 4 fequesce qumber is gorrated a 1°" Meme ‘TAX BASE =¥Gross income we means Goss Sais ess ales Rebun Discount & Allowantts cogs ABAMETERS FoR THE AVANMENT GF THE OPTION oy Atas rato of 404% GNP (2) ratio of Aa incae ta corer of Tota! fax reenues GAYA tas ert of GNP Cann 0. ato eoktdated pubis cedar fe pstion 19 GNF Aral ony 8 Gems hove ratio of Sales ao othe cecion chal te Irate 3 cers YEO {i Reeomeandaten from the Setar Finance (a) Apo! ofthe oe of ne Fees ert Maumum Coipiale Incime lax CORPORATIONS COVEREO. + oomestic and Resident Fortin Corp CO wnenever such Corporation has 2E°0 er negative fasatie income whenever the omowt of MCT is greater han the natal Tncomt 108 dab den Sth eopermion WHEN CORPs BECOME UABLE UNDER Mert imposed beginning on rhe fourth table yeor imenedioely osm whch ne Corp armerced buses RELIEFS FROM MCIT (Prolonged labor disput ~ mere Kon G months 0 Force Majuee Glegrimaid Busines PvErses Are the. TAX SATE of Mot eat of Grass Income NATURE of EXCESS McIT OVER NORMAL TAS >A deperred asset > any excess af MALT aver Are Normal came TOK can be en eyerttrd on a sparterl or drut basis af the COPE moj be tha esest Gan be ceded against wt corel income aK ae Inne met 8 immediate soceedng tavatle yeors > Any amount tn exCe8s tt fo Cannel be redted agains ‘re nermal income fas dut tne next 3-Yor period shad bs sorted and charged t RE IMPROPERLY ACCUMULATED EARNINGS TAX CIAET) “has impos on copa ats whit iry tp sid inom as with resp tite ohaeratve or onaebldes farther covpraboe TAC RATE + 101 of Impropeiy Accurate Tosabe Inte TAK BASE Taxable incor fn the Year @ Income exuded fra grss interme Income Subject #8 gral 10° Net Operating 123s Camy-0-er CNOLCED Tor! © tr Poa/Aryabig fn ie torable Yeo" Dividends aol constuchrey gadlissued pom ne appicable years fanable income Arent reed ja reo we A Tas as of AT AET BECOMES OVE rDividends must be declared and poi isued rot Lr than year flleing the olast of the toxable yer, otherwis te ART it PH Should bpd wth & days Heres CORPORATIONS COVERED By _IAET >General Ra: The VET oho apg oe expan fred woe ‘etepea ney ear nite ma re rae min coxph permig wr ore glory as aos me 1 pate Comoro dd vd 0 i 1 Cay nad evans Cera of custanding cS w ta sf te tol feat 2 te tc ed Oe er poe ah mn San 0 nS a. trad fang wee ne aera aon ot eB posh «RM same ang pan w nee mee atone tue of» ppn Fete haloes w rms aT ona erin pris foc os ied W Tee ne ene ab snes ol Seely pra ae pagina hl oe PP Speier ep 2. Banks and other non-bank ii otrmediories 5 fey fom 3 tov tne Fe Yorn Ce man egos ate) Eo Narcsal ot vents Setgrnn al te uae PROFIT REMITTANCE TAK > Any profit remied by a brodcho its head ofce shal be subjed ‘oa ginal ia* at Bef which chall bo Bosed on Etat prop ‘applied on earmarked for remitonce» wlojany deduchion for te fee vomponer shareag.eeep! those ache which oe regsted rath ine PeZk. Every resem corp sal be hel abe tea Of ane ict excmarked prof romances to 0 frig country TRANSFER PRICING ADVANCE eRICING ARRANGEMIEN » Pertlns to : Packly valle fe tipo. vino are gaged in ox -brdee fons 9 Cros-border transactions bettenaysooated ete aes vhris on ager betseen re tepayer aed we Bi to determi Domest rareacios beeen asotined emery IMaatangs an appropri cf ene t asta fhe afer >imorder ty peelent tog evoslen, the BIg commissioner ie authorized | prices ef comlied trans over a Psed period a Smt Yo cacat geass Income and aedusios between asaeotd its pape 