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Can Science Be a Remedy of Loneliness?

Science can help cure loneliness but how? We all know that loneliness is an everyday battle.
Researchers defined loneliness as perceived social isolation and surveys that was conducted in
three rich countries (Japan, America,) shown that a high percentage of people are lonely (The
Economist,) and in my own experience, loneliness is a painful condition or feeling of not being
wanted by anyone and once that feeling started it will be like a virus that will spread throughout
all the nerves and will input negative thoughts like "I want to be with them but i know that they
don't want me." It is a self-destructive bomb that tries to keep ourselves from the reach of
others. The question right now is do science have a bomb defuser?
Let's start with a simple cure that is introduced by psycholgy. Psycholgy is the science of mind
and behavior (Meriam Webster, 2019) which created interventions in dealing with loneliness.
Some may think that loneliness is more of an emotional condition but it's actually more
damaging to the mental and physical health according to studies. First is the improving of social
skills because studies have shown that lack of intrapersonal skills to start and create
relationships is one of the causes of loneliness. There is also a type of counseling to improve
social support and increase opportunities for social interaction but the most effective is the
change in maladaptive thinking where psychologist explains that lonely people shows automatic
attentional biases for social threats (Cocciopo, et al 2019) or tend to pay more attention to
disagreements and criticisms that cause them to think negatively of interacting. This intervention
aids to change them to identify negative thoughts and teach how to treat these destructive
thoughts as testable hypotheses and not really a fact. In the study
When it comes to the pharmaceutical way, there is a pill that triggers pregnenolone that might
reduce the fear to connect of lonely people. Based on the research of Brown, S.E etal. (2018)
on their study of Neuropsycho pharmacology, loneliness is connected to depression and in their
study the depression remission rates were greater in the group that titrated 500 mg/day
compared to the 37% of the placebo group. In the study of Cacciopo et al (2019) the pill does
not intend to remove the feeling of loneliness but it is something that will alert us of what we
need like being open to interaction because the hormone pregnonelone helps in the brain
function and helps relieve depression, mood swings, and anxiety.
Some studies also shows that technology can help reduce loneliness in a way that social robots
are created and applications were designed to help every lonely people to cope up with the
feeling of being isolated (The Economist, 2018).

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