6 rede te rk waren ping thaninanon Erp ing what may rae eon nara rs rg® Yar rae nin STEPS IN TRANSFER. PRICING Goze ay an a ot es BRAIN DUMP ror tee oign Cm: leo fe /2Pi om asker ge eae of ote bm ng store She ut ae Caw ~Fortign Tox ceait Limit « ert » G6-10 Abad (Geto) werd = FTC may be opt to be doimed a1 dedecton instead 4 cred nt al perce Abad C1 288 ee eh carota ebtr# 183 Tw tt yet = Domesic 40 Resident ese re apt 88 casey An exe coasniion vanes te fore) Loe ren neh sng ny eee ee net Ee a weed tee bt subject id be red. ‘bork dees prey sinter ince go U84 Float Tx) or een 2 8Y aot cremied:eh = Any neea gro tare with depsony Works undr the eypanaed Any ican pon anne oe et dened aM = ividendn pei red fg Aequokion meet on {imams rn! sf oes ce) Leer rel te tory eve Neh open LSS UP fet sotren Year 1 pea Peakerenetendy riley e485 Peak * pepe st Git cee erred ot te sat oval tld, “ee the Props ben sutttes10 ABT Me some ca oon be aed WAT seer ase fe let ded eels onieg ie npelch of 14t1 rats rgr rewe ben sult Winer went afte fs Gradina, oat revere vty Se eetetinegnd Inpeed wd Hot Top cade eet M8 Isto me ie reepent nt ee Paitnerstye. Co-Oumetsliys, Joint Venu PARINERSHIP WNERSHIP. Taxable Exempt Taxatle “reusiness) | Gero an cae Proper formnership Pe cine Partnership aed a 3011 Tena! SOP! toners: GFP: OF OWT set share ° OP: Finoi Tax :: GPP" tosable Income GENERAL PROFESSIONAL ARTWERSH LaBILiTiEs GENERAL CO- PARTNERSHIP GENERAL CO-PARTNERSHE “egaly contemplated at carnations LySindemp rei set to coro 107 Inadusl pariars ar cone etc and thretor. pais detribated vem by The PEMEGhgae tone oe sede lve ava ingore for asaya, dng the creat ice at Impatient not subject te income fae required tog rturs of the ‘ngome for he purport o ur injomoton ws ete tan cach partner i nent gan fraps her eth porter anal freuen msgs 0 he pot ea 0 0f *8 veo 0g ie inca ioe po stb Sal camped ne same tmamer af cogonon fase ing oe rou oy 4 aoe ol wheter aca 4 ops EOE onto oom hobs i eae non ch 2 Ee ep tae tM eee tt da epaN a GU hS darted Jean pr boc vhs a8 RD t aed a torn rx nw sib Poteet sme ng W Nel fame Ta Joan ss rave been ool sareruve rect te pres in he same fasale year and sal et Bint rns) efor) ee toad rowed oot wre eg ton 13 compared ond ted xe tae @ oro come rf farmer in ioe mae) ss ee Nh Be Sa BF ane nau Conia ef EI NRANETS = 267 tote do qorier te my eran x acer 5 fog erie sets nn a we Ni Feared 108 9 quar ely congoraté income rn “yihag ana pane uote wii 60 day one Rega eaee quake nid te anual 9 Testa g koe fe fran by th ide usd, : GPP vs. OP W) Compute the Net share ef o Parmer, net of t0% CWT (2) Compute the Taxable Income +f the Fortner = Get Share from Gross income (Saks GOS) ‘Add with Gl from own Business ip deduction Is a Nemized, 61 ¢com 0 below is Allowable oedvertons 1b, 080, Gross Sales i presented ond oD is 404, Geass Sales Cexc. Gt ro GFP) GanCompuie nit using "Indvviduat taxpayer Gradveted Tax Table” Cap Deawct TC ce. 0H: CWT from Shep!) 40 OEY TY oF the Partner af that Compute Tas due of OF Cao ef 10) (2) Compute Osiributabie Income of OP C71~ITO) (8) Combine Distributable She of Partner we! other {ncomé Ga compute the net Shore ofa Partner, ner af OY FT Estaler § Trusts, 7 i ; EARNERS DECEDENY nein its Indiv “4 ST BENEFICIARY {2. Corporation” | Imcorme ¢ Gross of OWT a. Pacinesshie | | Geet oes a. Estores t ass Incorn stra ob iemed Cereton sig ther is more man trust Distributed ta prejare"Corwo Trvat"coluro Allowable 0 Special Deduction . Taxable income Ive ag credits CONT? fining ox Torob Income wards Notes! More income nay for 9 month go onnuatie Caras af ONT Hf 6%) 2 eedhag Sates shold cctade non-aadcnbe er7ene8S > tatlged income may be os percentage vf NI (QI) searmtted income should came fom the income af He estat ond 80! from the dezedentS estare -attanpuie peda = 2016 BPE = £0000 ¥ AE" 15000 /deyendom, > Spectah bedi 207» 20,000 J No No 3310 for 308 enmardt FT jae we tndeidual Taxpayer Tas Table. Coheckyear) UNDER JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT GR: Subject to tncom® Tos in the Some motiner ap Individuals iis stotus is the same as the Status of the decedent prio tohis death : EX: 1) No additional personal exemgtion is allowed G2) The distribution to the itis dusing the toxcble Yeo estate incame 15 deductible from the toxabie Moms of the eSiale. Such distributed sacoms shall form pact of tho respective eles" anabia sicome When io such distribution to ane hele ts made ducing the fanovie fear thot tne income 15 subjecled to scone tf poyenens bythe estate , he subseqMett disinbyman tere FS mo longer taxable on the port of hE recipient ¢ C5¥ears 3 NOT UNDER JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT Pending the eslrajudizial settement,esher a the ff situations roy aise (9 Ifthe heirs contribute movey. property o industry 40 the estate) Ueitnnon Wf drding me pois tutenfomen tems ‘an unregistered portnerdhp iS created an) fhe ENON becomes Fiabe forth payment of CORPORATE Wea TRY (22 1p tre eles, wfo corouting money. roPey wm industry to tne state eimply diide tne Gris rere bene among themsel'5, CO-SWNERIHP IS CREATED amd INCOME TAK 1 ICO en she Tncome ceceved by ech of Hoe hers, poyanie in ‘hele Separate fond iadiad ual opaaly La yeaesy TRUSTS op TAXABLE ENTITIES (A inast the income of lis to be accumulated BA toast ia le the gidbetary may, ats Ascrehon, ener distebule accumulate she income RULES on TAXABILITY of the INCOME Af 0 TRUST > The income of he 406 for tne taxaole yeor wo to D6 Woecbuwed ee bones ror efoto ve serhinag's poyment sf Has lit om the keneicianes ng ingore of te tanh fo t6 to be accumujared a held bo {ire aan es erg ‘ordinary income rors eau of 2500 cated i he carpus She esate corput” of reeling af fetuen and payment ta» became Ane burden of Fhe ciee w vent LRREVOCAGLE TRUSTS. Chat yt compe and ax intr ~ pe an et ly, Ne Fe yet . and py yo tr Pe ES ¢ Eventhough partners’ sha tS are. sub) 1 the partnership Sl needs 48 fie 1 Fen crm ot wea ecru etn ay Las eu ener pment she ein aah nt i ica ltt Te mae ee rated net a a eee ase imate pap A ERINGE BENEFIT TAX Te final income ‘a7 onthe employee which shall be wield an Ta es eee 3 FRINGE BENEFIT ageed ere otter wre wished arated 7 On amy andrew og agin fo bate sls 9 enrol LIABLE 10 FBT ‘=r Employer Car withhsiding agen!) ‘TAX BASE of FBT. > GROSS MONETARY VALUE (6MV) ROSS Ay Atpica reales by the employee wich Ince he net amp af maney we money volut property wich Was een rece tne onto Fan tert ere oot from te employee ee oy tb employer for aia Eehaf of tr# CYP 2018 onward Ge “ NRANETE (Adee!A) 15 “25 wire aur 95% BL Toya Special Alena mags eer | IWATURE b TREATMENT of E87 vudacite tram he eoxale ince of MF Cmelyer events RULE Mir euro osu gt eh BT eho vee flowable The attons rd aise come of re omer eEPtCN Pinta fo compurahon of FOr tthe dereiakn VON, He eae Tats ont he aetal TB pad ha omMRE trues pence Ht empe7 FRINGE BENEFITS NOT SUBJECT & FBT 4. Ip it is required ov necessary 0 ine business ef employer 2. Ip it is for te convenience dn advontagt eb employer 2. Fringe Benefits wfe are auinoszed ¥ exempled under sfec01 laws, such as the 13" momth pay and other Benes with te cling of 90.000 |. Benepis given to the Ronk-ond Fe Employes wether grantea under 0 CEA an nt 5. The Oe minimis. Benehi? UMMARY COMPUTATION «fF KINDS of BENET bonETARY VALUE FORMULA ash aan vous gien byemploytr MV: GUPSFBTT Foemplyee Property ev, Zonal volue wh Assessed Value wacherer is Usufeuct deprecation Value #2 Movable -8 ys depreciated Immovable *20 913 Interest oregone interest rale Cornet rote of 121." tener charge by employ) PRE 4. Monetized unused Vocation Leave? Credits vf private mpoyees not exceeding 10 days during the year and the monetized vole of leave ered and 4 gevtenment cial ‘and employees 2. Medical Cash Alowance to dependent? f emelajes net exceeding pase ger employee per semestt a BARS ger month ore on Ma 3: Rice subsidy of BABB {sack of 504g rite per month amounting to tel more thon Pre sciviprm ening atowans net eding RES nam §, Actual yeory medical bneA'S net exceeding o.000/onnurt «¢, toundy lowancy Mot ecteding #300/month NOTES! (a) 016 Treshold: P60 per emplayee/sem on 9 125/enin Rew Threshold: #1500 per employee sem a P c0/man® @ old Ineeshald: P1.300/ meen New Threshaid: P2000 mort (an old teeshold P ,000 formuen New threshold: P&000/ annem temployees athevement awards whith mat bein the form oho tangibs period pape ethtr han the cos git ceritte, wih ar annacl moneiry AME of nv ceeding Pre avo received by the enpf under oF tetonished erie pan we dees not derma fovor of wrplyee eMot allowances net eteeding 26%. of dally misimam ous 4, Customary gifts not exceeding 5.000 40. Yeavel aorood 1) Air fare rickets of economy A business class cescet ir Goss which 207, thereef is deemed taxable ‘antoelgecommodation fs 480/403 2) Inland Travel 1% Productivity bonus mot ceeding 10.000 provided tert ie CBR KINDS ef ASSET 1. ORDINARY -used in business (e.g. Inventory ) Gain : Port ef Grots Income :: Loss : Allow Deduct 2, CAPITAL ~ngt used in business 4a. Real Property 6%, on Fav en SP = CGT bb shores rf Stock =I57.G6t (Not traded] sted) A Tradba/ustes - PT 9. SPECIAL = factoring /sale/ assignment AIR 1. Holding Period {Imes + 100) > amas > Bot 2.04 toss disallowed v ‘only to the extent of cA gana) a. Net CA lars mayoe x carried over to next 4 axable year WASH SALES “1, Similar securities cinvestment) 2. purchased w/in 80 days 3: So1d wlin 80 doys STEPS In comPuNING NO Attribute the Sol@ w/secunfi@ Purdased CeEentY Compo 105 per transae¥on Gduaton if whin 30 d0ys {A) Mow it beyond 30.605. BUT only to the extent of gain Cit rere 15 mo. gan, A/0 +0) Patton deguthons 17 Dealer of Seourtes NOTES! Basle rubs on sale of coptol assets Gibabe op shares of stbch of 0 0 fy Nhe LEE IFO As freon rom nom Yo 0a etal wcpoyes BBG snares of stom of Oe vet tra WE sbjen 10 8t Sano persona Property Toned inthe Phils by © Re is suhEA te the ks on elaing period Instalrnenl Welhad’ 1. Initial Bevaens does not exceed 257, of gp Cait benepiis received by seller e.g ant b Fey bortered © Mortgage) 2. Casual Sole of movabes- exceeding Hie bls -0n installment How | Jaitiat Poymeet Gog Contract Price A \NITIAL PAYMENT = PO instatieent on 1" Ye @ Excess morigage over cos! CONTRACT PRICE 1 sPO Mortgage @ Excess Mortgage ‘over Cost Note! S*xo change an formata if ordinary 0338) . Wp capital osser check Holding pened OF >RM, goin is muttipyed w/ SOT) = Benepiss given to supervisory employees wnder aCBA we a taxable fri eigen Af en ar ets ae Regt bee Riel of mar} gs 28 ehgnhes rom capa ga ena aanocng posse Tet ig ape onthe EMP? wel at sre dedi oer Bye em cece wane of tar monoers mpce obest ce enemy ng ef sn eel ie a wi 8 “Reena tenuate es Hee onan ht seta tne ete pnd oy me mreye mec ae lt mr rr ini meld a ee apreaepes ew Eee ogo Pe reese eta AEY ee ins nesptataay or errrecene) wef suhac gen, Swat wea euaetce me mle age I tet tyne may" we “Hcttamatesnabeed» EY “ete rs rete dai tee? inate ve TENS on joe veemnted GROSS INCOME. 1. Compensation 2, lncame from Busines 3. Gaine in dealings derives from property 4. Interest loans) 5. Rents (Cash) ©. Royanties (outsidé) 1. Dividends Croreign tap) 4. Annuities 4. Pensions 40. Prizes (¢ 10.000) 1. Partner share in GFP 1 wether legal illegal EXCLUSION prartons Cat EXCEP IH ‘-Proteed? of Ups Ingurang? 1) ae Compensation im tind CFB) + MWe 2. GPP 2. Return et remum, Copia 4 Gv cenergyzonsuction [2 Gis cDohors 184, mative *LoveY 3. Fomiy Rome sale ¥9. Pu income from Treaty Furhse new FH Ys. Compensoten arising from injury CMENTAL) etnteregs on usd depost JP Ceception test Fro) Non-Resident Retirement (Boyes yrs Service BIR approved.onee 5 don't 88 Gat ys eteran®) Ac ‘Separation Ceease from empoyer? 1 D1 06-0 ier TABLE cieMe Rance Pounary voluntary >resKgo Redundanof Cgetrenehmtat Teor Saving exe “bead rears (Reshliay “Tossed A etal Wo HEMT ‘enacts of 1080} HABE totes ree ome eed Fe fn ta gc Lan peng wit BR aces foc) ys ty ta rel peel” fowior Bere Fe sane (8:5 Poth tn Vecmem tt (> yo" F pen ia Eaernces cra 2 5. Goins from real property (64.661) ans rom soso Not Liste (IST. CGT Ute corn) ac imtereat on Bonk vepoelt = got. (15%, rig US$) a 6 Ropaties whi Phils 0 1-F Co ioteliectual) 4. DornesHe: Carp widens QOL IRAE 20L FD by. a 40. Prizes 7 4,000 C22. FI) 1 roe’ sre in OF ot) a Tories ct0060 (080 ~ 1h Shore of partner trom sont verrure Soin foraree Deckucténs ann Exempling. 08D wr ‘Individual : Gross Receipts ey Gross Sales B. Corporation * Gross Income ONE ¥ ordinory-usual 2. Necessary shell cog: wits) E Connected & Ferd Ferferende -Alew b copital several Asaow 5. Suuontotion oct 47 Goods 27 stewie 51 em to), Fr services 7.Reasonabie 1eet reduchion/ceina 387 of posse come (Awan) TAKES ‘ALLOW Teueiness Peer 2807 3 Tariffs & customs tomes Tax ISALLOW, evar s.Penalnes 2. Surcharges LIT ET, oF Speoal Ateessments Beeebs Energy Business Porm tor Raf GR RPT or 27 of Assesed Vo IW ayBe : Foreign IT CAC/OE world) BAO DEBTS. = writerof © recognize 80 exp Coen? = Recovery : reeogrie ta exon ayp collected LOSSES: o Copan used business alowed niyo he sn eRbgans Speci -aombioalass oan Dekuchins ano Gremplins ¢ "Ni DEPLETION = method by BIR Commissioner 2.0 cost = AiLow , Benet apparent = DISALLOW : Not ¢ PENSIONS SB years) —ALLow _ Present Service 14% month V2 60st 4.50 ylo _—OlSALLOW past Sernce 8 Ys +o yer Backlog) Beto yes serace C2 of MOX 9S of Sete) CHARITABLE CONT RIBUTIONS _——AlLow —__pisaliow eila Purpose’ priory Ad NET! SH.CO 4 gc MN Taina #1 aESENS" gu ecg, Yolanda vere) * Donee "Gov Done Nad Gey Slanae visting) | Ce wD) 307. Admin ale &— NON-DEOUCTIBLE EXPENSES 1. Reloied Party -# inereat. BD Exp Lasse 4. ersonal ising Exp - 2 Cop’ exp jescept “schoo! 4 Brbes 5. Premiums gad wbereby tne employee the bené\cary = lnterertenperse mcomennon mr te tefayers suse shal he yam aqua fo Sito ner ere sapere fo roai Tor “Tebealoned aa.0 vald delachon,chontable Pothtgonnunen mutt pete gg fone incr efor carts evan Wt Wiaucle CO cae of corporation) i term quar\-bootng ale mans borrowing funds fam ey mma? person at anyone time tough he asuanse endersement wn accepts det Fretrumense any Kina oer ran depos merwt in grerrnent de sees ce f0x08 “Ineo tanger te aroion ef fat, int Eames by fe ower ‘ond capil yan ne Sf Land or cmp! stort remus py on ony ie aso poly cng He ef ay oer Oe ‘rere mes pars members f veh emeEe ae ores bean we paren 1S. Bot wash aes of toe oscars dol no! be deus be pisos of et fe and rn neat repre axe Dinesh o suk sod ana ten reaeaured win oped beginning 80d5y¢ efor fe hat of suenoe deposin end wegjonng SO conn aoe end aren ore we 9 yo eo sop irierouc cule dgpenton oss from t0nnsale af eek rl ve devote he tapoyer 6 adeley of becilesos mann couse of naote of oh a ee vate beection $n posh foyer foemgloee win apy peng sat ged Pepeeteson rit deduction compared o he pat see cat and me pret ‘Atowable Desa for Penson before fob ir oPas4 Jc? w+ Present ‘Mowane_ ed's pr fern gtr TOM Ie» Prawn Audra Gravy gon oessoecrd to inane Ia Loved tn areonabl eon setae vege as 9 ears ald ena nee Stned tM Cop fo rare an 0 Yet “Nfonvemen gaudy bone bed fe mtane oy ere as faced by Ce src wo he emg caw! Preece te nooner pas fore berecionwpon ne dae he rss are exempt foto ort Ona eed oe decom fay azn tt Poe arbre 0 mecurpares fon fr med amie men Sah ie ePo” tae ace ge rai cua Toucan gn ean ion of esa ard ose als emake Se mera Ey we respecte ayo sobaoas ae oe Seu “ork didens eects hy We gor 80 ls Act oF? ashalvsen® recettd bya Ot rar #0 Is Oampt fem ame Sot [ore ocrgaon wns sued 6)» FC shale oehodered as ntona® awstats in ne Mf To hme cae 8 it [A oie 7 eyes trp oh me ie ae ge wesent fine oaueatono usy awsied w arechy connected wh the rnsoyers dd busiest m professor ond tee a writer corral bette vera or eof ara aiipaon wo rag any ngint ‘ime tna they hare manual red UPS, ‘Eibnance evened yan employer 10 Tr dagendents aed oe gtd bene tm poe i ne “pa complie Seheme ord Senet Prog yn acumng rete emake Ee mast a oe wearer ena See ate it anectinee a aes eae etgopo atte tmtgle ot ne Sec nou nao Senge nae rad ra tat narra eempon Ses nteted | the tana fo | Atough rem sz orp tose more @ pa et wesc Ne mt Pes ge ch pen eT ee pes a west sesame AT set pate Aer post Etec mat of pom We anszued st os porny “nano ot ren comers ncn Granta eehaenal Sa Samar alto e0pee ere weeme wan PR IN THE COURSE of TRADE w BUSINESS = regular conduct wf a Commercial ar an ecancrit, ati, Fnetudng transachiens itidectal *hereto by any person tagardleds of whe ther a1 nat the person Engaged deren FS°non-stockl non-profit organization on 304 ently uswveSs TAX 1-VAT 2, Excise Tax > 8 omer Fecetoge Tox) VATARLE TRANSACTIONS 1. Sale o§ goods 2, Sale services 3. Lanse ef property 4. Importation 1§ goods EXCISE TAX, 4: Distilled Spints 2 wines 3. Fermented Liquor 4 cigas 5 cigarettes 5. Tobacco products 7. Automall 1 twaapctured fuels ¥ other oils Ja. Minera Product? to. Non-essensia! good sb How TAXED? “Aa valorer COMED ~Spesgie cual) Jy wiio ARE LABLE Shaaouyacture® = Importer EXEMPT EXEMPT EXEMPT ALL H-Export 1 FoodcaMFoig ALL Export H.OFt eeronsate | Aaipmen| i may zat cag rcaan|- ef Zo [LEER Abroad nt |Rated trans ‘set i, t-useet init |-Fe penile sk: Heh [Sede seat 1808) a.pacionen | trans agus Laws) 1 0A Cau Faso | egetned [a ure, Soma cae Nan tena afropety | Edeouommnengtion ti envoy rm) Oreos Petts Lommbs . prommetet fag. mistonm). 6 Famers 1 aeterment| geancode FAT ai SGoy5 tees Bending Cop caine Se dita Pending, Peg elooe necro (etbordinen) Thee Lan soon eae : erent (Lipari Tete OD) steed aot (foe eg) ir daa ose [meena oR ALL Landed Cast) Value of impor necessary Cost reid rowaret 2 wrorege Soot 3 terre 6 conantt event) * teen uty aon) Damping Lon) “eater g 5 = Morsing sitab) “bigrmib ory casey + Fouad (hens Volume) Food 2 Feriizer Personal Howser egcts fe irate vessel Hn Yovone apstaral Ingeaments |<. suprbers In creer iseyoge sweat Aenean Value focdeat Tor- Input 4. Substantiation Coouble Registry? 2, Purchases orate (a) for conversion > Suppi8s G3) ina ei eects & equipment Ge) aipmperty > wedi business 43. Deemed purchase (shitting? 4 Transitional Input VAT 4.Chonge fram OPT VAT 4 2re bagioning inventory a4 actual VAT * 5. Presumptive input VAT ee Srines, mackerel, Mille ,CanKing Gil, Packed Needles. Repined sugar 44". Cash Payment G. Input VAT Allocation at —o1__ Toreait——Teredit Refund ~Expens “epnvert tax ca/0 17RD yes BR Com days deen Sodays appeal A 7. Filing of vat Return sr Moninnj = 208 Component 2» quarierty = 25" cumutabe® {OTE Filing of HR. VAT Retr SemUltaNEOUSY NG VAT- EXEMPT TRANS (ac8<5") = 37 on GR N7 LAND COMMON CARRIERS PHY Karson Ardinoy OL fara Sa oi HP ie ry nol he (n-AT tspayer 5 xemy fom payee l oat kroferl intemal ees toner con jut ak fore ond “fi i =| “Frau of oy person to roger bes YAeny shat tut 4 ni eingYempoany clear trans en ny i gh ean whctevtsrequremerke qrts/be hy ie Cmissone nthe cesure see “Nye period fo Feuer a0 8 Vatenty wh the pyre ROL chal be win 0 Aoye fram sedate eget Tine itn goes nye ut even i ere iene atuale the gnds War 9 poporiona tat Byron oe of ot w bse tage ee ‘prom renders sects and en pean who pore gon ae te» REE nl ay wore i Teewh i tandeel by proton tuch 24 cP Piso nd logget 07. Vat cArehregered peeks erase sae 8 rot od We Heo Me ft EAN gy mgneed pen mt eer a ok ted Wo hes WH emp Concept of Estate Tax SUCCESSION NATURE of SUCCESSION = mode of acquisition of POP tights = gatutout transmission, ‘and obligations by wrtue of another Sono ton used by ta” person's death center mots 060) oigation fo the een! of intoitone ELEMENTS of SUCCESSION INHERITANCE 1 Decedent -diea/testator propo rights oryed 1 grate eran ae one avneits TYPES of SUCCESSION oer mpalanry to Wane Testament Eandatory toe teepvtoe ‘Aegon na ded winced" 4 Types ef COMPULSORY HEIR, Treen tt nent dee 2. Inestote/ Legal mio water wh wil bu! on invalid one 3, Mixed Witt gm oct whereyy the pers is perouted wruate pormaliespreseribed by [2 to contol to 0 certo Gegrét in #2 diopeston of estate, {Holographic -eniey we 2,SecondOry-hgifitegt prrertsdt S Concurring -survicing spouse ® Meg Sessbadonts tn abrence op ex ase whoskall Inhant im oder pony "teal ges pe op cantagorn a bilppitegonectner! nb WF eign cogs - IEEHED SO torial - notarized signed by decedem ag inherdance el aa ay te | BERSupplementfaditon to wil G . = portion restr fo Eompulsory eo OTHER PERSONS im SUCCESSION. 1. Legale inher personal grep Py will 2. Devisee “inherits real prop Py will 4 Executor named by deccdem fo Cony ot wil 4, Administrotors -apponted by court to ‘manage estole ESTATE TAXATION, = taxation of the gratatous tronster of properti2e of dezedent fo the heirs = Natur NExCise ta on the prvege 1 tronsfer 4 Revenue [General Tox 3, Ad Valorem Tax dependent upon esate 4. National Tax imposes by ra" govt 5 Pro 7 Sain bode mm Oo Goss ESTATE fotlty of properties owned ly We devedent al the poirt of hi death DEDUCTIONS “reduchon (m inheritance of heirs NET TAYAGLE ESTATE Tnetipropenies of decedent over al pertinent educirs ollowble by ‘OW ros GROSS ESTATE VALUATION PROPERTY VALUATION | Naa wih esi (citizens me it fs ty cal x ae (aeleva |i (lel /i« t fea x |x Tay nigher 129 Zonat valve From 618) {Fa pentax aeciaroson ‘Real Property Aro ve no edly, Kyte oe 2)shares of stock umted-fom ook Yalu Por value splisted ‘Average of Migh’ Low (i none, cae dae da INTANGIBLE PROPERTIES crasisned oben He 1. Franchise exercised in the, Philippines 1 1. Shores,gbtestions of bonds coasted in he PIE issued by ary ear? 4. Shares ligation’ or bonds issued by omy F070" comp Hey op business of which 1s loeoted in The, Pilppines 14. Shares igttons or bonds issued by ony foreign Gare i such have acquired fusingss tus in oe Patippines '.shares or Fgh in ony partnership, business of inde nthe ripen ‘ insuptctens Consideration (22. rategreayy a! cree ese sginmenimearmanyter “tao! “ge! ie Sartre keh Ho ode » 8 ‘uae i mcaone 0m tO ange owas. ste naptoton os ec gs toto enn SPOT oF Fnac Latest standard mortoliy te by the ln Personal Prop Fv whather tongs or intonaible PROPERTIES NOX PHYSICALLY IN THE ESTATE ‘eee’ terest 1 Weer in coner'avon of death ‘Howto ans 4 Tronger onder Ge Fant fon weurcent onsderaton & Betenae oy ute tourance Searatetactoraaenestrator Bd person, reso che eS esslaen ersen C0 fa ons) (uaedaded th 6) PRIORITY RULES / LEVELS * nd a4 Priocty Oecgdent Spouse (41? 3 AL 4h AB priority Priority ‘ ee Pageant ft gouen Eyes) (2 est gdinren css ume robe! Be eat gy at eee ee geiac) Compinents of Grone Extate | Papertes exiting at the ine oF deat such as oat Property I Tange Prenat opt Img esoea, PogetY cogent’ nets cai eam 1 bropernes traneqtered grates!) during reece Fagen deo rane tr-¥O5 or ower catemelton of ath 2 Ome si reteenfesereatin of eeetain Fa”! eaten of sek angered wt ons aed ince ama Tay nkes We bas btn Iroutored) 6. oro roster Faia areng under GP Ct erat during NE dens ty) 2a vor ure engrave as emeting fe bo rms merase sje 8 ores") a. Proves tram ae snsuronee ; eed acl act Sane tear or odie vo Pd p00 orierip propt-usaractaony SQM Teetiene, but in gubstante Conia form 008 0 stone) GrbarEatale of Marhied Yecedonts _ SIMILARITIES between GPOG + ACOP ros | ADE Trepinhented a: donation OM € Peep acquired c 4 Prop acqueed tomar of eats | ¢ Aa over coma prog ‘ c DIFFERENCE verween POG + ACOP eee 208. Aor | Propet Ooo breagih omanage |e c eat ee pee Tt Seance slameet ener Sr haeet we ote ssh ape poe hin branes 8508! Mey ‘iia wt Sage oe ewe apenas bly water sen ei ete era Site ot eta Sl anne Graturous ‘onfous GR Evi ee Pr tasircton of ver Fore notes ‘cor: sanointectce te (6) Te fo exdenelies (€) EXEMPT TRANSMISSIONS Cmohnueds/ Unvmohhied,) Beer tnt he cme Heroes Me $store Seemann gon eae ei Se weornor mei dents irl ond cori muon no Ne tt EME af wach ines fo te ent of on individual, provided. vrei Soft he su la ei Wage fata wed ncn athe for Sernoten aodien Special Low Maiod. | rma ied.) 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